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Welcome To

St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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Digital Leaders

The Digital Leaders work together to support children in all key stages and promote the learning of e-safety and being safe in our everchanging technical world. 


All year groups will focus on the same strands of online safety each half-term. 


Autumn 1: Self-image and identity, and online relationships

Autumn 2: Online bullying

Spring 1: Online reputation

Spring 2: Copyright and ownership

Summer 1: Managing online information and privacy and security

Summer 2: Health, well-being and lifestyle



Keep an eye on our page below and on Twitter to see our latest projects and learning!



Autumn Term Projects:


  • Ensure all classes have signed their Acceptable Use Agreements by hosting a competition for the class who receives all their signed agreements first. 
  • E-safety Assembly on our focus for this half term. 
  • Visit each class to talk about a key element of the focus. 
  • Computing 'Shine Bright' - hold a Christmas picture workshop using Purple Mash.