Year 4
Curriculum Newsletter
Summer Term 2018
I really cannot believe we have only one term left. This year has passed so quickly.
I hope you all had a lovely Easter and it was wonderful to see all the children again.
I have attached the new curriculum letter for the Summer Term.
Class 4 were clever scientists ... thinking about thermal insulation and how to keep ice balloons from melting - well done!

Welcome Back Year 4 and a Happy New Year
I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and New Year. Thank- you for all your cards and gifts. You are extremely generous.
We have a lot to look forward to this term, not least our performance at the Parr Hall. You will be making purses and studying the Ancient Greeks. For more information on what we are covering this term, please look at the Curriculum Newsletter.
Dear Children
Welcome to Class 4.
I hope you all had a fantastic holiday and are excited about returning to school and moving up into Year 4.
There are lots of fantastic things happening this year. I hope you will be very happy and that it will be a very special time for you.
Home/School Diaries:
These will be checked and signed every Monday. Please ask your parents/carers to sign them each week. If you have an important message from home then please leave your diary on my desk in the morning as you come in.
Will you also please use the diary to record the book and page you have read up to each evening. You should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes each day.
As well as reading each day you will also have maths and English homework each week. Maths will be given out each Friday and needs to be handed in no later than the following Thursday. English homework will consist of either a reading comprehension/short written piece as well as a punctuation/grammar activity. These will be given out each Tuesday and need to be handed in no later than the following Monday. You will also receive spellings each week for you to learn. Spellings will be given out on a Wednesday and you will be tested on them the following Wednesday. If there are any changes to this I will let you know in advance.
There will also be a topic homework each half term.
We start swimming lessons again in September.
Dates are as follows -
Thursday | Friday |
September 14th | September 15th |
September 21st | September 22nd |
September 28th |
If your parents/carers would like to help out, please ask them to write a note in your diary.
Warrington Wolves are also coming to coach you on a Tuesday afternoon. during the first half term.
Our residential is also fast approaching. If your parents/carers have any questions then please tell them they can come in and see me.
As you can see there is a lot happening just in the first half term.
If there is anything at all that you or your parent/carer are worried about then please come and see me straight away so that I can sort it out for you.
Mrs McClellan and the Year 4 team
Class - DT Project - Making Purses

Class 4 performed their dance for their parents ... they are going to perform it again at the Parr Hall in March 2018!

Our Tattenhall Residential visit