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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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WB 4.5.20

Thursday 7th May


Hello everyone and Happy Thursday!

It's almost Bank Holiday weekend and the sun is shining.  Make the most of the weather and enjoy some time outdoors.  I hope you are still enjoying the activities I am setting for you.  I am missing you all so much and look forward to seeing you all again!

Love from Mrs Griffiths


Here are today's activities!



Purple mash activity set as a 2do.                                                 

Watch the small video about a day in the park.  Design your own picture too.  Please click on the lady in the bottom right corner and she will give you instructions to follow.  Please complete this activity by 14th May. 



Watch the Fireman Sam subtraction PPT below and work out the answers to the number problems.  Write the subtraction problems in your workbook.  Use the number line on the PPT to help you.



Please read one of your Active Learn books for at least 10 minutes and use the illustrations to answer any questions your parents may ask you about the book.

Wednesday 6th May


Hello Class R   

Thank you all for working so hard, you are making me very proud to be your teacher!  You are all doing so well.

The sun seems to be out again this week so make sure you have lots of fun outdoors too.

Love from Mrs Griffiths


Here is today’s home learning:



Today’s Purple mash activity set as a 2do.  Write the times the clocks are showing.  Please complete by 13th May.     



Using the sheet below complete the story about a trip to the zoo.  Use the word bank to help you.  Remember to use finger spaces, start a new sentence with a capital letter and end each sentence with a full stop.  Use your ‘robot arms’ to help sound out each word.  Check your writing to make sure that it makes sense. Please write the story in your workbook.



Please read one of your Active Learn books for at least 10 minutes and use the illustrations to answer any questions your parents/carers may ask you about the book.



Please watch this PPT about ‘The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin’.  Discuss with your parents about making the right choices on-line…….did Smartie make the right choices?

Tuesday 5th May


Good morning Class R, I hope you are all safe and well!

I have checked the scores on the Purple mash phonics activity from yesterday and you have all done amazingly well.  I am so proud of you all!

Love from Mrs Griffiths


Here is today’s Home Learning:


Purple Mash Activity

Can you sort the pictures into the correct order to make a smoothie?  I have set this activity as a 2do, please complete by Tuesday 12th May.



Look at the sheet below and follow the instructions for subtracting two single digit numbers and counting backwards to find the answer.  These are fun practical activities that I'm sure you will enjoy.  Write the number problems and answers in your maths book.



Look at the sheet below, the sentences are all muddled up. Put them in the correct order and write them in your workbook.  Only complete page one, I will ask you to complete page two tomorrow.


Reading – Active Learn

Please read one of your Active Learn books that has been allocated to your file for 10 minutes.....don't forget the 'Bug' quizzes.

Monday 4th May


Good Morning Class R!

I hope you all had nice rest over the weekend and did lots of nice things.

Thank you for all the lovely messages I have received and I am so happy to see that you are all enjoying life at home…….baking, planting, looking after caterpillars, drawing on pebbles and leaving them on a trail for others to find and lots more lovely things.  A huge well done to you all!  


Where I live all the children have been busy making scarecrows for their front gardens to form a scarecrow trail.  There are some amazing creations......Peter Rabbit, Captain Tom, The Tiger Who Came to Tea and lots more wonderful ones.   It’s lovely to follow the scarecrow trail when Mr Griffiths and I are walking the dogs, it really makes me smile.  Maybe you could make one?

Here are a few examples!  Aren't they great?

Here is your work for today:

Phonics – Purple mash

I have set a phonics task for you to complete on Purple mash – this is set as a 2do –choose the correct ending to each word you see on the screen.  Please complete by the 11th May.


Communication & Language and Writing   

I am learning to………..understand and give instructions.  Follow the instructions on the sheet below and then write a few sentences about the story….enjoy!



Using the instructions below we are going to measure short periods of time.  This is a fun practical activity for you to enjoy with your parents or siblings.  You could write the results in your workbook.



Please read one of your Active Learn books and talk about the book with your parent.  Discuss what you liked about the book etc.  Don't forget to look out for the 'bug' at the top of the pages and answer the comprehension questions.
