WB 4.5.20
Well last day for Home Learning until Monday. I hope you have a good Bank Holiday weekend.
Thursday 7th May
I have set a grammar 2do activity on Purple Mash. Use your knowledge of apostrophes to answer the questions. Remember ' it's 'is short for it is. Read the sentence to yourself and if it doesn't make sense with 'it is' then you need to use' its' with no apostrophe.
I have set you two sheets on negative numbers. Write the answers in your exercise book then check the answer sheet to see how you have done.
Active Learn
x1 reading book for 30 mins.
x 30 mins daily practise.
If you complete all this work, go onto Active Learn and look at a grammar activity.
Wednesday 6th May
Thank you for all the fantastic work you created on reversible and irreversible changes. I really do enjoy reading your comments.
Work for tomorrow:
Purple Mash
I have set a 2do maths activity on acute and obtuse angles. Remember, acute angles are less than 90' and obtuse are greater than 90'.
There are 3 differentiated pages on Direct Speech (see the speech punctuation sheets below). Choose the one which will challenge you. Don't print out the sheets, just copy the text in your exercise book, inserting the correct punctuation marks. There are answers, just don't look until you have finished the work.
Your task for this week is to write a leaflet about online safety. I have set this as a 2do on Purple Mash.
Active Learn
x1 reading book for at least 30 mins. There are also lots of grammar activities which have been allocated to you all. Have a go at some of them when you have finished the work set for you each day,
x30 mins practise.
Tuesday 6th May
Purple Mash
I have set a science 2do activity on reversible and irreversible change. I have attached two websites for you to look at to help you with this. The first one (STEM Science) , just watch the video on someone making chocolate. You will need to click on the text 'Understanding Reversible Change'. This will then take you to the video.The second is a BBC Bitesize.
Please complete pages 6, 7 and 8 on the booklet I downloaded on Monday. I have attached it again below. Don't print it out and you only need to write down the adverbs you would use at the beginning of each paragraph in your exercise book. You can check your answers, which are at the end of the booklet, once you have finished.
Complete the activity below. You don't have to download this, just work out each decimal number and complete the calculations in your exercise book.
Active Learn
x1 reading book - 30 mins.
30 mins daily practise.
Hello Class 5
I hope you had a good weekend and managed to get out and enjoy the reasonable weather we have had.
If you have not sent in your buddy letters yet then can you please e-mail them in by Monday of next week.
Monday 4th May
I have set a 2do spelling quiz on Purple Mash. Once you have completed it, can you please write a sentence for each homophone. Please complete this work in your exercise book.
I have downloaded a Grammar booklet on Adverbials. Please do not print this out. Just do the activities on pages 3 and 4 in you exercise book. Your will need to draw the table and write down the headings for each column, then place the words in the correct column. The sentences will also need to be written in your exercise book. Once you have finished you can check your answers at the end of the booklet. There are no answers for the sentences as these will all be different. There is a 'Parent Help Page' (p12) to help you if you are unsure.
I have downloaded a booklet on rounding decimals. Again, please do not print this out. Just complete the exercise on page 3 in your exercise book.
Active Learn
x1 reading book - 30 mins
x30 mins daily practise.