Year 3
Times Tables
Here are some alternative times table resources that you can access from home if you would like to try something different other than Times Table Rockstars!
To log in to Collins Connect:
Password: Parents20!
*This website also gives access to 'Music Express' with lots of great songs and activities. Please enter the password directly when logging in rather than copy/paste as it won’t accept this.
Lucy's in Lockdown
Real PE at Home – Online Learning Resources
Real PE at home includes an online programme which supports families to be active, play and learn together. It includes a programme specifically for children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 with 12 themes, 6 areas, over 250 activities and challenges and 1000s of hours of fun and activity. This programme is great for family play and fun.
It also includes a programme for children in Key Stage 2, with daily and weekly guidance provided for both programmes in addition to an option to choose your own themes and activities.
There are so many benefits to being active, not only to our physical wellbeing but also to our emotional and mental health, especially in such testing times for all of us. We hope that the ideas help support you and your family to stay fit and healthy in the coming months.
Here are the details to access Real PE at home:
Parent email:
Password: strettonst
The web address is:
Look out for details of the St Matt's Easter Competition in NEWS & EVENTS on Friday 3rd April ... different categories to choose from and entries welcome from all family members and friends!

Friday 27th March 2020
Good morning Class 3
We thought we would start today with a quick code breaker:
Don't forget to check out the teacher blog to see what we have been up to each day and we would love to see examples of your work so please do keep in touch!
Here are your activities for today:
For your writing activity, we really want to hear about all the things you have been up to this week.
You should plan your write with a mind map first and think about the things you have done and what you have enjoyed most. Don't forget to organise your writing using paragraphs!
Don't rush - you have a week to do it (until 3rd April) so that means best handwriting! We would love to see the finished work and maybe even add it to our class page. Why don't you take a photo to send in or you could even type it up if you want to practise your computer skills too!
You should continue to read up to one book per day on Active Learn (approximately 20 minutes) and don't forget to answer the comprehension questions too!
You should continue to log on to TTRockstars and complete 15 minutes of times table practise.
And of course for that extra maths challenge, you can continue to work through 'Mathsphere'
Have a lovely day and enjoy the sun
Mrs Ames & Mrs Williams
Thursday 26th March 2020
Good morning Class 3
We hope you have had a lovely week so far and enjoyed the activities that we have set for you. Thank you to those who left us messages on Purple Mash - they made us smile
We are both missing being in school and seeing your happy faces everyday.
Mrs Williams has been busy working in the kitchen with the patio doors open, listening to the birds sing in the garden and Mrs Ames has been working in the garden and waving at the canal boats as they go past.
Aren't we lucky to be having such wonderful weather?
Here are your activities for today:
Our task today is all about direct speech. Here is a Power Point that will help:
When you have worked through the Power Point, you should log on to Active Learn and complete the activity/game set for you on there: Direct Speech
Then you can have a go at writing your own sentences using direct speech, by completing the task below in your workbook:
You should continue to read up to one book per day on Active Learn (approximately 20 minutes) and don't forget to answer the comprehension questions too!
You should continue to log on to TTRockstars and complete 15 minutes of times table practise.
Don't forget - if you want an extra maths challenge, you can continue to work through the 'mathsphere' activity from yesterday
Have a lovely day!
Mrs Ames & Mrs Williams
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Good morning Class 3
Just a quick note about Purple Mash - when you have finished an activity, please make sure you 'hand it in' online so that I can mark it
Here are your activities for today:
Finding the Fraction of a Group of Objects
Work through the PowerPoint below:
Some of the questions might be a bit tricky, just try your best and do the ones that you can
I have also added some more maths activities from 'Mathsphere' below, which you can complete throughout the week.
Mrs Pawson has added an E-Safety activity for you to complete on Purple Mash. Check your '2do' section and have fun!
You should continue to read up to one book per day on Active Learn (approximately 20 minutes) and don't forget to answer the comprehension questions too!
You should continue to log on to TTRockstars and complete 15 minutes of times table practise.
