WB 29.6.20
Friday 3rd July
MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete of the Mathsphere activities in your book.
MATHS ACTIVITY: Arithmetic paper to either print out or answer in your book.
PURPLE MASH WRITING TASK: Create a poster or complete a writing task to encourage others to save precious resources such as energy when using technology.
Thursday 2nd July
MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the Mathsphere activities. Remember you can do this in your exercise book.
READING ACTIVITY: Comprehension paper. Remember you can do this in your exercise book.
SPELLING ACTIVITY: Complete relevant spelling activity in spelling booklets or complete the spelling activity I have uploaded.
PURPLE MASH: Imagine you are a parent or van driver. Explain your views on transport.
Wednesday 1st July
MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the Mathsphere activities.
READING ACTIVITY: Comprehension paper. Remember, you can answer the questions in your book.
PURPLE MASH: Write down all the activities you'd miss if you had to walk to collect your water.
Tuesday 30th June
MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the Mathsphere activities in your book.
GRAMMAR ACTIVITY: Semi-colons sheet. Please select the activity that you want to complete- you do not need to do it all. You can also self- mark using the answers provided.
PURPLE MASH: Create a poster to promote walking to school. You can do this in your exercise books.
Monday 29th June
MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the Mathsphere activities in your book.
GRAMMAR ACTIVITY: Relative clauses sheet. Please select the activity that you want to complete- you do not need to do it all. You can also self-mark using the answers provided.
READING: Active Learn reading (x1 book per day/15minutes of reading). I have allocated new books for you all to enjoy J Please remember to answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the books!
TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: x10minutes daily times table practise.
PURPLE MASH: Combine persuasive words and images to convince the reader to recycle rubbish.