Year 6
Where has this term gone? Only a few days left! I can't believe it! You have all worked SO hard revising and writing- I am so proud of you all! Well done! I hope that you have a well deserved rest over the holidays and that your time is spent doing many exciting things (that aren't SATS related!)
When we get back for our FINAL term, we have many exciting topics to look forward too. We are looking at Ancient Islamic Civilisation in history, we of course have Enterprise coming up too which we are very excited for, we will be practicing the play, Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits and we have a few more very exciting writes to look at. As well as this, we will be working hard creating our end of year productions and also preparing for the transition to high school!
I am sure the next 6 weeks will fly by too!
Curriculum newsletter
Summer Term
Welcome back! I hope that you have all had a lovely holiday and have come back refreshed and full of chocolate.
Only 4 weeks to go until SATS so revision is underway. No one needs to be worrying, all you need to be doing is working as hard as you have been doing already!
We have a few extended writes left which will be fantastic: a letter of complaint, narrative, a diary write and a newspaper reports.
We also have Enterprise week coming up soon so start having a think about what you might do to make money. Remember- only one form of sweets per stall, so think creatively!
Not long to go- we can do this Year 6!
Our trip to Manor Adventure was AMAZING! See our photos and enjoy watching the videos

Just warming our voices at Young Voices! Very excited for the evening to begin!

Martin Luther King - A Biography
Martin Luther King was an American clergyman and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
One of the leading figures in the civil rights movement, he has had a defining influence on the recent history of the United States. His assassination in 1968 was met with shock around the world.
Martin Luther King

Martin Luther king Junior - Some Facts
Welcome back! I hope that you have all had a wonderful Christmas holiday!
Firstly, thank you for the lovely gifts we have received- we are very lucky teachers!
We have lots of exciting things to look forward to this term. In geography our topic is South America. As part of this we will be looking at the different places in South America, the geographical and physical features of South America and the Rainforest.
In science, our topics will be Electricity and Light and How We See. Through these topics we will be completing investigations and hands on activities.
We will also be continuing with maths, English and grammar. As well as this we will be continuing the SATS revision.
I hope you are all well rested and come in tomorrow with bright smiles on your faces! I'm sure you will!
Anti Bullying Week
We have had a successful week looking at anti bullying. Some students have attended an Anti-Bullying Workshop based at Bridgewater High School and have passed on many interesting facts to the rest of the Year 6 students- thank you for attending this! I have heard exceptional reports about you.
Also, as part of our class read, Wonder, the children have created their own precept posters containing precepts about being kind and stopping anti- bullying behaviour. The posters look fantastic and we are in the process of putting them all on display for everyone to see. Thank you for this Year 6!
Year 6's class value is Humility. The children have done a lot of work talking about what it means to be humble. The children have suggested sentences such as, "Think less about yourself and more about others," "Work hard on silence, let success make the noise," and "Have more than you show and speak less than you know." These are all examples to help us remember how important it is to be humble.
You have come up with come fantastic examples to help us show humility- well done Year 6, now to continue applying it to everyday life.
A New Week!
Wow, where did the first week go? Year 6 you have worked so hard all week and you should be extremely proud of yourselves for how quickly you have settled- well done.
Another busy week next week and I am sure it will go just as fast.
Have a nice weekend!
Hello and welcome to Year 6, your final year of primary school. With this being said, it is my job to get you ready for your transition to the high school.
If you are feeling a little bit anxious about your return to school, don't be, as we will be jumping into many exciting topics including Crime and Punishment in history, North America in geography, Living Things in science, as well as great maths and English topics. PE will continue as normal with Dave and PE kits should be in school at all times. As well as this, this year Mrs Pawson will be teaching you French.
We also have some fantastic class reads this year (ones that I couldn't put down over the summer holidays), Young Voices (so get your singing voices ready) and of course, our trip to Manor Adventure will soon be upon us.
On Monday you will receive letters such as your homework timetable, curriculum newsletter and topic homework. This are all important and should be kept in safe places. Also, a polite reminder that your reading book review is due in on Tuesday 6th- don't forget. Feel free to bring it with you on Monday.
I hope that you enjoy the last few days of the holiday. Stay rested over the weekend as we will be hitting the ground running next week and I can't wait to see all of your smiling faces.
Mrs Hazeldine and Mrs Hulse
Our Class Value is Humility