Try some extra maths work by clicking on the Mathsphere document below:
We hope you enjoy the activities set today and have a wonderful day.
Mrs Ames & Mrs Williams
Tuesday 24th March 2020
Good morning Class 3
Here are your activities for today:
Log onto your Purple Mash account and complete '2do Amesbury Archer' task (to be completed by Tuesday 31st March 2020).
Write an informative account about The Amesbury Archer.
Don't forget all the interesting information you already know about The Amesbury Archer from your learning in class.
Here are some websites you might find useful:
Keep practising your spelling words for this week. Here are some different ways you can practise your spelling words:
- Make the spelling words using magnetic letter/foam letters/scrabble pieces.
- Rewrite the words in rainbow colours. E.g. m o n k e y
- Type them on the computer.
- Use small beads, Cheerios or other small items.
- Pyramid write your spelling words in your exercise book.
- Practise writing your spelling words in your neatest handwriting.
- Look, say, cover, write, check.
- Make a wordsearch with your spelling words.
- Chalk it!
- Make word cards with your spelling words on.
You should continue to read up to one book per day on Active Learn (approximately 20 minutes) and don't forget to answer the comprehension questions too!
You should continue to log on to TTRockstars and complete 15 minutes of times table practise.
It's set to be another warm day today so don't forget your sun cream if you spend time in the garden!
Mrs Ames & Mrs Williams
Bumble Bee Project
The Plight of the Bumblebees
Here are some resources about a bumble bee project that you might want to complete whilst at home.
Monday 23rd March 2020
Good morning Class 3! We hope you have had a great weekend and managed to enjoy the lovely weather in your gardens.
Here are your learning activities for today, but don't forget it's just as important to make new memories with your families and get some hands on learning experiences too!
There are lots of books allocated to you on Active Learn. You should read up one book per day (please don't worry if you have a longer book - 20 minutes of reading is enough) and then answer the comprehension questions once you have finished.
You should read for a minimum of 20 minutes per day and don't forget to record your reading in your book. You can of course read other books you have at home, too
Please log on to your Times Table Rockstars account (the link can be found in the ‘Home Learning Websites’ page below) and complete 15 minutes of times table practise – all the times tables have been set for you.
Our new spelling pattern this week is:
'Creating adverbs using the suffix -ly (exceptions to the rules)'
This follows on from the spelling patterns we have been looking at over the past few weeks in school.
Take a look at the PowerPoint below to find out which words this spelling pattern applies to...
Your task is to write each word in a sentence in your book. Remember to use a dictionary to look up the meaning of any word you are unsure of!
Year 3 Spelling PowerPoint - Monday 23rd March 2020
Don't forget to have to have a look at the 'Practical Ideas' document for more fun suggestions of how you can learn AND have fun whilst you are at home.
Mrs Ames & Mrs Williams
Here are some practical ideas of things that you can do whilst at home:
Hello Class 3, Mrs Pawson here. I just wanted to remind you to think about everything you have learnt during your e-safety lessons. Whilst you are at home, you will probably be using the internet and devices a lot more. Every week, I'll be putting a challenge on Purple Mash for the whole school to take part in.
Remember to talk to a trusted adult if you are worried about anything.
Follow the link to the E-safety page to find more information.
I hope you are keeping well at home.
Tomorrow morning, between 08:00 and 08:30, your class teacher will be letting you know more about what activities they have planned for you for the day.
Please be patient because sometimes, when lots of people are using our school website, it's hard to upload things. So even if you can't see anything by 08:30 am, your teacher will be trying their best to put the information you need online.
I hope you enjoy the activities.
Mrs Fryman
Dear Class 3,
I have prepared a wealth of wonderful learning activities and opportunities for you to enjoy whilst you are at home. Each day, different activities will be uploaded for you to complete.
Please keep checking this page for further updates!
