Year 1
Times Tables
Here are some alternative times table resources that you can access from home if you would like to try something different other than Times Table Rockstars!
To log in to Collins Connect:
Password: Parents20!
*This website also gives access to 'Music Express' with lots of great songs and activities. Please enter the password directly when logging in rather than copy/paste as it won’t accept this.
Lucy's in Lockdown
Real PE at Home – Online Learning Resources
Real PE at home includes an online programme which supports families to be active, play and learn together. It includes a programme specifically for children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 with 12 themes, 6 areas, over 250 activities and challenges and 1000s of hours of fun and activity. This programme is great for family play and fun.
It also includes a programme for children in Key Stage 2, with daily and weekly guidance provided for both programmes in addition to an option to choose your own themes and activities.
There are so many benefits to being active, not only to our physical wellbeing but also to our emotional and mental health, especially in such testing times for all of us. We hope that the ideas help support you and your family to stay fit and healthy in the coming months.
Here are the details to access Real PE at home:
Parent email:
Password: strettonst
The web address is:
Look out for details of the St Matt's Easter Competition in NEWS & EVENTS on Friday 3rd April ... different categories to choose from and entries welcome from all family members and friends!
Bumble Bee Project
The Plight of the Bumblebees
Here are some resources about a bumble bee project that you might want to complete whilst at home.
I hope you are keeping well at home.
Tomorrow morning, between 08:00 and 08:30, your class teacher will be letting you know more about what activities they have planned for you for the day.
Please be patient because sometimes, when lots of people are using our school website, it's hard to upload things. So even if you can't see anything by 08:30 am, your teacher will be trying their best to put the information you need online.
I hope you enjoy the activities.
Mrs Fryman
Hello Class 1, Mrs Pawson here. I just wanted to remind you to think about everything you have learnt during your e-safety lessons. Whilst you are at home, you will probably be using the internet and devices a lot more. Every week, I'll be putting a challenge on Purple Mash for the whole school to take part in.
Remember to talk to a trusted adult if you are worried about anything.
Follow the link to the E-safety page to find more information.