WB 4.5.20
Thursday 7th May, 2020
Good morning Class 1!
We hope you enjoyed the lovely sunny weather yesterday! It looks like we will have a lovely bank holiday weekend if this lovely weather continues. Thank you for the amazing work again, and once again thank you for being so kind, caring and thoughtful and for using our class values at home too! Well done this time to Aymeric for encouraging his neighbours to donate to the Food Bank. It is fabulous that you are thinking of others at the moment!
It was also very exciting to see that Stella may have found one of Jack's pebbles with the lovely, uplifting message 'smile!' Has anyone else spotted these pebbles yet? Has Jack hidden them well? How lovely that you are all trying so hard to lift everybody's spirits. And thank you Ella for writing a letter to your friends. Another fabulous idea for keeping in touch with each other.
There will be no work set for tomorrow as it is a bank holiday and we would love you to have a fun and restful weekend with your family, but if you do want something to do, there is plenty on our class page and on the school website too. Mrs Fryman has put some activities and information about VE Day which is what this bank holiday is all about. Also, this might be the chance to do some outdoor activities or to do music (link on our class home page) or to even do some drawing. There are two YouTube clips underneath today's work which you might like, and one of my favourite stories too!
Anyway, here is today's work. Have a lovely weekend - we will hear all about it no doubt next week.
Stay safe and well.
Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow xxx
First today, we would like you to spend 15 minutes practising your times tables. See if you can beat your own times. You could even set challenges. Remember that your times tables can help you with dividing too, like 10 ÷ 2 means how many 2s are in 10 so you can use your 2 times tables to work out the answer.
Now you have warmed up your brains, you are ready for maths...
Your next task today is to complete this week's work on addition (Summer Term Week 3 w/c 4th May):
'Lesson 3 - Add together and find a part' and 'Lesson 4 - Add more and count on within 20.'
Don't forget to watch the video clips first. You can either print the sheets out or write the answers in your book with the questions open on your computer.
Following on from your Tuesday Purple Mash game about the prefix 'un' added in front of a word, here are some activities to give you chance to practise some words and sentences.
Finally, make sure that today you set some time aside to read one of your Active Learn reading books. Don't forget there are questions there too to make sure you've understood the book. Do this for at least 15 minutes daily.
You could read your own real books as well if you want to! It's a great thing to do just before you go to bed!
We are very impressed that you are enjoying lots of reading on Active Learn
(as well as your own real books at home) - Well done!
We are monitoring the use of Active Learn daily and updating book allocations regularly.
We have noticed that some children have several books 'open' but not 'completed'.
In order to complete a book, you have to complete all of the comprehension questions within the text. These are found by clicking on the small green bug icon - they appear on occasional pages. Once you have completed the question/s correctly, the bug will 'Go to sleep'.
You can then complete the book, 'Close It' and then 'Rate It' with a smiley, 'o.k' or sad face.
We will then continue to allocate new books as you complete your books and they move into your 'Library'.
We thought it would help to explain this to you, as some parents have been wondering why their child hasn't had any new books this week.
Keep enjoying the wonderful world of books! xx
Don't forget to CLOSE and then RATE your book, once you have completed it!
Wednesday 6th May, 2020
Good morning and happy Wednesday! We hope you are all well and enjoying the sun which seems to be out again!
Thank you for all your work so far this week. It is great to see that you are all working hard and also that you have taken your class values home with you. It was wonderful to see that Will has been fundraising for the NHS by having a toy sale. You can see his efforts on our class page where our work is displayed! How very thoughtful! We are proud that we have such wonderful children in our Class 1 family. It makes us miss you even more!
So, here are today's activities. Enjoy...
Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow
Your Purple Mash task today is to practise your 'telling the time' skills. You have two activities to complete in your 'to dos' that are all about 'whole hours.' See how well you score! After this quiz, see if you can tell your family the time each time there is a whole hour, like the game.
Here is your second grammar and punctuation quiz. Have a go, do your best and enjoy!
Wednesday grammar and punctuation quiz!
Your e-safety task this week is to design a leaflet about INTERNET safety. This task is on your to-dos.
Think about your personal information, your pictures, your passwords and telling an adult if there's a problem.
Add the pictures and some sentences if you can.
Tuesday 5th May, 2020
Good morning Class 1. We hope you are all ok.
It is lovely to see your work and thank you for sending it in. Don't forget what we said last week - don't feel that you have to send us every page of your work. Have a think which work you are most proud of or which work is your favourite? You are all doing so well under the circumstances and we know it isn't easy learning away from school! All we ask is that you try your best for us.
We hope we are making your work as interesting as we can with the resources we have available. There are plenty of links and games on our class page too if you want to do something a bit different. Why not play one of the maths games below, or read the online books from Collins Big Cat? There is even music too which could be fun if you want a break from writing.
Here are today's activities...
Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow
Here is your first activity of the day. Please complete lesson 2 of your maths this week. The link is below as usual. You can either print it out or work in your books using the computer. You will recognise the words part, part, whole from in class. The lesson is called 'Lesson 2 - Fact families - linking addition and subtraction (1).'
Once you've finished, keep practising number bonds and mental maths games using the games below. We will play these when you come back to school too.
This week I would like you to complete the to-do activity on Purple Mash called 'Plants and Animals - uses.'
Once you have completed this activity, see if you can find out more about these plants and animals. You can even make a poster about them if you have time!
I would like you to begin by playing the game 'Prefix Magic' on Purple Mash which is also in your to-dos.
After this, I would like you to find 5 words which begin with the prefix un_ and then put each word in a sentence, (so 5 sentences altogether.) e.g unhappy. When I fall over, I am very unhappy. Un changes a word to the opposite meaning! A dictionary might be useful for this activity!
Monday 4th May, 2020
Good morning Class 1! We hope you've had a lovely weekend and managed to play and have fun in spite of the not-so-sunny weather. Here are your activities for today. We hope you enjoy completing them and know that you will try your best like you always do.
Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow
(Don't forget about the daily lessons too. You might enjoy them for a change. The links are at the bottom.)
'Collins Big Cat' additional online reading resources and 'Music Express' music lessons: the link is on our Class 1 home page.
Your spellings today are in your to-dos on Purple Mash. You have a quiz on the 'oo' vowel digraph with an 'u' sound.
Before you do the quiz, you will find a sheet below which you can either print off to practise your words or put up on your screen while you practise in your book.
Learn and practise today's words ready for the quiz!
Today, your grammar task is on Active Learn. You need to choose the right ending for each word to make sure the sentences make sense. Once you have played the game, try writing some of the sentences in your books.
Look in 'My Stuff' for this task. The task is called 'Word Endings.'
Your maths today is to complete the first lesson of 'Week 3 - w/c 4th May' from the link below. The lesson is called 'Lesson 1 - Part-whole relationships number bonds.' If you finish quickly, you can either finish the booklet from last week which was also about number bonds to 20, or get someone to test you on them.
You could also play the games below too.