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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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WB 30.3.20

Have a WONDERFUL weekend Class 2! 

It really has made me incredibly proud to be your teacher to see all of the fantastic home learning that you are doing! A huge thank you also to your parents who are doing an amazing job; I miss you all lots and will see you soon.


Stay safe and keep smiling,

Miss Hillblush

Friday 3rd April 2020


WRITING: Creative Writing – choose 1 of the creative writing prompts below and write a paragraph in your exercise books.

Be as creative as you like! I’d love to see some of your ideas – you can email them to the school officelaugh


ACTIVE LEARN: Please read one of your Active Learn books and answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the book. 


TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: Complete 15 minutes of times table practise – all the times tables have been set for you.

Thursday 2nd April 2020


Good morning all! I hope you are enjoying the home learning activities this week! Here is your work for today. Stay safe, Miss Hillsmiley


GRAMMAR: Commas in a list


You may want to watch the video below as a reminder! 

ACTIVE LEARN: Please read one of your Active Learn books and answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the book. 


TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: Complete 15 minutes of times table practise – all the times tables have been set for you. I have added the 3x to the list of times tables so keep a look out for these!  

Wednesday 1st April 2020


MATHS: Counting on in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.

E-SAFETY: ‘Passwords’ activity set as a ‘2do’ on Purple Mash. 


ACTIVE LEARN: Please read one of your Active Learn books and answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the book. 


TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: Complete 15 minutes of times table practise – all the times tables have been set for you.

Tuesday 31st March 2020


PURPLE MASH: Log onto your Purple Mash account and complete the 2do activity ‘Everyday Materials’.


*Don’t worry if you don’t manage to finish this today – you could make a start and do it bit by bit… You have until next Tuesday (7th April)


If you are having trouble accessing Purple Mash/if the system keeps crashing you could use your exercise books; choose 4 materials and describe their properties.


I have added a word bank below with lots of the different properties of materials we discussed in school.

ACTIVE LEARN: Please read one of your Active Learn books and answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the book. 


TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: Complete 15 minutes of times table practise – all the times tables have been set for you.

Monday 30th March 2020


SPELLING: Here are your spelling words for this week:


Spelling Pattern: The sound /u/ spelt with ‘o’


1. other

2. mother

3. brother

4. nothing

5. Monday

6. money

7. cover

8. honey

9. discover

10. wonder


Choose one of the activities below using your new spellings words for this week:

  • Make the spelling words using magnetic letter/foam letters/scrabble pieces.
  • Rewrite the words in rainbow colours. E.g. m o n k e y
  • Type them on the computer or make a powerpoint presentation.
  • Use small beads, Cheerios or other small items.
  • Pyramid write your spelling words in your exercise book.
  • Practise writing your spelling words in your neatest handwriting.
  • Look, say, cover, write, check.
  • Make a wordsearch with your spelling words.
  • Chalk it!
  • Write sentences using each of your spelling words.
  • Make word cards with your spelling words on.
  • Use a dictionary to find the word and write the meaning.


READING: Read one of your books on Active Learn OR access the Collins Big Cat website (the log in details are below) and read the book ‘Fossils’. When you have read the book, I have uploaded an activity for you to complete.

Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk

Password: Parents20! 

Don’t worry if you aren’t able to print out the activity above. You could always draw and label the four different fossils in your exercise book and then write a fact about each one.  


TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: Complete 15 minutes of times table practise – all the times tables have been set for you.