In addition, there are a great deal of other projects, activities and games for you to access too:
Ideas to support your Year 3 child:
- Recall 3, 4 and 8 multiplications
- Use everyday objects to write fractions
- Compare, order, add and subtract fractions with the same denominators
- Measure objects around the house using a ruler and record in mm and cm
- Baking is a perfect way to measure mass and capacity
- Tell and write the time in 24 hour and analogue - do this at certain times of the day. Ask your children to help create a timetable
- Draw 2D shapes and use a ruler to measure and calculate perimeters
- Add and subtract money using both pounds and pence
- Ensure your child reads every day ask your child to give you a recount of what they have read
- Ask your children to keep a diary and include:
- Conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions to make sentences longer
- Speech in sentences
- Practise the Y3/4 spelling words
Mrs Ames & Mrs Williams
Today we have been using data loggers to measure the light inside and outside.
We found out it is lighter outside!

We hope you have had a lovely, restful half term break and are ready to get straight back into work for the second half of the Spring term.
Below you will find our curriculum newsletter, which will tell you all the exciting things we will be doing in Spring 2.
Spring 2 Curriculum Newsletter
Science Rocks!
As part of our Rocks topic, the following links will be useful for research. Enjoy!
Welcome Back Class 3!
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and are ready for an action packed term ahead. We are pleased to welcome Miss Pickering to our class this term.
Have a look at the new curriculum newsletter to see all the exciting things you will be learning about.
Please remember to bring your PE kit back to school and have your water bottle with you every day. Homework and spellings will be on the same days as last term, please remember to place them in the corresponding box in class when completed.
Please remember to fill in your reading record every day.
Thank you
Mrs Williams and Mrs Ames
Welcome to Class 3.
We hope that you have all had a fantastic holiday and are excited about your new year as a junior. We are really looking forward to teaching you this year.
There are going to be lots of fantastic things happening in Year 3. We hope that you will be very happy and that it will be a very special time for you.
Mrs Williams will be teaching you every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this year. Mrs Ames will be teaching you every Friday and Mrs Hopley will be here to teach, help and support you every day.
Home/School Diaries.
Your parents can write messages in your Home/School Diaries in the same way as they did in Year 2. If you have a message that your parents want us to read then please leave your diary on our desk in the morning as you come in, otherwise Home/School Diaries will be checked and signed every Monday.
We will endeavour to read with you as often as we can during the week. We will also have weekly Guided Reading sessions in addition to all the other reading tasks that take place in class.
Reading at home.
You will need to record the book you are reading and page you have read up to each evening on the Reading Record page in your diary. You should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes each day.
Water Bottles.
Please make sure your water bottle is labelled. You can keep your water bottle on the water bottle trolley in class. You can refill your water bottle during the day from the water fountain just outside the classroom.
The Class Bear.
We have a class bear called Arthur. You will be given the opportunity to take him home during the year and fill his diary in if you want to. Arthur is taken home each Monday and needs to be returned to school by the following Monday.
You will need to make sure that you have your PE kit in school at all times -including suitable clothing and footware for outdoor PE.
Maths and English homework will be given out each Thursday and needs to be handed in no later than the following Tuesday. Spellings will be given out on a Friday and you will be tested on them the following Friday.
You should spend no longer than 15 minutes on each homework task. If you haven’t finished it in 15 minutes, then don’t worry.
You will also be given a home learning task each half term.
Gospel Singing
Once again Year 3 have been invited to participate in Gospel singing lessons. This happens every week and culminates in a huge performance with many other schools.
Warrington Wolves are visiting the school this term to work with Year 3. We are then invited to take part in a tag rugby festival. This is a fun event against other Warrington schools.
We will be going swimming during the summer term. Information about the lessons will be sent out later in the year.
We hope that you are excited about our new year together and we look forward to being your Class Teachers. We are going to have a great time.
If there is anything at all that you or your parents/carers are worried about then please come and tell us straight away so that we can sort it out for you. We want you to enjoy your time in Class 3 and we are here to help you.
Mrs Williams, Mrs Ames and Mrs Hopley.
Our Class assembly all about the Stone Age