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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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WB 6.7.20

Friday 10th July

Hello Class 5. I hope you have all had a wonderful week.

Have a peaceful and fun weekend.

See you virtually on Monday.


Mrs Pawson



Follow the online lesson to complete the writing activity. See link below.



Please follow the link below and complete all activities. I've added some extra links to work that you can complete throughout the week.



Spend 30 minutes reading.



Spend 10/15 minutes on here. Remember there are times tables activities on Purple Mash if you fancy a change.

Thursday 9th July


I hope everyone who has been in school this week has enjoyed being back. I've really liked reading all of your comments on our blog. If you haven't had a look- you just need to look under the sharing tab. 



Go through some instruction manuals/ cook books/ dictionary and make a list of 10 different imperative verbs. Write a sentence with each one.



Please follow the link below and complete all activities. I've added some extra links to work that you can complete throughout the week.



Holy Spirit - What part do Christians believe the Holy Spirit played in helping the disciples in the early church?

Read the Pentecost story (see link below). Think about: After Pentecost, what happened next? What part did the Holy Spirit play? What happened after the disciples left the room? Can you chart the emotions of the disciples at each point in the story on a graph?


Using the Good News Bible version; find out more about the work of the Holy Spirit. Be a Bible detective. You can find all the texts you need at this website (see link below) just put into the search engine the bible passage you are looking at.

Read Acts 2:43-47; Acts 3:1-10; Acts 4:1-22; Acts 4:32-37; Acts 5:12-42. After you read each passage think about the emotions and changes that happened in the stories


Design a poster to explain what you have learnt about the Holy Spirit.

You can include a montage of words, questions and pictures of all that happened. Include questions you might have about the stories eg Acts 3: What happened when Peter healed the lame man?



I've added a Purple Mash book that we are going to read a chapter of each day. There is also a quick game that you can complete once you've read the chapter.

Read one book on Active Learn. You could also have a look at some of the grammar activities and have a go at one.



Spend 10/15 minutes on here. Remember there are times tables activities on Purple Mash if you fancy a change.

Wednesday 8th July



Please complete activity in your 2do list.

OPTIONAL: complete matching activity below.



Complete  activity in your 2do list.



Please follow the link below and complete all activities. I've added some extra links to work that you can complete throughout the week.



Read through the PowerPoint about in-app purchases. Create a poster to show your learning. 



I've added a Purple Mash book that we are going to read a chapter of each day. There is also a quick game that you can complete once you've read the chapter.

Read one book on Active Learn. You could also have a look at some of the grammar activities and have a go at one.



Spend 10/15 minutes on here. Remember there are times tables activities on Purple Mash if you fancy a change.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CORA. We hope you have a wonderful day celebrating.

Tuesday 7th July




Please follow the link and complete all activities.



Complete  activity in your 2do list.



Please follow the link below and complete all activities. I've added some extra links to work that you can complete throughout the week.



I've added a Purple Mash book that we are going to read a chapter of each day. There is also a quick game that you can complete once you've read the chapter.

Read one book on Active Learn. You could also have a look at some of the grammar activities and have a go at one.



Spend 10/15 minutes on here. Remember there are times tables activities on Purple Mash if you fancy a change.

Monday 6th July


A big hello to all of you.  I hope you all have a great week and keep trying your best! WE CAN DO IT!!!


Monday challenge- find 3 new words in the dictionary and think of a sentence that uses each of them.



I've added a 2do on Purple Mash. Please see spelling document below for more activities that should be completed in your home learning books.



Complete  activity in your 2do list.



Please follow the link below and complete all activities. I've added some extra links to work that you can complete throughout the week.



I've added a Purple Mash book that we are going to read a chapter of each day. There is also a quick game that you can complete once you've read the chapter.

Read one book on Active Learn. You could also have a look at some of the grammar activities and have a go at one.



Spend 10/15 minutes on here. Remember there are times tables activities on Purple Mash if you fancy a change.
