Equality and Diversity
Mission Statement: “To create and nurture a secure and caring Christian environment where every child can develop in their own faith and learning journey.”
“Let the little children come to me for it is to such as these that the Kingdom of God belongs.” Mark 10 (14-15)
At St Matthew's, we embrace and celebrate diversity. We recognise every individual at school and provide opportunities for all. In accordance with our Equality Policy we are committed to providing a school where we do not tolerate any form of bullying, intimidation or discrimination. We have clear guidelines in place for dealing with such incidents.
We are a school with No Outsiders and work hard within the curriculum, through assemblies and books to embrace diversity. We are proud to have received the Rainbow Flag Award that recognises the LGBT+ inclusivity of our school and curriculum. If you would like to know more about this, please contact either Mrs Watson or Miss O'Gorman.
Our mission statement identifies the importance that we place on valuing individuals and their individuality. We are fully committed to offering all our children every possible opportunity to achieve their full potential and achieve the highest standards. This is achieved by taking into account their varied experiences and needs. Our curriculum is therefore broad and balanced and we have high expectations of our children. Achievements, attitudes and well-being of all our children really matter to us. We are very proud of our school in offering fair and equal experiences to all children.
Throughout the school we celebrate individual and collective success through our displays, celebration assemblies, St Matthew's courageous advocates and our newsletters. Our ambition is to make sure every child is equipped with the skills they need to succeed as they progress on to High School and the wider world.
For more information please see our Equality Policy and our equality statement in the Policies section of our website.
For information on the Church of England's document 'Valuing All God's Children' please click here:
LGBT+ support and signposting.
If parents have any questions, you are welcome to come and speak to any member of staff who will be happy to talk to you about our LGBT+ inclusive curriculum and school environment. We will also be able to offer you any support that you might need and signpost you to some organisations that can provide further support and information.