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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

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WB 30.3.20

Friday 3rd April


Good morning! It is Friday! Yay! I hope that you all have a lovely weekend and stay safe. 


You should have come to the end of the work in your pack after today so from next week all work will be uploaded online! Don't worry if you don't have a printer, just copy answers into your books! 


Friday joke time- What do witches put on their bagles?




What did the cheese say before having its picture taken?




(The last one made even me cringe- sorry guys!) New theme for next week- general food jokes! 


MATHS ACTIVITY: Finding the mean activity to be completed in books.


MATHS ACTIVITY: Arithmetic paper which can be completed in your books.


WRITING TASK: To be completed by Friday 17th April. Non- chronological report about Brazil or Manaus or the Amazon Rainforest. Please see class page for further guidance. Remember to include subheadings and to research thoroughly so that you have a lot to write about! You can write this as a persuasive information brochure or you can do it as a factual non- chron. 

Thursday 2nd April


Good morning Year 6. I hope you had a lovely day yesterday! Thank you so much for the amazing writes that have been sent in, I have had so much fun reading them! I have uploaded them to the children's work page to have a look at- they are brilliant!


Joke time (I need to think of a joke theme for next week)


When should you keep an eye on your cheese?


When it's up to no GOUDA!    Haha! 


On that note- here is the work for today! Remember, to find the mean, you need to add all the information and divide by how many pieces of information there are. If they have already added and given you the total, then all you need to do is divide. Good luck! 



MATHS ACTIVITY: Finding the mean activity to be completed in books.


READING ACTIVITY: Comprehension paper- either this one or the one in your folders. 


Wednesday 1st April


Good morning Year 6! Here are your activities for today! Remember to keep logging into Active Learn, Times Table Rock Stars and Purple Mash! We have had some amazing work sent in from Joe and Alex- please visit the children's work page to see it. Keep sending in your Jelly Baby writes I can't wait to see them! 


The answer the the riddle was- a sponge! Hope you got it!


And today's cheese joke which has been sent in from Joe- What is cheese made backwards?




MATHS ACTIVITY: Line graphs activity to be completed in books.


READING ACTIVITY: Comprehension paper. Either this one or the one in your folder.

Tuesday 31st March


MATHS ACTIVITY: Line graphs activity to be completed in books.


GRAMMAR ACTIVITY: Word families activity to be completed on sheet and stuck into book or completed straight into exercise book. 


PURPLE MASH: Choose an activity/task on Purple Mash and complete by next Tuesday (7th April 2020). I have set some 2Do activities about electricity.


Monday 30th March


MATHS ACTIVITY: Conversion graphs activity to be completed in books.


GRAMMAR ACTIVITY: Prefixes activity to be completed on page and stuck into books.


READING: Active Learn reading (x1 book per day/15minutes of reading). I have allocated new books for you all to enjoy J Please remember to answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the books!


TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: x10minutes daily times table practise.


I have also uploaded a booklet containing maths activities. You can complete one of these activities each day and through the week. 


