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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

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WB 4.5.20

Thursday 7th May


Hello Year 6! Last day before the Bank Holiday! Yay! And we have another day and weekend of glorious sunshine so please make the most of it! Here is your work for today! 


MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the activities from the Mathsphere booklet.


READING ACTIVITY: Comprehension paper. Again, you don’t have to print this you can just answer the questions in your book.


SPELLING ACTIVITY: Complete relevant spelling activity in spelling booklets or complete the activity put up online.


PURPLE MASH: Research some information about how animals have adapted to live in the ocean. For example, what features does the animal have that allows and helps it to live in the ocean.

Wednesday 6th May


Hello everybody! Well done for the completed work again. I can see how hard you are working! Another day of activities below! Remember you can be logging onto Active Learn or Rockstars whenever not just on set days!


Good luck! 


What did the dog say when he sat on sand paper?




MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the activities from the Mathsphere booklet.


READING ACTIVITY: Comprehension paper. You don’t have to print this- you can just answer in your book. 


PURPLE MASH: Research Charles Darwin and create a fact file about him as part of our future Evolution topic. You will have to research Charles Darwin first! 


PURPLE MASH: You also have an E-Safety activity which has been set as a 2Do

Tuesday 5th May 


Hello Year 6! I hope you are well! Remember to be logging onto Active Learn, Purple Mash and Times Tables Rockstars so I know what people are getting up to!


Thank you for your thoughts about high school. It is so nice to see that people are overall feeling excited about the prospect of it and rest assured- having a few nerves alongside the excitement is more than normal! You all asked some great questions and ones we will find out the answers to soon!


What do you call a sleeping dinosaur?


A dino- snore!!


Enjoy your work for today! 


MATHS ACTIVITY: Mathsphere activity to be completed in books


GRAMMAR ACTIVITY: Formal and informal language work to be completed in your books.


PURPLE MASH: As part of your activity and Human Body topic- plan a healthy meal.


READING: Active Learn reading (x1 book per day/15minutes of reading). I have allocated new books for you all to enjoy J Please remember to answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the books and as you are working though!

Monday 4th May


May the fourth be with you! 


A Star Wars related joke today- of course-


Why did Anakin Skywalker cross the road?


To get to the Dark Side! 


Here is today's work! Hope you had a great weekend! Another sunny week ahead! Yay! 



MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete Mathsphere Activity in books.


GRAMMAR ACTIVITY: Present perfect and simple past tense work to be completed in your books.


READING: Active Learn reading (x1 book per day/15minutes of reading). I have allocated new books for you all to enjoy J Please remember to answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the books!


TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: x10minutes daily times table practise.


PURPLE MASH:  Activity has been set about factors called Factoroids.

