WB 29.6.20
Friday 3rd July 2020
Good Morning Year 2!
Happy Friday!
I’m so excited to see some of you come back to school for a few days over the next couple of weeks!
If you aren’t in school, don’t worry, I’ll continue to upload the home learning as usual on the class page so you can take part in the activities. For those who are coming back to school, the days you aren’t here then you can also complete the class page work just like you usually would
I hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Miss Hill
WRITING: Write a book review about the story ‘Prince Cinders’. You can create your own in your exercise books or use the template below!
EXTRA CHALLENGE: You may also want to complete another activity from the tasks yesterday!
MATHS: Multiplication Blocks – calculate the answers for each x table question, add the three numbers together and write your answer in the bear (or in your exercise books)
Extension (optional activity) – Multiplication and Division Word Problems
RE: Pentecost – Watch the two videos below…
Discuss with an adult - How did the Holy Spirit change the disciples on the Day of Pentecost? What do you think were the three most important changes that happened to the disciples in this story?
Picture your answers and draw three small pictures to show the changes that happened to the disciples. Can you explain why you chose these three drawings? Write a sentence or 2 about the changes to go with the pictures.
Here are some ideas that might help you:
1. The Holy Spirit made the disciples very brave inside and helped them as they told people all about Jesus.
2. The Holy Spirit gave the disciples miraculous powers to heal people.
3. The Holy Spirit made the disciples full of God’s love and made them want to share this with others.
READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day.
Thursday 2nd July 2020
PURPLE MASH: Grammar – Sequencing Sentences (1) and (2)
Put the sentences in order to create a narrative. Afterwards, try writing your own narrative sequence.
MATHS: 2, 5 and 10 Division Challenge – print out the worksheet or write the sums and answers in your exercise books
Remember that division is the OPPOSITE of multiplication!
ENGLISH: Vocabulary – the activities today all focus on vocabulary within the story ‘Prince Cinders’. There are FIVE activities below. Choose any TWO tasks to complete by either printing out the sheet or writing them out in your exercise books
READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day.
(Your RE task will be tomorrow as there is already quite a lot of work today!)
Wednesday 1st July 2020
Good Morning!
Here we are again at the start of another new month - the year is flying by!
I hope you are enjoying our work this week on the story 'Prince Cinders'. I really enjoyed looking at your Purple Mash task about being a good friend - lots of great ideas! I will upload your feedback this evening/in the morning
Have a wonderful day,
Miss Hill
PURPLE MASH: Maths – Times Table Check
Learn your times tables and test yourself with the multiplication tables check.
You can select the x tables to practice (So if you are confident with your recall of 2, 5 and 10’s you may want to try x3 or any other tables to challenge yourself further) and also select if you want to complete the questions in a time limit or without.
ENGLISH: Compare the traditional Cinderella story to Prince Cinders. Choose which task to complete. For the red task, you will also need the ‘prompt sheet’ to help you…
EXTENSION: Story comparison Venn diagram
E-SAFETY: Internet Safety Story
Read through the story (with or without a grown up) and have a go at creating your own internet safety song/rap.
READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day.
Tuesday 30th June 2020
Good Morning Class 2!
Hope you are all well!
I have uploaded your activities for today below... I have included an example of the maths work to help you!
Take care,
Miss Hill
PURPLE MASH: PSHE – What makes a good friend? Write a list about what you think makes a good friend.
MATHS: Triangle Statements – look at my example below to help you!
CHALLENGE: Can you create FIVE of your own triangle statements using larger numbers?
ENGLISH: Rewrite the passage below in your exercise books adding in the correct punctuation – full stops, capital letters and commas.
EXTRA CHALLENGE: In each line of text below there is one word that has been misspelled. Circle/highlight the misspelled word and then write the correct spelling of the word on the line on the right side of the page or in your exercise book. There are quite a few so you may want to do them bit by bit each day! (This activity is optional so don’t worry if you don’t complete this) You could also use the full version of the story to help with the spellings of the incorrect words.
READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day.
Monday 29th June 2020
Good morning Year 2!
I hope you all had a great weekend
This week our English work will be based around the story 'Prince Cinders'. I have tried to plan lots of activities around this story - I hope you enjoy them! I miss you all lots and I'm looking forward to seeing some of you return back to school next week!
Have a lovely day,
Miss Hill
![blush blush](https://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/static/5.0.4/javascript/libs/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/embarrassed_smile.png)
PURPLE MASH: The /s/ sound spelt c before e, i and y
1. race
2. ice
3. cell
4. city
5. fancy
6. lace
7. dance
8. price
9. space
10. trace
Complete the quiz on Purple Mash and practise these words throughout the week.
MATHS: Writing Multiplication and Division Statements
ENGLISH: This week our English work will be based around the book ‘Prince Cinders’. Have you read this story before? If not, don’t worry as I have an electronic copy for you below!
We will be focusing on reading and the different skills we need to help us when answering comprehension questions.
Today you will read pages 1-7 of the story (I have typed the extract up below to help you) and also made a PPT with some information. Once you have read the story extract, choose either the GREEN/AMBER/RED comprehension below and answer the questions in your exercise books.
READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day.