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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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WB 8.6.20

Friday 12th June  


Wow! How is it Friday again already? That has been another really fast week! Well done to you all for all of your amazing hard work once again this week! And a joke is needed as it is the end of the week!


Why did the music teacher need a ladder?

To reach the high notes!!


(As you can tell- my jokes haven’t got much better!)


Here is your work for today and then I hope that you all have a lovely weekend!


MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the activities in the Mathsphere booklet. 


MATHS ACTIVITY: Arithmetic paper. You don’t need to print this, you can just answer in your book.


(PURPLE MASH) WRITING TASK: Write about your favourite animal. Don't forget to read the checklist for information you might want to include. It might be really nice for you to again complete this as a piece of extended writing or report writing with a diagram or image in your book! Remember to use high level punctuation and also features such as subordination, high level punctuation and subject specific vocabulary (habitat, climate, adapted, prey, predator). Hopefully you will enjoy this piece of writing!


Thursday 11th June


Hello Everybody,


I hope that you are all well! Thank you so much for even more profiles and child comments that have come in today! Just a few more to go! 


Remember about BBC Bitesize daily lessons if you want to do any additional learning- it really is a fantastic resource! 


Well done for all of the work that you have completed yesterday! Here are your tasks for today- enjoy!


MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the activities from the Mathsphere booklet.


READING ACTIVITY: Comprehension paper. Again, you don’t have to print this you can just answer the questions in your book. Remember the answers are there for you to mark so don’t scroll down too far.


SPELLING ACTIVITY: Complete relevant spelling activity in spelling booklets or complete the activity put up online.


PURPLE MASH: Add description about some dangerous animals.

Wednesday 10th June


Hello All!


It is Wednesday! Half way through the week! I have a lot of information for you to read through so get comfy!


Firstly, those who have not filled in or sent in their pupil profile sheets (for the yearbook) have been emailed. Please ensure these are complete as the year book is now underway. I wouldn’t want any to be missed out! Thank you if you have already done this!


Secondly, I have uploaded the child comments sheet again that goes at the end of your report to fill in. These can be picked up from outside of school and also dropped off outside of school to they can be put into your report. If these could be handed in this week that would be brilliant too- you have done them before many times and there is an instruction sheet if you are struggling.


Finally- high school! You should have or will do soon, receive a letter from Bridgewater discussing what they plan to do with transition. This includes information about virtual tours and potential live question and answer sessions too. All of which sounds very exciting! I have been sent some of your questions already but remember if anyone has any questions they want me to try to answer about high school, just email them in and I can answer what I know and ask high school the rest!


And after all of that- here is today’s work! Good luck!


CHILD COMMENTS: Complete the child comments page for the reports and send into school.


CHILD PROFILE: Complete the child profile (if you have not yet done so) and send into school.


MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the activities from the Mathsphere booklet.


READING ACTIVITY: Comprehension paper. You don’t have to print this- you can just answer in your book. The answers are with this activity so don't scroll down too far! This means that you can self-mark! 


PURPLE MASH/ WRITING ACTIVITY: Write a letter explaining about an Egyptian Pyramid that you are helping to build. You can complete this in your books if you wish! You may need to research it.


Tuesday 9th June


Hello, I hope that you are all OK! Here is your work for today! Well done for the work you completed on Monday!


Some of you have received emails about the child profile sheet to complete for the year book and I have uploaded it again here. If it is please completed and then emailed into school that would be great! Many thanks for the ones that I have been sent! 


MATHS ACTIVITY: One Mathsphere activity to be completed in books


GRAMMAR ACTIVITY: Correct the sentence punctuation sheet. Please select the activity that you want to complete- you do not need to do it all. You can also self mark using the answers provided.


PURPLE MASH: To find out about food in war times.


CHILD PROFILE: Fill in the child profile sheet for the year book and email in to school. 

Monday 8th June

Hello Everybody! I hope you are all OK and I hope that you had a lovely half term holiday and that you are well rested and ready to go again!

Remember that I will be checking Active Learn, Purple Mash and Times Table Rockstars each day and you do not need to print out any of the work- it can be done in exercise books! I am still waiting for 8 children's child profile sheets. Remember if I don't get them all in they may be missing from the year book.


Here are today's activities- enjoy! 


MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete Mathsphere Activity in books.


GRAMMAR ACTIVITY: Direct and indirect speech activity.  Please select the activity that you want to complete- you do not need to do it all. You can also self mark using the answers provided.


READING: Active Learn reading (x1 book per day/15minutes of reading). I have allocated new books for you all to enjoy J Please remember to answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the books!


TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: x10minutes daily times table practise.


PURPLE MASH:  Find out and explain about how technology has changed.
