WB 6.7.20
Friday 10th July 2020
Hi everyone!
Here is your home learning for today - the end of another week! I hope you all have a super weekend and I'll see some of you again on Monday!
Take care,
Miss Hill
WRITING: Caterpillar Shoes – use the link below to watch the short video.
Caterpillar Shoes is a story about a caterpillar. He is very hungry, all he does all day is walk and eat and walk and eat. On every pair of feet, a pair of tiny shoes he wears!
Choose one of the two writing activities below:
1. Create a storyboard retelling the story – you could use the template given or rewrite the main events in your exercise books.
2. Write a fact file in your exercise books for one of the creatures.
MATHS: Money Revision
READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day.
Thursday 9th July 2020
Good Morning! I hope you are all well
Here is your work for today! Almost the weekend - keep going!!
You're doing an excellent job!!
Take care,
Miss Hill
PURPLE MASH: Grammar – Compound Words. Formation of nouns using compounding.
MATHS: Subtraction Revision
RE: God - Why is Joseph important to Jewish people?
Adults - Introduce the story of Joseph. Explain this is a story found in the Jewish holy book the Torah and also in the Christian holy book the Bible. Explain what the Torah is and why it is important to Jews, it is also the first 5 books of the Christian bible…
Adults & Children: Using the ideas found in this text, explore the emotions of jealousy and the relationship between Joseph and his brothers and the place of Joseph’s dreams in Genesis 37:1-11. You could role-play, discuss and also draw characters with speech bubbles.
Discuss: What might this story teach people about Joseph and God? Questions you can explore e.g. what can we learn about Joseph and how he followed God from this part of the story? Does this part of the story teach the Jews anything about God? Why is Joseph remembered by Jews as an example of how to live?
READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day.
Wednesday 8th July 2020
Hello Y2!
I'm so sorry, I just realised I never posted a good morning message for you all! I hope you are all well and I'm looking forward to seeing some more of you return to school tomorrow and Friday
Have a lovely day,
Miss Hill
PURPLE MASH: Maths - Telling the time quiz
Tell the time to the hour and half past the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times.
ENGLISH: Capital Letters
E-SAFETY: In-App Purchases
Read through the PPT (with or without a grown up) and complete task on the last slide (creating about poster about in-app purchases).
READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day.
Tuesday 7th July 2020
Good Morning! How is everyone?
I will comment on your work from today on Wednesday and leave you a little voice message (it will be tricky for me to do it today with some of you in school)
I'm really looking forward to reading all of your work on Isaac Newton and his inventions!
It has been lovely to see some of you back in school this week - those of you at home and those of you who wont be returning before the end of the year, please know that I'm super proud of every single one of you for all of your incredible hard work and efforts! You are all AMAZING!! Keep going!
Have a great day!
Take care,
Miss Hill
PURPLE MASH: Science – Isaac Newton
Use the template to write about Isaac Newton, famous for writing laws and theories about forces and motion. I have included a PPT below with lots of information to help you!
READING: x15mins reading
TIMES TABLES: x15mins x table practise
Monday 6th July 2020
Hope everyone has had a super weekend!
Here are your activities for today if you aren't in school....
Have a lovely day,
Miss Hill
PURPLE MASH: Common Exception Words - Spellings for this week. Complete the quiz on Purple Mash.
1. whole
2. any
3. many
4. clothes
5. busy
6. people
7. water
8. again
9. half
10. money
TASK: Create x10 sentences in your exercise books using the spelling words from this week. Can you practise them daily and give yourself a mini quiz on Friday?
MATHS: Place Value Revision
*If you are unable to print, write the question number in your exercise books along with your answers/any working out.
ENGLISH: Conjunctions
Co-ordinating conjunctions - and/but/or
Subordinating conjunctions -when/because/if/that
READING: x15mins reading
TIMES TABLES: X15mins x table practise