Year 2
Times Tables
Here are some alternative times table resources that you can access from home if you would like to try something different other than Times Table Rockstars!
To log in to Collins Connect:
Password: Parents20!
*This website also gives access to 'Music Express' with lots of great songs and activities. Please enter the password directly when logging in rather than copy/paste as it won’t accept this.
Lucy's in Lockdown
Real PE at Home – Online Learning Resources
Real PE at home includes an online programme which supports families to be active, play and learn together. It includes a programme specifically for children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 with 12 themes, 6 areas, over 250 activities and challenges and 1000s of hours of fun and activity. This programme is great for family play and fun.
It also includes a programme for children in Key Stage 2, with daily and weekly guidance provided for both programmes in addition to an option to choose your own themes and activities.
There are so many benefits to being active, not only to our physical wellbeing but also to our emotional and mental health, especially in such testing times for all of us. We hope that the ideas help support you and your family to stay fit and healthy in the coming months.
Here are the details to access Real PE at home:
Parent email:
Password: strettonst
The web address is:
Look out for details of the St Matt's Easter Competition in NEWS & EVENTS on Friday 3rd April ... different categories to choose from and entries welcome from all family members and friends!

Friday 27th March 2020
WRITING: Seasons (see separate sheet below for instructions).
ACTIVE LEARN: Please read one of your Active Learn books and answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the book.
TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: Complete 15 minutes of times table practise – all the times tables have been set for you.
Thursday 26th March 2020
Keep up with the amazing home learning you are doing Class 2! I’ve really enjoyed looking at your Purple Mash work so far and seeing all of the books that you are reading on Active Learn. Keep it up – I’m so proud of you all! Stay safe and keep smiling!
GRAMMAR: Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions – log onto your Purple Mash account. I have set a ‘2do’ grammar activity.
Look at the videos below if you need some extra help:
In addition, you could also have a look at the worksheet below and complete some sentences in your exercise books if you would like to...
ACTIVE LEARN: Please read one of your Active Learn books and answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the book.
TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: Complete 15 minutes of times table practise – all the times tables have been set for you.
Here are some maths activities that you might like to try at home!
Good Morning Class 2! I hope you are all well and enjoying the home learning activities each day...
It has been very strange in school this week without you all here! We miss you all lots; stay safe, enjoy the sunshine and keep trying your best with the home learning tasks!
Wednesday 25th March 2020
MATHS: Reading and writing numbers to 100 – write the numbers in words in your exercise books. I have attached the activity below and done the first three as examples to help you.
E-SAFETY: Think about which behaviours are safe and which are unsafe. Sort them correctly. Access your Purple Mash account – this activity has been set as a 2do. Mrs Pawson has also set some E-Safety activities further down this page so please take a look!
ACTIVE LEARN: Please read one of your Active Learn books and answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the book.
TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: Complete 15 minutes of times table practise – all the times tables have been set for you.
Tuesday 24th March 2020
PURPLE MASH: Log onto your Purple Mash account and complete '2do Great Fire of London' task (to be completed by Tuesday 31st March 2020). Recount the events of the Great Fire of London in 1666.
Use the information below to help you:
SPELLINGS: Keep practising your spelling words for this week. Here are some different ways you can practise your spelling words:
- Make the spelling words using magnetic letter/foam letters/scrabble pieces.
- Rewrite the words in rainbow colours. E.g. m o n k e y
- Type them on the computer.
- Use small beads, Cheerios or other small items.
- Pyramid write your spelling words in your exercise book.
- Practise writing your spelling words in your neatest handwriting.
- Look, say, cover, write, check.
- Make a wordsearch with your spelling words.
- Chalk it!
- Make word cards with your spelling words on.
ACTIVE LEARN: Please read one of your Active Learn books and answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the book.
TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: Complete 15 minutes of times table practise – all the times tables have been set for you.
Bumble Bee Project
The Plight of the Bumblebees
Here are some resources about a bumble bee project that you might want to complete whilst at home.
Hello Class 2, Mrs Pawson here. I just wanted to remind you to think about everything you have learnt during your e-safety lessons. Whilst you are at home, you will probably be using the internet and devices a lot more. Every week, I'll be putting a challenge on Purple Mash for the whole school to take part in.
