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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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Welcome to our Governors' Section


Welcome to the section of the website where you can find out more about our school’s governors, and the work that they do. The main role of the governors is one of monitoring and evaluation to support the head and her staff. We help them to set and reach targets and to strive for excellence across the whole spectrum of school life.

We have a legal responsibility to:
• ensure that the National Curriculum is followed
• oversee the school's budget
• monitor the condition of the school buildings and grounds, and
• ensure that Special Educational Needs are met

The role of the Governing Body can be summarised as providing strategic management, acting as a critical friend and ensuring accountability for St Matthew's. The Governing Body is split into committees which are each responsible for discussing one topic in more detail, such as finance or health and safety. Committee discussions are fed back to the full Governing Body.

There are several categories of governor, appointed by different bodies that have an interest in the school. These are Foundation governors (appointed through St Matthew’s Church) the Local Authority (“LA”), Parents, and Staff.  All governors have equal status, however they were appointed.

All the school governors are committed to maintaining the ethos and the high standards of achievement at the school. They are focused not only on educational achievement but on the school's other values, which are just as important.

Governors and the Clerks mostly carry out their duties during after school meetings and may attend training sessions and seminars to help them do their job effectively. They also go into school to meet with the Head and other members of the management team in order to discuss the subjects they have responsibility for.

If you wish to know more, or are interested in becoming a governor, please contact us care of the school office.



Tel No: 01925 730371

Email: stmatthews_primary@sch.warrington.gov.uk

Stretton St Matthew's Governing Body 2023 2024
