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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

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WB 6.7.20

                                          Friday July 10th.


                          Good morning Class 3 and happy Friday!smiley

This week has flown by. It's been lovely to see all your fantastic work both on Purple Mash and in the photos that you've been sending into school. It's also been lovely to see some of you in person this week, and we are also thinking about everyone who is working so hard at home too. Mrs Ames, Mrs Hopley and I are so proud of you all. I hope you've enjoyed all the art work this week and have enjoyed finding out about tortoises like Alfie!


Here are today's activities.



It's Times Tables Friday again Class 3.

Please choose from one of the challenges below. Look carefully if you choose the first challenge, as you have to fill in the blanks.


We are going to carry on with our tortoise work today Class 3. I've attached some activities for you below. You might want to choose a few of them or maybe do all of them. We are going to be looking at tortoises and turtles today!

Word search.
Labelling parts of a turtle.

Why are turtles and tortoises in danger and how can we protect them?


Read the information I've attached and use the second sheet to set out your information. I've also attached some pictures for you to add or to use in any writing you may want to do in your books.    Have fun!

Here is a link to the ESIO TROT story Class 3. Some of you might have the book at home but you might want to listen to it being read to you.smiley

Roald Dahl | Esio Trot - Full Audiobook with text (AudioEbook)

Please read every day Class 3 and practise your times tables.smiley


We are very proud of you all. Have a lovely weekend Class 3.



From Mrs Williams, Mrs Ames and Mrs Hopley xsmiley

                                            Thursday July 9th


                                        Good morning Class 3.smiley

It's lovely to see that some of you have already produced some wonderful 'pointillism' pictures and sent photos of them in for us to see. We hope you enjoyed this activity and that you enjoyed learning about Georges Seurat. Did you see the other artists on the video? Wasn't their art work amazing!


Mrs Fryman and Mrs Watson have recorded some assemblies for you this week. You can watch them by clicking on the assembly link on the class page.

Here are today's activities.



I've prepared some tortoise facts for you to read about today. I thought we'd carry on with some tortoise work, since we didn't get to finish our class book - Esio Trot. Mrs Silver had a tortoise called Alfie who lived in a little 'tortoise house' on the balcony of her flat. Mr Hoppy lived upstairs and could see Alfie from his balcony.

Make a tortoise flip book or a tortoise fact file.

Let's find out about tortoises. Read the information I've prepared for you then choose the facts you find most interesting. Make yourself a tortoise flip book or a fact file sheet. I've attached some templates below for you to use, but you can just write the information in your book if you want to. You might want to do both! I hope you enjoy finding out about the giant tortoises too.

Cut out both the tortoise shell shape and the other flap and attach both with a stapler or glue to the tortoise outline to make your flip book. 


 Today's activity is telling the time, but instead of the numbers 1-12 we have Roman numerals. Tell the time on each clock - look carefully please.

Year 3 Roman numerals on a clock

Roman Numerals on a clock


You have an art activity to compete on your Purple Mash 2do list Class 3. Enjoy!yes



Please read every day Class 3 and remember to use the links on the class page if you have completed all your Active learn books.



Please practise your times tables Class 3. Keep up the good work.


Have a great day Class 3 smiley

Wednesday 8th July 2020

Good morning Class 3 smiley

Today is Wednesday, already the middle of the week! 

It has been lovely to see some of you in school this week and we can't wait to see some more of you tomorrow. Whether you're at home or in school, we want to say a big thank you to you ALL for working so very hard. 


We have really enjoyed reading and listening to all your lovely messages on Purple Mash when you 'hand in' your work and it's been great to read your messages on the blog too - thank you to those who have contributed so far. If you haven't, there's still time... our theme for this week is 'our favourite lockdown memory' and we would love to hear about yours! Just go to Purple Mash and click on 'Sharing' then 'Class 3'.


We hope you have a lovely day, even if it is raining!


Here are your activities for today:


Take a look at the PowerPoint below all about 'In-App Purchases'.

Perhaps you have heard of this term before or maybe you've even used in app purchases (on purpose or by accident!)

Everything you need to know will be explained in the presentation, then complete the activity:

Design a poster highlighting the issues connected with in-app purchases.


