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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

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WB 11.5.20

Hi everyone! Wow it's the weekend already! I'm hoping that the weather will continue to stay nice and that the sun will be shining for us all!smiley


Thank you again for another excellent week of home learning! I'm super proud of each and everyone one of you for all of the brilliant work you are completing!blush


Enjoy your weekend - stay safe and keep smiling! 


Miss Hill 


Friday 15th May 2020


WRITING:  Write a letter to a family member or a friend. What are you going to tell the person you are writing to? What exciting things have you done that you would like to share? (Bike rides, walks, baking, sports, arts and crafts etc…) Will you ask them any questions? Maybe you would like to also draw them a picture.


Use this checklist to help you:

  • Write the date at the top of your letter
  • Who are you writing to? Dear…..
  • Capital letters and full stops
  • Neat, joined up handwriting
  • Paragraphs – start your letter with a short introduction…
  • Ending sentence – I hope to see you soon. Love from……


MATHS: Maths Word Problems – Write the calculations in your exercise books (using the column method for addition/subtraction) to calculate the answers. Don’t forget to always show your working out!yes

ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)


Please use the additional reading resources available if your book allocation is 0 on Active Learn (Oxford Owl or Collins Big Cat). Don't forget to record these in your home/school diaries. You may also choose to read a book of your own from home!smiley


TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.




Good Morning Y2! 



Hopefully your parents will have all received your new login details for Purple Mash. Don't worry if you aren't able to do the activity from yesterday! If anyone does not have the new details, please email the Y2 email homelearningy2@stmatthewsceprimary.comsmiley


Have a lovely day everyone, 


Miss Hill


Thursday 14th May 2020  


PURPLE MASH: Grammar - Subordination (using when, if, that, because) and co-ordination (using or, and, but) to join sentences together.


MATHS: Fact Families – Use the numbers in the pyramids to write 2 addition facts and 2 subtraction facts (either on the worksheet or in your exercise books)

ENGLISH: Microhabitats – Reading Comprehension

ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)


 TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.





Good Morning Class 2! 



Thank you for the excellent postcards you wrote on Purple Mash! It was lovely to hear how much you all enjoyed finding out about Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 moon landing! 


Have a super day (we are half way through another week!) and stay safe,


Miss Hill


Wednesday 13th May 2020


PURPLE MASH: Maths - Number Bonds. Join the bubbles to recall number facts.


Once you access this activity, select ‘Challenge A’ which focuses on number bonds to 20. If you want an additional challenge, you could select ‘Challenge B’ which focuses on numbers bonds to 200.


E-SAFETY: Private Information

I have also uploaded an ‘Private Information wordsearch for anyone who would like to have a go at this. When you find the words, discuss the words with an adult and explain why it is important to keep your information safe.

ENGLISH: Ocean Animals – Reading Comprehension

ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)


 TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.


I have attached some links below with other games to practise your 2x, 5x and 10x tables!blush

Good Morning! blush



Excellent work with your spelling quiz yesterday - I was very impressed with the scores, well done!wink

Thank you for all of the wonderful pictures you sent in of your VE Day celebrations. I'm glad that you all had a lovely day and what beautiful weather we had! 


Your activities for today are below. Have a great day everyone!laugh


Miss Hill


If you are completing lots of your Active Learning reading books, here is a link to Oxford Owl’s online library which is free for you to access!blush

Tuesday 12th May 2020


PURPLE MASH: Neil Armstrong – Write a postcard from Neil Armstrong following the first Moon Landing.


Today, your reading comprehension is all about Neil Armstrong (I would suggest doing this first before your Purple Mash task as it will help you with your postcard). I have also attached a PPT below with lots of information to help you.


When completing your work on Purple Mash, there are prompts along the side (e.g. ‘The Moon, ‘Health’, ‘Journey’ etc…) Double click on these and they will open some questions for you to consider when writing your postcard. 

MATHS:  Subtraction with regrouping (borrowing)


Write the sums in your books using the column method and calculate the answers. Look at my example below to help you / remind youlaugh

I have included an additional CHALLENGE (optional) activity, this time with 3-digit numbers, if you would like to have a go!

ENGLISH: Neil Armstrong – Reading Comprehension (either print out and write on the sheet if you can OR write the question number in your exercise book and your answers in full sentencesblush

ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)


TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.




Good Morning Year 2!

I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend and managed to enjoy some time in the sunshine!​​​​​​​smiley


This week, instead of daily grammar tasks, I am going to set some reading comprehensions as it has been a while since we have done any. If you aren't able to print off the comprehensions, read the text on your iPad/computer and then answer the questions in your exercises books in full sentencessmiley


Keep up the fantastic work - you are all doing a wonderful job!


Miss Hill




PURPLE MASH: Spellings  - Adding -es to nouns and verbs ending in -y


Complete the spelling quiz on Purple Mash. Once you have finished this, choose one of the activities below and practise your 10 spelling words. 


 1. cries

2. supplies 

3. spies

4. replies

5. babies

6. copies

7. flies

8. magnifies 

9. tires 

10. carries 


Here are your choice of spelling activities: 

  • Make the spelling words using magnetic letter/foam letters/scrabble pieces.
  • Rewrite the words in rainbow colours. E.g. m o n k e y
  • Type them on the computer.
  • Use small beads, Cheerios or other small items.
  • Pyramid write your spelling words in your exercise book.
  • Practise writing your spelling words in your neatest handwriting.
  • Look, say, cover, write, check.
  • Make a wordsearch with your spelling words.
  • Chalk it!
  • Create sentences using your spellings words. 
  • Make word cards with your spelling words on.



ENGLISH: India - Reading Comprehension 

MATHS: Adding 3-digit number - which 3 numbers? 


Choose 3 numbers which add to the total given. Write the calculation in your exercise book. I have included a number line at the top of your worksheet so use this to help you when countingsmiley

ACTIVE LEARN: Please read one of your Active Learn books and answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the book. If you want to do any additional reading, read a book from home and record in your home/school diary OR access the Collins Big Cat reading resources onlineblush


TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: Complete 15 minutes of times table practise – all the times tables have been set for you (2x, 3x, 5x and 10x) 
