Year 5
Hello Class 5,
We've got a very busy half term ahead, so we'll keep you updated on Class Dojo.
Here are a few things to remember:
- PE will now be on a Friday. Children are to come into school wearing their PE kits on their PE day.
- Brass instruments will need to be in school every Thursday.
- Swimming will be every Thursday.
- The children will receive x1 maths and x1 English homework on a Tuesday and this will be due the following Monday. Children can hand their homework in at any time during the week once it is completed. There is a basket inside the classroom for finished homework.
- Spellings will be sent home weekly and tested every Tuesday.
- Topic home learning will be sent home via class dojo and a paper copy will be given to each child.
- Home reading should be completed at least 3 x per week and needs to be recorded in the homework diaries. Diaries will be checked on a Friday each week.
- Please continue to spend 10 minutes (at least) 3x a week learning your times tables. Times tables. You can use TTRockstars or The Maths Factor to help with this.
Please see our curriculum map and knowledge organisers below for more information about all of our topics this year.
Miss Holdsworth