WB 18.5.20
Friday 22nd May 2020
Good morning everyone! Wow, can you believe that we are at the end of week nine?! I just wanted to tell you how very proud I am of you ALL and how amazingly well you have ALL worked over the last nine weeks under such different circumstances! You are all an absolute credit to our school!
I hope you have a lovely Whit holiday with your families!
Take care and stay safe,
Miss Hill
WRITING: Report Writing
Today I have a very important job for you to do Year 2! For your writing task, I would like you to write your review of your time in Year 2 for your school report
We would normally do this together at school and enjoy remembering all of the wonderful things that we have done together, but this time I would like you to do your absolute best writing for me at home.
In your ‘Review of the Year’ I would like you to write about all the fantastic things you have enjoyed in Year 2. You might like to write about all the new things you have learned, the different lessons you have enjoyed and all the other wonderful learning opportunities like our trip to the Lowry Museum, the KS1 Nativity, our ‘Beside the Seaside’ assembly, PE with Dave, our Great Fire of London topic or our science work about materials and their properties. There are many, many more wonderful memories, what can you think of? Have a look back at our class page for some reminders!
You can include your achievements, something you think you have really improved on this year and what you are most proud of. There is also space for you to write about something that you think you could be even better at and have as your own personal target for next year!
I would like you to do your absolute BEST writing - beautiful, cursive joined up handwriting, clear finger spaces between words, careful use of capital letters and accurate punctuation. All of this should be done in a good quality, sharp writing pencil please
You can print off the template below and write directly on to that or if you need to, we have blank copies available to collect from school today...
Once it is completed, please can you return it to school by Friday 12th June. You have some time to complete this task, so if you don’t finish today, don’t worry! As long as it is completed by 12th June, that’s absolutely fine!
You can do this by scanning or taking a photograph of your work and emailing it to school via the Y2 home learning email
Posting it to our school address
Delivering it by hand in to the ‘Red Postbox’ which will be outside, at the front of school from Monday 8th June.
I hope you enjoy writing about all of our lovely memories from Class 2!
MATHS: Multiplication and Division
ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.
Thursday 21st May 2020
Hi Class 2! Hope you are all well
Didn't we have a lovely sunny day yesterday?!
I hope you managed to enjoy some time outdoors and in the sunshine!
Please see below your home learning tasks for today:
PURPLE MASH: Grammar - Apostrophes to mark where letters are missing in spelling and to mark singular possession in nouns.
MATHS: Addition and Subtraction – copy and complete the calculations in your exercise books.
There are quite a lot of sums to help you practice adding in different ways. If you would rather only do a few of each, that's absolutely fine
ENGLISH: Life in Space – Reading Comprehension
ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.
Good morning!! How are you all?? Thank you for your excellent pieces of work on Purple Mash yesterday! Lots of creative ideas and great descriptions and information about the different parts of a castle, well done!
Hope you all have a lovely day,
Miss Hill
Wednesday 20th May 2020
PURPLE MASH: Maths - Give simple instructions, learn directions and explore simple logo. Choose a challenge and input the instructions.
E-SAFETY: Create your own E-Safety Quiz. Create a quiz with 5-10 questions all about E-Safety to ask someone at home! They could be true/false questions, multiple choice, tick box answer etc… Perhaps you could write your questions in your exercise book, make a powerpoint presentation etc…
ENGLISH: Dinosaurs on Earth – Reading Comprehension
ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.
Tuesday 19th May 2020
PURPLE MASH: Today, your reading comprehension is all about ‘Castles’ so I decided to link your Purple Mash task to this like last week.
Once you have completed the comprehension, complete your task on Purple Mash. You will need to describe the purpose of different parts of a castle. I have attached a powerpoint presentation below with information that will help you!
MATHS: Number Facts – Complete the calculations on the worksheet or in your exercise books.
ENGLISH: Castles – Reading Comprehension
ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.
Good Morning Class 2!
How was your weekend? I hope you had a lovely, well deserved rest! Thank you so much for all of the work sent in over the last week! It is clear to see how incredibly hard you are all working at home; always aiming high and shining bright!
Your home learning tasks for today are below. Keep it up with the super work that you are completing - have a great day everyone,
Miss Hill
Monday 18th May 2020
PURPLE MASH: Spelling Quiz – Common Exception Words
Once you have completed your quiz, create sentences using each of your spelling words.
I have also uploaded a 'Common Exception Words' booklet if would like to have a go at some of these activities
MATHS: Position and Direction – complete on the sheet or write the instructions in your exercise books. Use the compass on the worksheet to help you!
E.g. ‘Treasure chest – from start, move north two spaces’
ENGLISH: The Human Body – Reading Comprehension
ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading) If you would like to do more reading, access the Collins Big Cat reading resources, Oxford Owl or read a book from home and record this in your home/school diary.
TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.