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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

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WB 6.4.20

Good morning Year 4, 

I hope you had a lovely weekend and found lots of fun things to do. This week I have found some Easter related work that you can have a look at and complete. As it is the school holiday, you do not have to complete the activities but I thought you might like to have a go. How many activities you choose to do is up to you. I hope you enjoy them! Don't forget you also have the Easter competition that you can take part in. The details are in the News and Events page on the website.


Monday 6.4.20

Activity 1

Complete the Easter Maths Word Problems.

Activity 2

Visit Purple Mash and complete the Easter research task. What can you find out about Easter traditions?

Activity 3

Have a go at some Easter origami.



Tuesday 7.4.20

Activity 1

Have a look at the Easter mystery activity. This is an activity for you and all of your family. Answer the English questions to find out who crushed the chocolate eggs. Can you 'crack' the mystery? Haha! The answers are at the back of the booklet, try not to peak!

Activity 2

Design a pop up Easter card.

Activity 3

Write an Easter joke.


Wednesday 8.4.20

Activity 1

Create a poster about how people celebrate Easter around the world. Take a look at the slides and decide if you want to do a collection of different countries or focus on one.

Activity 2

Write an acrostic poem about Easter.

Activity 3

Can you break the Easter joke code breaker? Use your times tables knowledge to find the solution.

Thursday 9.4.20

Activity 1

Visit Purple Mash and complete the 2Do to design an Easter Egg.

Activity 2

Read through the Easter story and make your own story book. You could use a comic strip style format to draw and write about the events.


Friday 10.4.20

Activity 1

Complete the Easter maths mystery. Again, this can be played as a family. Who can find out what happened to the Easter bunny costume?

Activity 2

Make some Easter biscuits.


I hope you have a super Easter. I will be thinking about you all. Take care, stay safe. Keep smiling.


Mrs Smith x


Here are two  eggs-cellent smiles for the day!


How does an Easter bunny keep his fur looking good?




How does Easter bunny travel?


By hare-plane!