  • It could be aimed at Key Stage One or Key Stage Two children.
  • Explain what an in-app purchase is.
  • Give ways that children can manage in-app purchases sensibly.
  • Make your poster bright and eye-catching.

E-safety PowerPoint In App Purchases


Your maths activity today is on Purple Mash. Check your 2do list for the Roman Numerals game.yes You can use the Roman Numerals Chart that I attached on Monday to help you.



Look at the Power Point about George Seurat and Pointillism. Then go to your Purple Mash 2do list and complete the Pointillism challenge. Use the information you have gathered from the Power Point and the information I attached for you yesterday.


I've also attached an art activity for you below. You can use this activity or draw/paint a picture of your own. If you have paints at home you can paint a picture using the tip of a paint brush to create the 'dots' effect or the tip of a cotton bud. If you haven't got paints at home you can use felt pens or colouring pencils to create the same effect. Have fun!smiley

The beginning of this video tells you all about Pointillism and then shows you how to create your own Pointillism picture. You could try it if you have time or use one of your own ideas.


This video was created to teach young children about Pointillism. Instructions included at the end of the video on how to create a pointillism-inspired autum...

🖌️ Pointillism: How to Paint Spot-On Like Georges Seurat | Art with Mati and Dada

The post-impressionist painter Georges Seurat shows Mati and Dada how they can magically "paint" with their eyes by optically blending colours.


Please read every day Class 3 and remember to read a book of your choice from home or via one of the links on our class page if you have completed all your Active Learn books.



Please practise your times tables every day Class 3. Remember to use the links on our Class page in addition to Rock Stars.


Have a great day.smiley

                                             Tuesday July 7th

Good morning Class 3.smiley How are you all? Wasn't it cold yesterday?  Let's hope the weather is better today!

Did you enjoy the Roman numerals work yesterday? Did you find it tricky? We are going to be continuing with this work today and we are also going to be learning about a very famous artist.yes


We are going to carry on with our Roman numerals work today. Please use the chart I attached yesterday to help you. There are three activities attached below. Choose the ones you would like to complete.


We are going to do some Art History today Class 3. We are going to find out about a very famous artist called Georges Seurat.

I'd like you to look at the Power Point about him and read the Fact File information about him.

I remember studying this famous artist when I was in school.

When you have read all about him you will then need to fill in the Fact File sheet attached. Who was he? When and where was he born and why is he so famous?


Please check your 2do list and you will find an activity to complete about Seurat.



Please read every day Class 3 and remember to read a book of your choice from home when you have completed all your Active Learn books.



Please keep practising your times tables every day Class 3.


Have a great day.smiley

                                       Monday July 5th.

Good morning Class 3.smiley We hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for another week of activities and learning. It will be lovely to see some of you back in school this week but we want all of you who are at home to know that we are thinking about you all and are missing you very much. Please keep sending your fantastic work into school and keep leaving us messages on Purple Mash and on our blog as we love hearing from you.


It was fantastic to see so many of you responding to our blog last week about favourite books. This week we are talking about our favourite lockdown memories and Mrs Ames has put her own on there, including a very cute picture. I wonder if you can guess what it might be? Have a look on the Purple Mash Class 3 blog to see!


Here are today's activities.


We are going to be starting a new unit of work today - all about ROMAN NUMERALS.

Please read the Power Point below very carefully and then use the information to make your own clock with ROMAN NUMERALS.



We are going to be doing lots of work about tortoises this week Class 3 so I thought we'd begin with the story of THE TORTOISE AND THE HARE.



Your spelling pattern for this week is words with the ‘short u’ sound, spelt with an ‘o’

Here are your spelling words:












Your activity:

Take a look at the Power Point below in presentation mode to play the game. Then...



· Rewrite the words in rainbow colours. E.g. m o n k e y


· Make a word search with your spelling words


Don’t forget to use a dictionary to look up any words you are unsure of smiley


We have attached a Lockdown Jar for you to write all your happy lockdown memories in. You might want to actually find a real jar and write all your memories on pieces of paper and put them in your jar. You can also use this activity to think of things to include on our class blog.


Please read every day Class 3. Please read a book of your choice or use the links on our class page if you have completed all your Active Learn books.



Please practise your times tables every day. You use the links on the class page in addition to Times Tables Rock Stars.


Have a great day Class 3.smiley
