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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

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WB 27.4.20

Friday 1st May 2020


White rabbits everybody!


Well here we are at the start of another new month. Time is passing very quickly and it's Friday again. I hope that you are all looking forward to the weekend and that you have some fun activities planned. I have decided to make bread on Saturday, so wish me luck!

I have been looking at your completed activities this week and have added comments on Purple Mash where ever possible.Thank you all for the effort and care that you are going to, to complete your work. Please remember to thank your parents for all the support they are providing and pass on my thanks too.

I hope you are enjoying collecting the rewards on Purple Mash. I have been looking at the TTRockstars scores, wow they are looking amazing. Well done everyone, please keep it going. I wish there was a way to feedback on that website but unfortunately there isn't. Rest assured, I am very pleased with the scores that I can see. 

Take care everybody and hope to see you all soon. Keep smiling.


Mrs Smith x


Daily Smile

Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Because 7, 8,9!


Writing Task

To be completed by 8th May in your books.

Write a letter to one of your friends telling them about what you have been up to the past few weeks and what you would like to do when you are next able to meet up. Remember to set your work out correctly and to think about your tenses. What you have done is the past, (e.g. I did...) what you want to do is the future, (e.g. I would like to...)



Finish the powerpoint, 'Comparing and Ordering Fractions.' Read from slide 51 to the end. Have a go at completing the fraction problems on slide 52 and 60. Copy/print them into your books. If you have time, have a go at the interactive game on slide 65 or the extra challenges on slides 66-68.



Active Learn book or your own book x15 minutes. I have checked your allocation and when you last visited the website so that you all should have enough books to read online. If you are reading your own books, try to logon to Active Learn at least once a week so that you are practising your comprehension skills.


Times Tables

Rockstars or worksheets x15 minutes.



Thursday 30th April 2020  'Happy Birthday Captain Tom Moore'

Hi everybody,

I hope that you are enjoying the week, my it seems to be going by quickly. I have been looking at your scores again and marking your work. It makes me happy to see how hard that you are all working. It must be strange doing all your work at home, but you are doing a fantastic job, just like Captain Tom who is an inspiration to us all.

Please don't forget capital letters when doing your writing tasks, to form your letters correctly and to check your punctuation and spelling. Do you remember, we talked about how important it was to read over your work when you have finished?  

Have a lovely day and keep smiling.

Mrs Smith x


Daily Smile

How do you stop an astronaut's baby from crying?

You rock-et!


Purple Mash 2Do 'The Settlers,' read through the comprehension and answer the multiple choice questions. Make sure you re-read the story at least once so that you are clear about what is happening and you can answer the questions correctly.



Look at the powerpoint, 'Comparing and Ordering Fractions.' Read on from slide 31 to 50 and see if you can complete the tasks on slides 33 and 41. Copy/print your work and put into you books.



Active Learn or your own book for at least 15 minutes.



15 minutes speed test.



28th April 2020

It's wonderful Wednesday Year 4!

Hope you are all well. Thank you for Tuesday's work. I have marked most of your online work and looked through your scores which are fabulous. Don't forget, if it is a game then you can replay it, if you want to have another go. Great to see lots of you scoring very high marks. 

There are some great pieces of work on the Electricity project already. It would be great to see if anyone could explain how electricity is produced.

Please keep up with your reading, it is really important, as is your writing. I will put the writing formation powerpoint at the bottom so that you can check how you are forming letters if you have time.

Thank you for my messages on Purple Mash, it's always good to hear from you all.

Take care, stay safe, have a lovely day.

Mrs Smith x



Purple Mash 2Do. Complete the 'Area of shape,'activity, watch the video first which will help you.


Grammar Task

Look at the powerpoint on 'Expanded noun phrases,' and then answer the questions into your books. Decide which challenge you would like to have a go at. The one star sheet is the easiest, the three star, the most challenging. Please don't peek at the answers until you have finished.



Complete the Purple Mash 2Do 'Searching for images.'



Active learn or your own books. Please spend at least 15 minutes. 



Please can all of you have a go at beating your current speed. I will check them again on Thursday and compare times.


Daily Smile (I really like this one, hope you do too!)

What do you call a droid that takes the long way round?

R2 detour!


Welcome to Tuesday everybody!

I can see from the amount of work that you have done yesterday that you are all working really hard. It was lovely to see such great scores. Thank you too for those of you who sent photos of your work. It is a real treat to see actual work rather than just online work. Please say a big thank you to your parents for sending those in. Please also tell them that I do not expect a photograph of every piece of work that you are doing, that would be very time consuming for your parents. It would be nice to keep receiving your work, so maybe you could send one special piece in each week? I will leave it up to you. 

I keep checking the TTRockstars webpage and the Active Learn webpage to see how you are getting along, a big thank you for the work that you are doing on those websites too. I have allocated some more books today to those of you who needed them.

I am keeping busy, like you, making sure that I have work ready for you and for when we go back to school. I am also trying to spend time outside, walking and getting some fresh air. Remember that it is important for you to have fun whilst you are at home as well as doing your school work. I miss you all, please stay safe and well.

Mrs Smith x



2Do Purple Mash. Please complete the task by 5th May. I have included some general information about electricity. Please look through both powerpoints before you start.  I would like you to focus on where electricity comes from, how it is produced and how we use it in the home, e.g. what we use it for. Don't worry about the bit that talks about, 'mains and stored electricty.'



Purple Mash 2Do 'Bella and the farm.' Please complete the activity on prepositions.


Maths Task

Timestables worksheet. 10 minutes timed activity. Complete the sheet and put it into your books.



Active Learn 15 minutes, remember to take care answering the questions.



15 minutes practice.


Daily Smile (I hope so anyway!)

What did the Dalmatian say after lunch?

That hit the spot!


Monday 27th April 2020

Happy Monday Everybody,

Here we go with another week. I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine. The weeks are going by very quickly and before you know it school will be back to normal I hope. 

You are all doing a fabulous job working at home and you should be very proud of yourselves for all the super work that you are producing. Whenever I am asked how Year 4 are doing, I proudly say, 'they are amazing and are working very hard.' Thank you Year 4.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Smith x


Purple Mash Spellings

Complete the 2Do activity spelling quiz, Sp1 Wk2


Grammar Task

Do Purple Mash, 'Verb inflections,' don't worry, all this means is that you match the verb with the person/s doing the action. Check your knowledge by using the correct endings to verbs depending on who it is and whether they are doing it in the past, present or future tense. Re-write your sentences into your books or print the sheet off, complete it and stick it into your books.



Have a look at the powerpoint, 'Comparing and Ordering Fractions.' We have done a little of this. Read through the slides and complete the tasks as you go up to slide 30. Copy and complete the Comparing Fractions worksheets on slides, 11, 12, 23 and 24 into your books. Print the sheets off if you prefer and stick into your books. Try not to look at the answers until you have done the work!



Active Learn. Read an online book or one of your own. Spend at least 15 minutes reading.


TT Rockstars

Spend at least 10 minutes checking your timestables using the speed test.


Daily Smile

What do you call a duck that gets all grade A's?

A wise quacker!



