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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

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WB 8.6.20

                                        Friday June 12th, 2020

                               Good morning Class 3. HAPPY FRIDAY!smiley

We hope you've all had a good week and have enjoyed your activities. It's been lovely seeing the flowers you are growing at home and the experiments you are doing. I wonder if anyone else has a sunflower as tall as the one Mrs Ames has in her garden?

Enjoy today's work Class 3 and have a lovely weekend.


Here are today's activities.



It's 'Times Table Friday' again Class 3.

I know that you really enjoy the multiplication grids we do in class, so here are some for you to complete at home. Times Tables 2 is more challenging than Times Tables 1. You might choose to do both. You might even want to set yourself a real challenge by timing yourself! 



Today's writing activity is to write your own poem.

First watch the Power Point below which will explain what you need to do. Then use the writing frame to help you with your ideas. You can write your poem about anything that interests you, but it might be helpful to follow the ideas on the Power Point until you get the hang of it. I hope you find it fun.smiley 


Please read every day Class 3. If you have completed all your Active Learn books you can access other books from the links on your class page. 



Please practise your times tables every day. Check the new times tables links on your class page.


HAVE A LOVELY WEEKEND CLASS 3. We are missing you all.

Mrs Williams, Mrs Ames and Mrs Hopley x

                                      Thursday June 11th, 2020      

Good morning Class 3! We hope you are all having a good week. We just wanted to remind you that the work you send into school is uploaded onto the Our Work from Home section on our class page. Take a look at the lovely work you've been sending in.smiley  Let's hope the rain keeps away today so that you can go outside and enjoy some fresh air once you've finished your school work.


Here are today's activities.



We know that you are enjoying the weekly emoji challenges we put on the class page every Monday so... here are lots more for you to try. Remember to use your addition and subtraction knowledge to work out the answers. Challenge 2 is harder than Challenge 1. You don't need to print this work, you can just write the answers in your book.



I'd like you to fill in the Syllables Grid sheet today Class 3. You've completed some syllables work where I've given you the words to sort, but today I'd like you to choose your own. Look around your house and garden for ideas. Can you really challenge yourself and think of words with 5 syllables or more ? That's REALLY tricky!

If you don't want to print the sheet off you can just draw a grid in your book.


Please read every day Class 3. If you have completed all your Active Learn books then please read a book from home or use the links on your class page.



Please practise your times tables every day Class 3. If you would like a change from Times Table Rock Stars there are new links on your class page.yes

 Wednesday 10th June 2020

Good morning Class 3.smiley  We hope you are all getting back into the routine of home learning again but are still finding time to play out or go for a bike ride.

We are very impressed with the work you have been completing on Purple Mash already this week- keep it up Class 3!


A note from Mrs Ames - Apologies to those of you who may have had issues with the science game on Purple Mash yesterday - it incorrectly marked some answers wrong, just because they were on the opposite label. I have looked at each piece of work individually and marked them accordingly yes 


I have also started my own little experiment with white flowers to see what happens when food colouring is added to the water. Here is what they look like so far...


Here are today's activities.



Your maths today is on your 2do list on Purple Mash. It's a game to play about matching related addition and subtraction facts. We did this work in class with Miss Pickering.

12 + 6 = 18          6 + 12 = 18                18 - 6 = 12            18 - 12 = 6



We are going to revise syllables today. You are going to need to know this work in preparation for your writing task on Friday.

Watch the video clip to remind you then complete the activities


Syllable Lesson Video


Let's Learn About Syllables

You don't need to print this work Class 3. You can write the answers in your book and create your own table in your book too if you want to. I'm sure you will get the hang of this very quickly and will remember covering it in class.


On Purple Mash, create a poster about 'Choices'

Find the 2do: Year 3 E-safety - Making Choices

Use the questions down the side to help you think about what choice you would make in that situation.


Please read every day Class 3. I've allocated a few of you some more books today, but if you now read all your Active Learn books you need to choose a book you have at home or one from the links on the class page.smiley



Please practise your times tables every day - for at least 15 mins.yes

Tuesday 9th June 2020

Good morning Class 3 laugh

We are back to science and our plants topic this week, so I (Mrs Ames) wanted to share with you the picture of mine and Archie's sunflowers that we planted - we're really pleased with how well they are doing!

Perhaps you'd like to share some of your plant pictures, I bet they look great after a few weeks of growing!



So as we continue our plants topic, we are looking at how water is transported through the plant - a process that we call 'Transpiration'.

Firstly take a look at the PowerPoint below in presentation mode.

Then watch the video link to see an investigation about plants - perhaps you could do your own using white flowers? I'd love to see your results!

Finally, complete the matching activity on Purple Mash, it's on your 2do list.


I've given you some grammar revision exercises to do today Class 3. You don't need to print this work if you don't want to, you can just write the answers in your book. Read the questions carefully! Try to complete both exercises please.


I know how much you like your colouring by numbers work Class 3, so here are some addition and subtraction sums for you to work out and then look at the key below each picture to see what colour you need to use. Remember that I like you to write the answers down too please.smiley You can do one or both of these pictures.

Don't worry if you can't print this work- just write the sums out in your book.



Please continue to practise your times tables every day for at least 15 mins.smiley


Please read every day Class 3. You can read your Active Learn books or a book of your own from home. Remember to access the links on the class page too.


Monday 8th June 2020

Good morning Year 3!

Can you believe we are already a week into June?

We hope you have had a lovely break for Whit - perhaps you spent the first week splashing in a paddling pool to escape from the heat, and the second week splashing in puddles! The weather can't seem to make its mind up, can it?

Let's hope for some more sun as we start our week laugh

Here's an emoji codebreaker to get our brains back into work mode!



This week we are looking at words that have the "aw" sound, using the "au" and "augh" graphemes (so think back to Year 1 phonics! wink)

Take a look at the presentation below, then go to Purple Mash to complete a spelling quiz. Once you've done that, see if you can solve the crossword below using your spellings as the answers.


I thought we'd start a new term by revising and consolidating addition and subtraction Class 3. Please look carefully at the symbols! You don't need to print this work, just copy the sums into your book.

If you need to revise the methods, just look back at the Power Points from last term. smiley


We would have been doing lots of poetry in school this half term Class 3, so I've given you a poetry comprehension to complete today. I hope you enjoy it. It isn't an assessment so just enjoy the poem and try your best with the comprehension questions. Remember that 'find and copy' answers have to be copied word for word from the text!


Lots of you have now completed all your Active Learn books so please carry on reading favourite books from home, comics, books from the links on the class page etc.

Please continue to read your Active Learn Books if you haven't completed them.smiley


Please continue to log onto Times Tables Rock Stars and practise your times tables every day. You will all be super stars by the time you start Year 4!yes

You can also practise your times tables on paper, you can sing them or complete the booklet I posted at the end of last half term. I know that you all loved the times tables songs we used to sing in class - so you could log onto BBCBitesize and re-visit the times tables songs we used to sing with Fred the Red etc!


Have a great day Class 3 and let's hope the weather improves so that you can get out into the garden or for a walk this afternoon.
