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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

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Digital Leaders

Follow the link below to see our latest tweets.

Spring Term 2022

Please look at our tweets to see our learning.


We found out that some of the Digital Leaders made it to the final of the Cheshire Safer Schools and Young People Partnership.


We launched our Spring survey to gather more information about how our peers would like to learn. 


We launched our colouring competition to design a logo for the Digital Leaders. Well done to our winner in Year R.


We celebrated Safer Internet Day in February. The Digital Leaders took part in a workshop last year to help plan this day so it was great to see how our views helped to shape the day.

Autumn Term 2021


The Digital Leaders have been extremely busy this term. Firstly, we launched our 'User Agreement' competition and it has been wonderful to see a majority of the school community engage with these agreements. Secondly, we have enjoyed creating a 'screen time' quiz and spending time outside during lunchtime discussing this quiz with lots of members of our school community. 


Future Plans: 


We will carry out a pupil survey before Christmas so that we can adapt our spring plans to best suit the needs of the children in our school.

March 2021- Please read our blog for the Digital Leaders website.

February 2021- Great to see our tweets being retweeted and shared on the Digital Leaders newsletter.

Safer Internet Day- the Digital Leaders are busy preparing an online assembly for Safer Internet Day. More details to follow soon.

January 2021- We were delighted to be included in another edition of the Digital Leaders monthly newsletter.

December 2020

The Digital Leaders carried out a survey to find out how children in our school felt about e-safety.


92% of children enjoy e-safety lessons.

94% of children said that e-safety lessons help them.

70% of children would like e-safety lessons to carry on being taught at the beginning of each half term rather than at the beginning of each lesson.

Feedback from the other questions:

(The Digital Leaders have picked the most popular answers)

How do e-safety lessons help you?

  • They help by making e-safety easier to understand.
  • We know what to do if we see something scary. How to keep safe online. We know that me must keep our passwords safe and not show them to anyone. We should be nice to people online and not be unkind.
  • They help me know not to talk to strangers.
  • E-safety lesson helped me to know to not to press on pop-ups.
  • So I don’t download an app without asking.

Can you give some examples of how you have used what you have learnt in your e-safety lessons at home?

  • I have made sure that I have not put my personal information onto any websites or given it to anybody.
  • Once I got bullied on the internet I knew what to do immediately because of our lessons.
  • I have learnt to ask my mum what things are on games.
  • Ask a parent how long I am allowed online.
  • To think what you are going to send before you send it.
  • I have not accepted friend requests from random people.

How could we improve e-safety lessons? (A lot of children said nothing needs improving)

  • By doing more role plays
  • Learn how to do things on certain apps
  • Talking about how to stay safe on video games
  • Going over learning more so that we don’t forget
  • By playing more games

November 2020

We were thrilled to be included in the Digital Leaders monthly newsletter. Please follow the school Twitter account to find out more about what we have been doing. 

Friday 18th September


We are so excited to be launching the Digital Leaders programme this year. Keep checking this page to find out more and see what we have been learning.



Click on the link below to learn more about the Computing curriculum at our school.