Remember to talk to a trusted adult if you are worried about anything.
Follow the link to the E-safety page to find more information.
Monday 23rd March 2020
Good morning Class 2! I hope you are well and that you have all had a lovely weekend. Here is your home learning for today:
ACTIVE LEARN: I have allocated books on Active Learn. Please read one book per day and don’t forget to answer the comprehension questions once you have finished reading each book. You should be reading for a minimum of 15 minutes per day. If you would like to, then you can read other books that you may have at home, as well as your daily Active Learn book.
TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: Please logon to your Times Table Rockstars account (the link can be found in the ‘Home Learning Websites’ page below) and complete 15 minutes of times table practise – all the times tables have been set for you.
SPELLINGS: Below are a list of 10 spelling words. In your exercise book, write each word in a sentence and keep practising these spellings words over the next week.
Spelling Pattern: The sound /ee/ spelt with ‘-ey’
1. key
2. donkey
3. chimney
4. valley
5. trolley
6. turkey
7. hockey
8. parsley
9. journey
10. monkey
*All of the login details for Active Learn/Purple Mash/Times Table Rockstars are in the front of your diaries.
I hope you are keeping well at home.
Tomorrow morning, between 08:00 and 08:30, your class teacher will be letting you know more about what activities they have planned for you for the day.
Please be patient because sometimes, when lots of people are using our school website, it's hard to upload things. So even if you can't see anything by 08:30 am, your teacher will be trying their best to put the information you need online.
I hope you enjoy the activities.
Mrs Fryman
Dear Class 2,
I have prepared a wealth of wonderful learning activities and opportunities for you to enjoy whilst you are at home. Each day, different activities will be uploaded for you to complete.
Please keep checking this page for further updates!
Here are some practical ideas of things that you can do whilst at home:
Ideas to support your Year 2 child:
- Read everyday
- Write book reviews for the books you finish
- Keep a diary
- Practise spellings from the Y1/2 words list and put them into sentences
- Practise 2, 5 and 10 times tables
- Complete calculations using all four operations (+, -, x and ÷)
- Measure objects around your home and record the lengths
- Go on a 3D shape hunt, write the names of all the shapes you find, then make a table and record the number of faces, edges and vertices for each object.
- Collect some coins from your moneybox, list the coins you have and find the total amount. Try to make the same amount using different coins.
Miss Hill
Please see below topic home learning choices for the spring term! Thank-you, Miss Hill
We had a great time using the Bee-Bots during our computing lesson this week! We are starting to learn about algorithms and how to input instructions. In our next lesson, we will use basic commands in 2Logo to move and draw using the turtle on the screen. We will also learn how to create and debug simple programs.

We have been working hard on our balance this week in our PE lesson with Dave. We made sequences of different balances in our groups and videoed ourselves using the iPads. We then watched them back and thought about how we could improve them and make them even better. We had great fun!
30th January 2020 - Please make sure you record your reading daily in your orange reading record book at home. Below are some recommended reading books that you might like to read...
Lowry Art Museum
On Wednesday 29th January 2020, we went on a trip to the Lowry Art Museum in Manchester. We travelled there on a coach - it was very exciting! We spent the day looking at Lowry portraits and landscapes and created our own drawings using some of the techniques L.S. Lowry used such as crosshatching and 'line and wash'. Michelle (the artist who was teaching us for the day) taught us lots of different techniques to add detail to our sketches and make them more three dimensional. We had a great time, here are some photographs of our visit:
Mrs Fryman was sent an email from a person who was visiting the Lowry at the same time we were there.
He wrote:
"I was visiting the Lowry Gallery yesterday at the same time as your Yr 2s were having a school trip there.
I thought you might like to know how well behaved they were, a real credit to your school. They looked really smart in their uniforms, and got along well with what they had to do from what I saw. Your Yr2 children look to be a really wonderful set of children.
As a former school governor I have been on over 100 school trips, I can assure you that not all of them had such well behaved children on them.
Best wishes.
Mrs Fryman is very proud of us!

