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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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WB 6.4.20

Dear Year 5, we would like to wish you all a blessed, healthy and happy Easter at home. 


We have prepared a range of tasks for you to complete and suggested a timetable. You will find all of the links below. Everything on Purple Mash has been set as a 2do. We would suggest still reading for 30 minutes every day and spending 15/20 on TT Rockstars.


Please note: There is no expectation to complete all of the activities suggested for each day - we have given you a choice of different things that you might like to try...


Keep smiling and being positive.


Mrs McClellan and Mrs Pawson


Don't forget that the St Matt's Easter Competition is now OPEN for entries. Here is the information you will need if you wish to take part: 


Holly has made a Year 5 Word Search for you to complete.

Below are some videos that should help you to complete your Easter Maths booklet.