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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

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WB 8.6.20

Friday 12th June 2020


Hello Class 2! How are you all?

I hope you are all well and have enjoyed some of your home learning activities this week!smiley 


Next week, we will get our class blog up and running via Purple Mash and I cannot wait to speak to you and hear about all of the wonderful things you are doing and how hard you are all working! 


I hope you all have a lovely weekend (hopefully the sunshine will be back soon - it's very wet and rainy as I'm typing this!) Have a lovely day,


Miss Hill



WRITING: A day in the life of Florence Nightingale.


Write a diary entry imagining that you are Florence Nightingale. Can you answer these questions in your writing?


What was the hospital like?

What could you smell, hear and see?

How did Florence (you) feel?

What treatment did Florence give to injured soldiers?

At night, she walked around with her lamp checking the soldiers she wrote letters for them and talked to them. What might she have written or talked about?


You may wish to use my opening below to help you with your writing:


Monday 15th March 1855

In Scutari hospital in Turkey the conditions are awful, overcrowded and filthy. There are not enough beds, so man are lying on the floor. Every night I light my lantern and walk around the wards to check how the soldiers are.


MATHS: Measuring Capacity – SET A and SET B (SET C optional)


*to complete SET C questions, you will need to be able to print this worksheet. For SET A/SET B you can write the answers directly into your exercise booksblush


EXTENSION: Measuring in ml activity sheet

ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)


TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.






Thursday 11th June 2020 

Good morning Class 2 and a very happy Thursday to you all!smiley

I hope that you are all having a super week and enjoying the home learning tasks - especially our work on Florence Nightingale! Thank you as ever for all of your efforts with the home learning and for always doing your very best!

I hope you are all safe and well; I miss your smiling faces very much! Have a great day everyone!blush 

Love from,

Miss Hill




PURPLE MASH: Grammar - Expanded Noun Phrases (this activity is set as a 2do)


Task 1 – Click the correct word types to build two-word combinations.


Task 2 - Put your word combos together to make sentences.



Adjective – describing word

Noun – person/place/thing

MATHS: In your maths books, use a ruler to draw lines of the following lengths and label them.


1. 9cm

2. 4cm

3. 6cm

4. 12cm

5. 7cm

6. 14cm

7. 8cm

8. 10cm


CHALLENGE: Can you measure to the nearest half centimetre?


1. 3.5cm

2. 8.5cm

3. 11.5cm

4. 5.5cm

5. 12.5cm

6. 7.5cm

7. 4.5cm

8. 10.5cm


ENGLISH: Florence Nightingale Comprehension (choose which one to complete – GREEN/AMBER/RED)

ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)


TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day. There are some additional times table resources on the class page which you may wish to access instead of TT Rockstars for a changesmiley








Wednesday 10th June 2020


Good morning Year 2!


I hope you are all well and enjoying your home learning activities this week! I really enjoyed reading your information about Florence Nightingale! Today, you will look at the differences between modern day hospitals and hospitals in the Victorian times! For maths, we will continue our work on measurement - there are two Purple Mash activities set for you to complete. Mrs Pawson has planned some great E-Safety activities for us to complete this half term - today's activity is all about 'making choices' 


I hope you all have a super day!


Take care, 

Miss Hill



PURPLE MASH: Maths – Today there are TWO activities set as a 2do on Purple Mash.


Task 1 – Longer or Shorter - Decide which is the shorter or longer of each object.


Task 2 – Tallest and Shortest - Decide which image in each is the tallest or shortest.


ENGLISH: Today we will continue our work on Florence Nightingale. Read the information before and complete the activity sheet – comparing a modern hospital now to life in a Victorian hospital during the Victorian times.

E-SAFETY: Making Choices - Use the template to help you write about the choices you would make. (Purple Mash 2do activity) 

ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)


TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day. There are some additional times table resources on the class page which you may wish to access instead of TT Rockstars for a changeblush






Tuesday 9th June 2020


During the summer term, we would have learnt all about the life of Florence Nightingale; who she was, where she was from and why we still remember her today. Your topic work today on Purple Mash is all about Florence Nightingale and her life!


PURPLE MASH: Topic - Read about the life of Florence Nightingale.


Once you have read the information, create a mind map with all of the things you have learnt about Florence from your reading. Write her name in the middle of the page with all of the facts around J


I have also attached a PPT below which you may find useful!

MATHS: Measurement


Task 1 – Comparing Lengths – Use < > or = to compare measurements


Task 2 – Length – Units of Measurement (choose at least one set of questions to complete) The PPT below may help you with this taskblush

ENGLISH: Read the information below. From your reading today (and yesterday) create a fact file about Florence Nightingale. You can choose to print the template below off OR write your fact file in your exercise book.

ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading) If you would like to do more reading, access the Collins Big Cat reading resources, Oxford Owl or read a book from home and record this in your home/school diary.


TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.






Good morning Class 2!


I hope you are all well and enjoyed a lovely rest over the Whit holiday!smiley


Thank you for your ‘child reviews of the year’ that have been sent into school already (either handed in at school or sent to the Y2 home learning email.) If you haven’t yet completed yours, please could you do so over the next couple of weeks. Also, please make sure you use the school template to complete your review of the year – if you can’t print the template at home, there are copies available outside school for you to come and collect. I have included the template below:

For your home learning this half term, I will try to give a choice of some different tasks and activities. You can choose which questions to complete (e.g. SET A/SET B/SET C). Some will be slightly easier and others more difficult if you would like to give yourself an extra challenge! It is entirely up to you which questions or which comprehension etc you choose to complete!


I hope you all have a wonderful day!


Take care,

Miss Hill


Monday 8th June 2020


PURPLE MASH: Spelling Quiz - The /u/ sound spelt with ‘o’


1. other

2. mother

3. brother

4. nothing

5. Monday

6. cover

7. money

8. oven

9. worry

10. wonder


Write a sentence using each of you spelling words in your exercise books.


MATHS: Odd and Even Numbers


Task 1: Tick as to whether the numbers are odd or even.


Task 2: Choose one of the three sets of questions (SET A/SET B/SET C). The questions get more difficult so SET A will be slightly easier and SET C will be a little trickery! It is completely up to you which set of questions you choose to complete. Don’t forget if you aren’t able to print, answer the questions in your exercise books as best as you cansmiley

ENGLISH: Reading Comprehension - Choose to either complete the GREEN/AMBER/RED comprehension tasklaugh

(Please excuse my dining table in the back of the photographs! These are comprehension cards which are great but I don’t have an electronic copy so I am photographing the cards and uploading – hopefully they will be clear/easy to read!)

ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading) If you would like to do more reading, access the Collins Big Cat reading resources, Oxford Owl or read a book from home and record this in your home/school diary.


I am not able to upload any more books to Active Learn once you have completed your current allocations as there are only so many books available per book band so please use the additional resources if you have finished/completed your libraryblush 


TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.
