Our work from home...
Here is a selection of some of the WONDERFUL work that you are completing at home!
I'm a very proud teacher Class 2!
If you would like to send in some projects or work that you have completed, please email me via the school office!
A great non-chronological report Ines all about dinosaurs! Well done!
A great understanding of using commas in a list Amelia!!
Andrei, you're working super hard with your maths! Well done!

Hi Ivan! I hope you enjoyed learning about Florence Nightingale!
Hi Freddie! I love the bird feeder and bird table you have made! Wow!! Well done!!

Class 2 - I am SO impressed with all of your wonderful work today on Purple Mash all about the different parts of a castle! WELL DONE!! Here is a selection of some of the work handed in so far...

Amelia you are working SUPER hard at home! I'm so proud of you!

Wow Amelia - this is such a lovely letter! Your Grandad will be very happy I'm sure! It sounds like you have been super busy at home as well as completing lots of excellent work! Keep it up, well done!!
Brilliant maths and spellings from Bella! Great job with the directions - I know it can be super tricky! Well done!

Brilliant work Emily! You have answered in full sentences and your handwriting is excellent! Keep up the super work!
Fantastic comprehension Evie! I hope you enjoyed finding out about life in the ocean!! Keep up the amazing work, well done!
Excellent problem solving in maths Ines! Great use of column addition and subtraction to help you calculate your answers, well done!!
Super maths work today Amelia and lovely pictures from your VE Day celebrations on Friday! I love how creative your homemade bunting was!! Great idea!

Brilliant maths work Ines! Great work using different coins to make the same amount!
Taylah, your VE day celebrations looked like a lot of fun! I like the bunting that you decorated and the afternoon tea looked delicious!! I hope you had a lovely day!

Brilliant maths work Remy! Finding different combinations of money to make the same amount - well done!!
Freddie painted a beautiful rainbow stone and left it outside school at the weekend! Thank you so much Freddie! What a lovely idea!
Excellent work on Adverbs from Amelia and Ines! Well done both of you!

Great work adding three numbers Amelia and super grammar work focusing on 'adverbs'! Well done!

Hi Mason! It's great to see how hard you are working at home! Keep up the excellent home learning and have a lovely weekend!

Fabulous home learning today Amelia! I really enjoyed your setting description and I can see that you have tried SUPER DUPER hard with your maths work! Well done!

A selection of Ivan's wonderful home learning! You are doing an excellent job - well done!

Wow Ines you have been very busy! I'm super proud of all of the amazing home learning that you have completed! Well done!
A great piece of writing from Freddie to set the scene for the reader! Well done!
Emily, I really enjoyed reading your setting description! It is very detailed and lots of exciting adjectives used - well done!
A great setting description Evie! You have used lots of adjectives to describe, well done!
Fantastic home learning this week Bella! Well done!

Emily, you are working so hard with your handwriting! WOW!! I am so impressed! Keep up the amazing work - well done!

Wonderful L.S. Lowry fact files on Purple Mash Y2!

Freddie, this looks super fun! It's lovely to see you working so hard - I hope you enjoyed the experiment!
Wow Andrei! I'm so impressed with the work you are doing at home! Keep it up!

Misha, fantastic work on time! I hope you are enjoying the home learning tasks, well done!
Fabulous home learning Amelia! you are working super hard - well done!

Super home learning Taylah! Well done!

Remy you have worked super hard with your maths tasks this week! A fantastic effort with your home learning, well done!
Ishant - you have blown us away with your understanding of time!
Mason has made an excellent PPT with lots of tips and advice about how to keep safe online and the positives and negatives of the internet! Thank you Mason! Great work!
Izie, excellent home learning! It is lovely to hear that you are enjoying the activities and working so hard! Keep up the wonderful work!

Excellent home learning from Ivan trying super hard with your English! Well done!

Sebastian, it is great to hear how hard you are trying with your times tables! Keep up the fantastic work!
Will, you are working very hard at home! Your bumble bee project is fabulous! You have also done lots of reading which is super! Keep it up!

Thank you Freddie for sending in some of your work! I hope you are ok and enjoying the sunshine! Lovely pictures and great to see you working super hard at home!

Wonderful work from Misha! Your Disney decorations are fabulous!!
Some fabulous home learning from Nicholas! I love all of the different models that you have been busy making!!

Wonderful home learning from Ines!! Brilliant work - keep it up!! You're doing a fantastic job!

Wow Class 2, I have received some fabulous pieces of creative writing so far today that really have entertained me so thank-you!!

Taylah, I love the decorations you have made!! Keep up the hard work with your SUPER home learning! Well done!

Amelia's rainbow picture has most definitely made me smile this morning - thank-you Amelia! I hope everybody is well and keeping safe - we miss you all lots at school!
And some fantastic work on fossils and your beautiful clock that you have decorated!! WOW!!
Ines has worked super hard counting in steps of 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s! Well done, excellent work!
Amazing writing by Andrei! I'm so impressed with your excellent handwriting and lots of lovely information all about the four different seasons!

Fantastic E-Safety posters with lots of great tips about passwords; how to create a password and keeping your passwords safe!

Izie has done some pebble painting with her brother Christian, had fun playing in the dingle and painted a beautiful picture of a rainbow for her window!

Some great work on materials! Fantastic use of scientific vocabulary!

Super spelling work Bella! I hope you enjoyed the book about fossils and found out lots of interesting information! Keep up the amazing work, well done!

Taylah, it looks like you are working really hard at home!! I love your bee project work and it's so nice to see you enjoying time outdoors! Keep up the great work, I'm a very proud teacher!

Amelia has done some excellent work at home! Great handwriting and lovely illustrations; keep up the fantastic work!

Wow! Bella has been working super hard with her maths home learning this week and fantastic writing about the four different seasons!

Great work sequencing events of The Great Fire of London on Purple Mash! You have all worked super hard on these!