Year 4
September 2024
Welcome to Year 4!
Hello Year 4,
Welcome to the new school year! I am excited to learn with you this year, we have a wonderful term ahead.
Here are a few notices and reminders:
- PE - PE will be on a Friday morning this half term - please come into school wearing your PE kits on this day.
- Swimming - we will be swimming at Broomfields this term on a Thursday morning. Please come in your PE kits.
- Homework - You will receive x1 maths and x1 English homework on a Tuesday and this will be due the following Monday. You can hand your homework in at any time during the week once it is completed - there is a basket in the classroom for completed homework. We will mark these together on a Monday morning.
- Spellings - Your spellings will go home with your homework every Tuesday and we will have our spelling test on a Monday.
- Times Tables - We will practice our times tables daily in school. At the end of the year we will have a Multiplication Check that will test all of your times tables from 1 to 12. TT Rockstars will be your best friend! Make sure you are practicing at home.
- Reading - Please record your daily reading in your home-school diary. These will be checked each Friday morning.
I have attached our Curriculum Map to this page, so you can have a look at what we will be learning for the rest of the academic year.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask
Miss Taylor