Jeans for Genes Day 17th September 2020

Rev Alan’s message to school summer 2020

Lovely to see children returning to school and working in the shade

Ideas from our Library Services for the children
World Book Day 2020! Well done to all- what fantastic outfits!
John Griffiths came into school to talk to us about how Christian Aid helps communities at Christmas

Year 5 used the new iPads to research single use plastic and how it is damaging the environment.

Our Eco Council have used the new iPads to find out how many single use plastic straws are used every day in the UK... it's a lot!

Class 3’s assembly was all about the Stone Age ... Well done Class 3!

We all enjoyed Key Strings this morning!

Our Harvest Service in Church - thank you for all your donations for the Food Bank... we nearly filled the van!

Y2 Football Tournament was enjoyed by all the children who took part... Thank you Mrs Mc and the referees who helped make the event such a brilliant one.

Church Harvest Extravaganza at School - enjoyed by all, thank you to everyone who organised the event.

Tattenhall Residential - Day 1
Class 4 arrived safely and were welcomed by the Tattenhall staff. We had a tour around the Tattenhall Centre and the playground and field.
After a much needed break, we played outside in the fresh air. Then we started to learn about our new dance with Jackie and some of us started to make puppets and paint our T shirts with fabric paint.
Tattenhall Day 1

Thank you for supporting our Macmillan event ... we really enjoyed the cakes! Thank you all for supporting our Macmillan Day - we all raised an amazing total of £492.99 and would like to thank everyone!

We are enjoying our days at school ...
Class R and Class 6 and their families and friends enjoyed the 'Welcome BBQ' - thanks for coming along and making it a special occasion!