Year 6
Times Tables
Here are some alternative times table resources that you can access from home if you would like to try something different other than Times Table Rockstars!
Password: Parents20!
*This website also gives access to 'Music Express' with lots of great songs and activities. Please enter the password directly when logging in rather than copy/paste as it won’t accept this.
Lucy's in Lockdown
Real PE at Home – Online Learning Resources
Real PE at home includes an online programme which supports families to be active, play and learn together. It includes a programme specifically for children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 with 12 themes, 6 areas, over 250 activities and challenges and 1000s of hours of fun and activity. This programme is great for family play and fun.
It also includes a programme for children in Key Stage 2, with daily and weekly guidance provided for both programmes in addition to an option to choose your own themes and activities.
There are so many benefits to being active, not only to our physical wellbeing but also to our emotional and mental health, especially in such testing times for all of us. We hope that the ideas help support you and your family to stay fit and healthy in the coming months.
Here are the details to access Real PE at home:
Parent email:
Password: strettonst
The web address is:
Look out for details of the St Matt's Easter Competition in NEWS & EVENTS on Friday 3rd April ... different categories to choose from and entries welcome from all family members and friends!

Friday 27th March 2020
WRITING TASK: To be completed by next Friday (3rd April 2020) I am the last jelly baby in the pack- please don’t eat me! Write a persuasive speech in first person persuading a human not to eat the last jelly baby in the pack. Please see the class page for further guidance on this. I wish you were in school writing this as I would love to see what creative ideas you all have!
MATHS ACTIVITY: Arithmetic paper (either the one in your folder or the one I have uploaded).
MATHS ACTIVITY: Conversion graphs activity to be completed in book or on squared paper.
Thursday 26th March 2020
Good morning! I hope that you managed to get some time outside in the sun yesterday and same again today hopefully! Again, just try your best with the pie chart activity and remember how many degrees are in a full turn..... 'THREEEEEE HUNNNDREEEDDD AAND SIIIXXTYYYY'
READING TASK: Comprehension paper (either this one or one in your folder)
MATHS TASK: Pie charts activity to be completed in book.
SPELLING ACTIVITY: Complete relevant spelling activity in spelling booklets or you can complete the activity that I will upload.
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Good morning Year 6! I hope you are well and getting into a routine now!
MATHS TASK: Pie charts activity to be completed in book. Please note this is a new area of learning so I suggest that you start on an easier section and just give it a go!
READING TASK: Comprehension paper
Tuesday 24th March 2020
MATHS TASK: Reflections activity to complete on squared paper and stuck into book.
GRAMMAR TASK: Suffixes activity to be completed on the sheet and stuck into book.
PURPLE MASH: Choose an activity/task on Purple Mash and complete by next Tuesday (31st March 2020). Linked to our South America topic possibly?
Bumble Bee Project
The Plight of the Bumblebees
Here are some resources about a bumble bee project that you might want to complete whilst at home.
Reflections, Synonyms and Antonyms
Dear Class 6,
We have produced a wealth of wonderful learning activities and opportunities for you to enjoy whilst you are at home. Each day, different activities will be uploaded for you to complete. Please keep checking this page for updates!
In addition, there are a great deal of other projects, activities and games for you to access too!
You have also been given a pack of activities and a time table to follow so you are keeping busy each day. I will post useful websites and power points on our class page to assist you with learning.
Don’t forget you can also use:
• Purple Mash
• Active Learn
• Times Table Rockstars
Monday 23rd March 2020
MATHS TASK: Reflections activity to complete on squared paper then stick in book.
GRAMMAR TASK: Synonyms and Antonyms to complete on sheet and stick into book.
READING: Active Learn reading (x1 book per day/15minutes of reading). I have allocated new books for you all to enjoy Please remember to answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the books!
TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: x10minutes daily times table practise.
Hello Class 6, Mrs Pawson here. I just wanted to remind you to think about everything you have learnt during your e-safety lessons. Whilst you are at home, you will probably be using the internet and devices a lot more. Every week, I'll be putting a challenge on Purple Mash for the whole school to take part in.
