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Welcome To

St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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PTA Committee 2023 / 2024

  • Chair - Robyn Grundy
  • Treasurer - Amy Taylor
  • Secretary - Vicky Keers
  • Staff Posts - Miss Hill, Miss Chalmers and Mrs Griffiths

2023/24 Events


30th November 2023 - Wreath Making (evening - adults only)

15th December 2023 - Christmas Fair (after school)

12th January 2024 - PTA Meeting 9am (St Matthew's)

1st March 2024 - Bongos Bingo (timings TBC - adults only)

27th March 2024 - Easter Egg Bingo (after school - families)

3rd May 2024 - PTA Meeting 9am (St Matthew's) 

17th May 2024 - Colour Run

24th May 2024 -  Own Clothes Day (teddy tombola donations)

14th June 2024 - PTA Meeting 9am (St Matthew's)

19th July 2024 -  Own Clothes Day (other tombola donations)

20th July 2024 -  Summer Fair

To contact the PTA - please speak with your Class Representative (please see list of names below) or email stmatthewspta@gmail.com.

Class Representatives - 2023/2024


Year R - Sarah Milner & Pavana Ramaiah

Year 1 - Louise Moye & Vicky Lockwood 

Year 2 - Kirsty Parrington & Ali Baird.

Year 3 - Gill Selkirk & Alison White.

Year 4 - Claire Whitlow & Robyn Grundy.

Year 5 - Ceri Roberts & Jill Osbourne.

Year 6 - Hannah Baird & Robyn Grundy.



PTA end of year Newsletter 2024

PTA Newsletter April 2024

PTA Newsletter December 2023

PTA Newsletter November 2021

PTA Newsletter September 2021

PTA Newsletter March 2021

PTA Newsletter January 2021


This is such an easy way to raise funds & doesn't cost you anything. Every little helps and you will be surprised how much those small sums significantly increase.

Please register via the following link: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/stmatthewspta/?invite=KM8EWB&referral-campaign=s2s


Match Funding

Some UK companies run a Match Funding Scheme, it is a simple way of maximising the fund raising efforts we do.

Please check with your Employer to see if they have a scheme in place, we can provide any necessary information they may need - our Registered Charity number is 105823. 

Please let us know by emailing the PTA at stmatthewspta@gmail.com.

How Can You Help?

​A lot of work goes on behind the scenes for all events and school support and we are always looking for new innovative fresh ideas, so if you would like to get involved in any way at all, it would be greatly appreciated.  From serving tea and coffee, organising an event, locating raffle prizes, baking cakes, helping on Christmas Stalls, attending Summer Fair Meetings, shopping for refreshments etc.  Every little helps and you would be more than welcome, so please do get in touch.  


You can email: or speak to your Class Representatives or simply come along to a meeting or coffee morning.


How Can I Raise Funds?
There are some very simple and easy ways to raise funds:


  • EasyFundraising 
    This is such an easy way to raise funds and doesn't cost you anything. Every little helps and you will be surprised how much those small sums significantly increase.


  • You simply register with EasyFundraising and by doing your shopping on line you would be raising funds for school.  For further details see the Shopping Page on the school website or click on the link:  http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/how-it-works/

  • 100 Club
    The 100 Club is an Annual £5.00 Subscription (by Standing Order) to a school fundraising activity.  The members, are allocated a number which is entered into a prize draw three times a year, each giving an opportunity to win cash prizes.  50% of the subscriptions are used for regular prize draws, with the remaining 50% going to the school. Each household can have up to five numbers at £5.00 each per annum.
    Administrator is Maddie Murdoch who can be contacted through stmatthewspta@gmail.com

  • Match Funding
    Some UK companies run a Match Funding Scheme and is a simple way of maximising the fundraising efforts of a staff member. 

    The company will pledge a sum of money relating to the amount their employee has raised for or donated to the charity of their choice. Some organisations will match fund on a £ for £ basis, others will stipulate what they are prepared to give.

    Some companies will also pledge time and resources instead of money, so enabling their employees to support a cause during their working week, or offering a tangible service such as the opportunity to print posters, etc and so on. 

    Could you please check with your Employer to see if they have a scheme in place. We can provide any necessary information you require or if indeed, they would like to discuss any services they could offer with the PTA or Head we would be more than willing to speak to them.

    Stretton St Matthew's PTA is a registered Charity - Charity Number 105823 and all funds are re-invested into Stretton St Matthew's C of E Primary School.

    Contact: Email stmatthewspta@gmail.com



