Curriculum Intent
The Curriculum Pyramid
Curriculum Intent at Stretton St Matthew's C of E Primary School
Christian values are at the heart of our teaching and learning and we encourage all of our children to put these values into practice in every aspect of school life. We offer a six-dimensional curriculum which is designed to ensure Stretton St Matthew’s is a beacon of excellence within the community and is a school of opportunity for our children. We are uncompromising in our ambition to develop the whole child whilst ensuring we utilise research and new initiatives locally, nationally and globally. We aim to ensure that our children know and understand their role as global citizens and we encourage the children to be courageous advocates from within the broad and balanced curriculum that is delivered. We want every child to have opportunities for deep thinking, reflection and personal spiritual growth through collective worship, RE teaching and many awe and wonder opportunities throughout the wider curriculum. We are committed to developing the whole child to their highest level academically, personally and spiritually, underpinned by our strong Christian values.
Six-Dimensional Curriculum - The Pyramid
Work Together Concepts - Our concepts are identified in each subject to ensure teaching is designed to help learners to remember in the long term the content they have been taught and to integrate new knowledge into larger concepts.
- Aim High Tasks - We use the National Curriculum as a basis for our curriculum but extend this much further. We ensure ambitious intentions for the course of study which clearly supports the intent of a coherently planned curriculum, sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and preparedness for secondary education.
Shine Bright Experiences - Planned, high-quality enrichment experiences allow children to create and make memories to pin their learning to. These experiences take place in all subject and aid with long-term knowledge acquisition and retention.
- Individual Subjects - All subjects are carefully and coherently mapped out to ensure both declarative and procedural knowledge is learnt, remembered and practised.
- Written Enquiry - Written enquiry allows children to develop their disciplinary knowledge of a subject and demonstrate subject-specific enquiry skills
- Assessment Tasks - Assessment is used accurately to help learners embed and use knowledge fluently or to check understanding and inform teaching. Assessment is highly inclusive and enables all children to succeed.
Our curriculum is intended to develop children to be happy, confident, articulate learners who achieve great successes during their time with us and go on to achieve even further in their future. We are committed to opening doors to the future of our children. We ensure that every child receives experiences and opportunities to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in different ways, preparing them for the responsibilities and experiences of later life.