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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

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First Aid

If your child needs first aid at school...


We are committed to providing first class, first aid provision in order to deal with accidents and incidents affecting our children, staff and visitors to our premises.  Our duty to provide first aid at work is governed by the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.  We carry out risk assessments in order to determine what first aid facilities and personnel are necessary to meet the needs of our school.  


First Aid Procedures

In-school procedures

In the event of an accident resulting in injury:

  • The closest member of staff present will assess the seriousness of the injury and seek the assistance of a qualified first aider, if appropriate, who will provide the required first aid treatment
  • The first aider, if called, will assess the injury and decide if further assistance is needed from a colleague or the emergency services. They will remain on scene until help arrives
  • The first aider will also decide whether the injured person should be moved or placed in a recovery position
  • If the first aider judges that a pupil is too unwell to remain in school, parents will be contacted and asked to collect their child. Upon their arrival, the first aider will recommend next steps to the parents
  • If emergency services are called, the Head teacher or Deputy Head teacher] will contact parents immediately
  • The School’s Appointed Person will complete an accident report form on the same day or as soon as is reasonably practical after an incident resulting in an injury.


Off-site procedures

When taking pupils off the school premises, staff will ensure they always have the following:

  • A school mobile phone
  • A portable first aid kit
  • Information about the specific medical needs of pupils
  • Parents’ contact details


Risk assessments will be completed by the trip leader prior to any educational visit that necessitates taking pupils off school premises.  There will always be at least one first aider with a current pediatric first aid certificate on school trips and visits, as required by the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.


School will inform parents of any accident or injury sustained by a pupil, and any first aid treatment given, on the same day, or as soon as reasonably practicable. Parents will be provided with an 'Accident Report' slip which gives information about any injury.


For more information please refer to the school's latest First Aid Policy.