Remember to talk to a trusted adult if you are worried about anything.
Follow the link to the E-safety page to find more information.
I hope you are keeping well at home.
Tomorrow morning, between 08:00 and 08:30, your class teacher will be letting you know more about what activities they have planned for you for the day.
Please be patient because sometimes, when lots of people are using our school website, it's hard to upload things. So even if you can't see anything by 08:30 am, your teacher will be trying their best to put the information you need online.
I hope you enjoy the activities.
Mrs Fryman
Year 6 Class Assembly
Year 6 did us all proud and created a brilliant class assembly. It couldn't have been any better, they did an incredible job- well done.
The children are bringing home a QR code. If they access Seesaw (the children have done this before), they will be able to scan the code and you will be able to watch the assembly in different sections!
We hope that you enjoy it as much as we did!
February 2020
Hello Everyone!
I hope that you had a fantastic break even if the weather wasn't so good! It is safe to say that we have a brilliant half term ahead of us! Especially because we have our residential to Manor Adventure fast approaching which I am sure everyone is really excited for!
We will be continuing to learn about the topic, South America in geography and the Industrial Revolution in history. In science we will be starting our topic about light and how we see where we will be taking part in lots of brilliant experiments.
PE will continue as normal on a Friday with Dave. Guitar with Mrs Guitar will also continue on Wednesdays.
We will also be starting to take part in revision in preparation for SATS which are fast approaching but rest assured, you are all working INCREDIBLY hard so just keep it up!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Mrs Hazeldine
January 2020
Hello and welcome back! I hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year and I hope that you are well rested ready to start the term!
A BIG thank you to all for the wonderful gifts that Mrs Hulse and I received! We are very lucky teachers!
We have lots of exciting topics to look forward to this term! In science, Light and Electricity. In history we will be looking at the Industrial Revolution and in geography our topic will be South America.
PE, ICT, Music and French will be continuing as normal, as well as English, Maths and Grammar!
We also have Manor Adventure coming up this term which already we are really excited for! As well as many other interesting activities!
If anyone has any questions, feel free to pop in and speak to me!
Y5 Curriculum Newsletter for Spring Term 2020
Welcome Back!
Firstly, a big welcome to Year 6, your final year of primary school. We will be having an extremely busy year covering many topics and completing many extra-curricular activities as well! It is my job to not only prepare you for SATs but most importantly to prepare you for high school, where you will need to demonstrate an increased amount of independence. This will ensure that your transition to high school is seamless.
PE will continue on as normal with Dave mostly. Children should have kits in school at all times in case there are any last minute changes to the PE schedule.
Homework will be regular and consistent each week and there will be no variations unless told otherwise. Children should read and complete multiplication practice each night. On a Tuesday, maths, grammar and reading comprehension homework will be given out. This should be handed in on the following Monday at the latest. Reading diaries should be logged in each time you have read and signed. These will be collected in on a Thursday morning. Finally, spellings plus the activity should be completed each week. A test will be held each Friday morning linking to the corresponding week, this is when spelling booklets will be handed in to mark.
Topic homework will continue as normal, once per half term, although around SATS time we will take a break from this due to revision.
Any homework not completed will result in a break time detention so I recommend attending homework club if you are able to as this will give you a head start on homework each week. This will also get you into a good routine ready for high school.
Behind this page you will find a homework timetable for you to follow through the year.
Topics and Extra- Curricular
We will be covering a range of topics this year including Crime and Punishment, Islamic Civilisation, North America and South America. As well as this we will be looking at science topics including the human body, how we see, electricity, living things and evolution. As well as these topics, we will also have our residential to Manor Adventure taking place, which I am sure you are already excited for. And if that isn’t enough, Year 5 and Year 6 will be taking part in the end of year production, so we have many enjoyable activities to look forward to throughout the year.
I hope that you are as excited as I am to start your final year of primary school.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me!
Mrs Hazeldine