Welcome Back Class 2!
And a Happy New Year to you all!
This term, we have lots of new and exciting topics to learn about! In science, we will be learning all about everyday materials. We will be investigating the uses of different materials and comparing their properties and we will also be looking at the process of recycling, thinking about the different materials we can recycle at home.
Our new history topic for this half term is 'L.S. Lowry'. We will be visiting the Lowry Museum in Manchester at the end of January to help us find out all about L.S. Lowry's life and to look at different pieces of his artwork. Later on in the term, we will start our topic 'The Great Fire of London'. We will explore life in London during the 17th Century making comparisons from 1666 to now, discover how/why the fire spread so quickly and study the diary of Samuel Pepys.
Please continue to read daily at home, and don't forget to change your reading books as you come into school in the morning!
The spring curriculum newsletter can be found at the top of this page. I am very excited about the term ahead and I hope you are looking forward to learning about our new topics!
Miss Hill
Science - Plants
We made models of a flower this week and labelled them with the different plant parts and their functions. We have also planted seeds and will be doing an investigation over the coming weeks to see which conditions plants will grow best in!

RE - Special Books
We are beginning to learn about the Bible and the importance of the Bible to Christians. This week, we chose one a book from home that was special to us and shared it with the class, explaining why it was special and what it means to us.
Hello Class 2! Welcome back to school!
I hope you have all had a lovely summer holiday and I am looking forward to hearing about all of the fun things you have done!
This half term, we will be learning about lots of exciting things. Our very first topic is ‘Beside the Seaside’. We will be learning about seaside holidays in the past and thinking about how they are different to holidays now, locating seaside towns on a map of the United Kingdom and exploring the seaside town of St Ives! In DT, we will be designing and making our own seaside picnics and in Art we will be looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy.
Our first science topic is 'Plants'. We will be finding out what plants need to grow and stay healthy and we will be doing an investigation to find out if plants will grow in different conditions.
Home Learning
You will receive two home learning tasks each week. One 15 minute grammar task and one 15 minute maths task.
Grammar homework will be sent home on a Wednesday and will be due in the following Tuesday.
Maths homework will be sent home on a Friday and will be due in the following Thursday.
Homework given will always be related to, or an extension of the work we are covering in class that week. You can hand your homework books in at anytime during the week. Completed homework should be put in the homework boxes in the Y2 classroom.
Times Tables
We will practice our times tables daily in school. By the end of Year 2, you should be able to recall your 2x, 3x, 5x and 10x tables in any order. Here are some ways you can also practise at home:
- Listening to songs
- Times table quizzes
- Speed times tables (time how long to answer 10 questions and see if you can beat your time)
- Online games/apps
- Practice workbooks
- Games/flashcards
There will be a weekly times table test in school.
In Year 2, you are expected to write in cursive, joined up writing. We will practise this daily in class but any additional practise at home would be valuable (even practising the weekly spelling words in cursive writing a couple of times a week).
Each week, we will focus on a new spelling pattern and we will have a weekly spelling test on a Friday (I have sent a separate letter home about spellings this half term).
In Year 2, you should be reading for a minimum of 15 minutes each day. Please make sure that any reading you do at home is recorded in the reading record by an adult.
(We may be externally moderated in the summer term and the reading records will be collected as part of our recording evidence, so please make sure these are completed along with comments)
This half term, we will have PE on Friday afternoons with Dave. However, please make sure PE kits are in school each day in the event that there are any last minute timetable changes. Thank-you! J
Lunch/Snack money
Snack time, lunches, playtimes etc… are all the same in Year 2 as they were in Year 1. Please make sure that your snack money is kept in a labelled purse or named envelope. You can keep your purse in your tray in the classroom or on the lunchbox trolley.
Water Bottles
Please make sure your water bottle is labelled. You can keep your water bottle on the lunchbox trolley and you can have a drink at any time during the day. You can refill your water bottle from the water fountain outside Class R.
I am super excited about our new year together and I am looking forward to being your class teacher! If you have any questions or your parents are concerned about anything at all, please come and see me anytime! Year 2 is going to be a great year full of new things to learn about and share!
Miss Hill