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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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Who are we?

Stretton St Matthew’s CE Primary School has been at the heart of the Stretton community since early 1900’s. Our school is a one-form entry, semi-rural VA school which attracts pupils from the surrounding villages of Stretton, Appleton, Hatton and Stockton Heath. We have capacity for 210 pupils which is a PAN of 30 per year. Stretton St Matthew’s has recently converted to an academy joining Chester Diocesan Academies Trust (CDAT) as of 1st September 2023. There is little mobility in terms of school population and numbers – school remains oversubscribed for the majority of years.


Leadership Structure: 

Headteacher: Miss S Simcock

Assistant Headteacher: Mrs R Hazeldine (mat leave), Miss J O'Gorman

SENDCO: Miss A Stubbs and Mrs J Pawson

KS1 Lead: Miss A Stubbs 

KS2 Lead: Miss J O'Gorman

Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead: Mrs C Watson 


The percentage of pupils known to be eligible for pupil premium is below the national average. The number of pupils identified as having additional needs is also below the national average. Attendance is above the national target – children show a keen enthusiasm to come to school each day. Our school works hard to diminish the gaps between outcomes of vulnerable pupils and other pupils through various programmes of intervention and support for children in order for them to access and achieve their full potential.


Stretton St Matthew’s is a high achieving school. We strive to challenge our pupils to aim high through our broad, balanced, engaging and exciting curriculum which allows all children to reach their full potential in a happy, stimulating, inclusive and safe environment. It is flexible, achievable for all, child-led and promotes links with our local and global communities.


The leadership of RE is highly valued. We allocated sufficient time for effective monitoring of RE and Collective Worship. We work with professionals outside of school (cluster meetings/working groups/lead teachers) to ensure we provide the highest quality of education. No children withdraw from any aspect of collective worship demonstrating the parental support for the vision of the school.


We work in partnership with the church, diocese and our school community and have strong and meaningful links which we are proud of.  We are part of the Chester Diocese ‘Family of School’s’ which enables the DBE to provide a range of services which meet the distinctive needs of our school – school visits, CPD/training etc… This ensures that our training is current and based on our Christian foundation. We work with a range of external providers who provide enrichment opportunities for our pupils. The Headteacher is a member of Warrington Association of Primary Heads (WAPH) and attends termly LA meetings in addition to half termly cluster meetings. On 1st September 2023, Stretton St Matthew’s became an academy and joined Chester Diocesan Academies Trust (CDAT). As a Church school, we embrace any opportunity to strengthen our excellent links with the Diocese of Chester, which we feel we will do as an academy within the Trust.


Each half term, we focus on one Christian value within worship and it is truly embedded into the children who know and understand our values as well as seek to demonstrate these through all aspects of their life.  We believe that we all ‘create and nurture a secure and caring Christian environment where every child can develop in their own faith and learning journey.’ This statement is at the heart of the school and shows our commitment to supporting families and promoting outstanding teaching and learning.  
