WB 6.4.20
Good morning Class 2! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend!
Below, you will find all of your home learning activities for this week. I have given you a choice of three activities per day that you may wish to complete. As well as this, don’t forget to be accessing Active Learn and Times Table Rockstars if you are able to.
(There is no expectation to complete all of the activities suggested for each day - I have given you a choice of different things that you might like to try...)
Have a great week everyone and stay safe!
Miss Hill
Don't forget that the St Matt's Easter Competition is now OPEN for entries. Here is the information you will need if you wish to take part:
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Monday 6th April 2020
Activity 1 - Create a poster or a poem about Easter on Purple Mash. Use the word bank to help you and add pictures using clip art. (I have set this as a 2do activity).
Activity 2 - Can you retell the Easter story with your own pictures and sentences?
Activity 3 – Look at the different prices of the Easter chocolates. Choose two items and use the prices to make up your own maths calculations. Can you think of 10 different calculations? As an extra challenge, you may want to choose three items and find the total.
Tip: Use column addition to help you calculate your answers. Remember to line up the digits carefully – think about the hundreds/tens/ones columns! (And don’t forget the decimal points!)
Tuesday 7th April 2020
Activity 1 - Make an Easter collage/painting/picture. You may want to draw and design your own Easter egg. You could do a picture of a 'Spring' day, make a collage of little chick, use ICT/Purple Mash to create a piece of art on the computer or you may want to think of your own idea and create your own piece of Easter inspired artwork!
Activity 2 - The Mystery of the Easter Egg Eater
Use the clues in the booklet below to crack the case and identify the Easter egg eater!
Wednesday 8th April 2020
Activity 1 – Easter crossword / Design your own Easter bunting
Activity 2 – Create a poster about how people celebrate Easter around the world. Use the powerpoint presentation below to help you
Activity 3 – Easter maths word problems. Read the word problems and calculate the answers. Use your books to write down any working out/calculations that you have done.
Thursday 9th April 2020
Activity 1 – Design and make an Easter card. You can follow the instructions below to make your card or do your own design!
Friday 10th April 2020
Activity 1 – Purple Mash 2do activity ‘Easter Research’. Use the powerpoint presentation below to find out about Easter traditions.
I hope you all have a lovely Easter weekend Class 2 and have enjoyed some of the Easter themed activities this week. Don't forget about the St Matt's Easter Competition - the closing date is Tuesday 14th April. You can email your work into the school office!
Stay safe and keep smiling,
Miss Hill