Design and Technology
Design and Technology lessons make a particular contribution to children's SMSC development through...
Design Technology | We promote spiritual development by...
Allowing students to be innovative, creative and reflective. Encouraging students to express their thoughts through their designing and their abilities through the making process. Investigating existing products and design aspects so that they can develop an understanding of what successful design is and how it can enhance our world. Facilitating the process of creative thinking and innovation which inspires students to use their talents and develop their self-confidence. Challenging students to seek solutions and adapt their thinking to consider the needs of others.
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We promote moral development by...
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Encouraging students to develop a sense of ‘moral conscience’ through focusing upon the moral dilemmas raised in designing and making new products. Focussing on issues such as Fair-Trade products, animal welfare and differing dietary needs. This allows students to have a voice and consider their own beliefs whilst listening respectfully to the beliefs of others. Considering the wider impact of design on the environment and encouraging students to consider carefully the materials & components they will use. Helping students to think about sustainability and how recycled and reusable materials can be used. Developing students’ sense of responsibility as designers and consumers.
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We promote social development by...
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Providing students with opportunities to work as a team and interact socially. Allowing students to share ideas and equipment and develop an understanding of how to work safely and with consideration of the needs of others. Promoting equality across the subject area and providing all students opportunities to develop a range of social skills such as respect and tolerance for the ideas of others.
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We promote cultural development by...
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Seeking to expand students’ knowledge of other cultures and their influences on design. Setting challenges to explore and understand different cultures through research, practical experience and sensory analysis. Encouraging students to reflect on their products and existing products and the possible impact those products might have on individuals within our diverse society.