Art and Design
Watch the video below to see art in action

Read more about the art curriculum here:
Art & Design Curriculum
Art Curriculum Intent: To prepare children for life and embrace in all aspects of art and culture. In order to develop artistic thinking, we build on children’s natural curiosity, observations and interpretation of the world around them.
The Art Curriculum: Our Vision
“Art is not just a subject to learn, but an activity that you can practise with your hands, your eyes, your whole personality.”
Quentin Blake
We aim to provide a high-quality art and design education, which not only engages, inspires and challenges pupils, but will also equip them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.
We want our children to see themselves as artists and think critically about art. It is our intention to teach our children so they will find enjoyment in creative art, find a sense of purpose, achievement and fulfilment in artistic expression and develop skills and use a range of materials and techniques competently. Our children will learn to study and record the world around them analytically and will develop the appropriate vocabulary to help them understand and discuss their own work and that of others and they will be encouraged to appreciate and evaluate the work of a range of artists from their own and other cultures.
We provide opportunities for children to explore art, not just in designated art lessons, but also across the curriculum wherever appropriate in order to bring topics to life. We celebrate the art created by our children, showcasing it proudly around our school, as well as exhibiting it for the wider school community to enjoy.