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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

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WB 29.6.20

                                            Friday July 3rd.

Good morning Class 3.smiley It's Friday already! What a busy week we've had. You've been superstars and we are very proud of you all. Are you watching the assemblies Mrs Fryman and Mrs McClellan are uploading and have you seen the stories being read by some of the teachers? I hope you enjoy today's work and then have a well deserved rest over the weekend.yes


Here are today's activities.



It's Times Tables Friday again Class 3.


Try to work out the answers to these sums as quickly as you can. You could time yourself!

There's also a Times Table Mosaic for you colour in if you'd like an extra activity! 



I'd like you to produce a booklet today all about PLASTIC POLLUTION using all the information you have been collecting throughout the week.


I know how much you love making your own booklets so I've added some templates below that you can use if you want to. You could also make your own booklet from paper you may have at home or by using the pages in your book.


Remember to sort your booklet out into different sections. You may want a page about plastic and its uses or who invented plastic? You could have a page about The Mariana Trench or how we can reduce the plastic in our oceans. It's entirely up to you Class 3. I know you'll try your best and produce beautifully neat work and fantastic illustrations.

Have a great time and I look forward to seeing what you have done.


There may be some work you haven't completed on your 2do list. If you still have time today you may want to complete these activities before the due in date on Monday.



Please read every day Class 3 and remember to read your own books if you have completed all your Active Learn books.



Please practise your times tables every day Class 3.


Thank you for working so hard. We are incredibly proud of you all.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Williams, Mrs Ames and Mrs Hopley xwink

                                           Thursday July 2nd.

Good morning Class 3.smiley How are you all? Did you enjoy yesterday's work? Had you heard of The Mariana Trench before? Thank you for the work you've been sending into school. It's also great to see how hard you are all working on Purple Mash.yes 


Here are today's activities.


Your grammar work today is on Purple Mash. I've set you an activity to do about a new topic. Please complete this work and tell me about The Mariana Trench.



Your maths work today is all about revision.

There are 4 revision mats below. Choose the mats you would like to complete. You could try completing all of them. Read the questions CAREFULLY.

There is some measuring work to do today so you will need a ruler before you start. There are a few time questions on Mat 4 - remember that there are 60 minutes in an hour. You can leave question 1 on Mat 1 as we haven't done roman numerals yet - or you could use it as a challenge and see if you can find out!


Watch these two short video clips of the story of Muhammad and the ‘Night of Power’ known as Lailat al Qadr. Look out for what you think are the most important parts of the story and write them in your book. http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/zympvcw     http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/zv6sb9q 


Please read every day Class 3. Remember to read your own book or a book from one of the links on our class page if you have completed all your Active Learn books.



Please practise your times tables every day Class 3.yes


Have a great day.smiley

                                       Wednesday July 1st.

Good morning Class 3.smiley Happy Wednesday and happy the first day of July! 

It's great to see that some of you have been leaving messages on our class blog and it's lovely to hear your voice messages on Purple Mash. We are so proud of all the work you are producing Class 3. Keep up the great work.


Here are today's activities.


Your maths work today is on Purple Mash. You will find 2 Venn Diagram games to play. Read the instructions carefully please.



I hope you enjoyed reading Holly's book yesterday and finding out about plastic pollution. I've added some information for you to read today about The Mariana Trench. Please read the Power Point, and like yesterday, write your own notes about it. You don't need to write whole paragraphs, just words and phrases.You are going to need all the notes you make to complete your writing task on Friday. What can you find out about The Mariana Trench? Where is it?

I've attached a research sheet, like the one we completed when we found out about The Bronze Age, for you to use. You can print this sheet, draw your own research map or write your notes under sub headings in your book.


A Whale's Tale | Hope Works

A whale helps smaller sea creatures who are trapped in plastic waste. On land a young boy seeks support to clear the sea in his area. Fishermen come to his a...


Click on the document below to look at the poster SMART e-safety poster and read each point. We are going to focus on 'R which stands for Reliable'. Read this section again and create your own poster to show what this means. You can do your poster in your book, on a plain sheet of paper, or you can do it on Purple Mash. 

SMART Rules E-safety Poster


Please read every day Class 3. Remember to read a book of your choice from home or from one of the links on our class page if you have completed all your Active Learn books.



Please practise your times tables every day Class 3. Remember to look at the links on our class page.


Have a great day Class 3.smiley

Tuesday June 30th

Good morning Class 3. Well, what a cold day we had yesterday!sad Can you believe it will be July tomorrow? Did you enjoy yesterday's work about Venn Diagrams?

Did you find out interesting facts about Plastic Pollution?

Keep working hard Class 3 and check Our Work from Home folder on our class page. You are producing some super work.yes


Thank you to Hollie and Jessica W for your contribution to the new class blog for this week. It would be great to hear from even more of you and it gives you the chance to leave messages for each other and see what everyone is up to! laugh


Here are today's activities.


We are going to continue our Plastic Pollution work today. 

Here is the story that Holly Stephens wrote and illustrated. Do you remember her coming into class to show us? She is very talented isn't she!


I have attached 2 information Power Points below about plastic and plastic pollution.

I'd like you to read both Power Points very carefully and write some notes about what you have found out. You can do this in your book please.

Sort your work into sub headings and then list the information. You don't need to write in paragraphs, you are just collecting information today.

You could use these sub headings or choose your own.


This is what I know about plastic?

Here is a list of objects in my house that are made out of plastic?

The invention of plastic.

How is plastic made?

How is plastic useful?

How is plastic harmful?



Complete the activity below using your Venn diagram knowledge. Read the instructions carefully. Use the Power Point a and watch the video clips I attached yesterday to help you.


You will find an activity called Water Use on your 2do list on Purple Mash. You have until Friday to complete this activity.


Please read every day Class 3. Please read a book of your choice or a book from the links on our class page if you have completed all your Active Learn books.



Please practise your times tables every day Class 3.smileyyes


Have a great day!smiley

Monday June 29th

Good morning Class 3.smiley We hope you all had a wonderful weekend. What strange weather we've been having! It's been brilliant sunshine one minute, then torrential rain the next.surprise Let's hope for sunshine all week this week.

Mrs Ames, Mrs Hopley and I have been blown away by the work you've been producing and are very proud teachers.


Thank you SO much to those of you who have contributed to our class blog on Purple Mash. It was great to hear what you all got up to over the weekend. Our topic for this week is "what we are reading" so if you've read a great book in lockdown, make sure you head over to the blog page (under the sharing tab) and let us know about it. Mrs Ames has shared the book she has been reading on there too!


Here are today's activities:



We are going to revise VENN DIAGRAMS today. You will have done this work in Class 2 and it is something we would have covered this term in school.

A Venn diagram (named after mathematician John Venn in 1880) is a method used to sort items into groups. A Venn diagram is made up of 2 circles that overlap. It can be used to sort objects, numbers or shapes.

Here's a video clip to jog your memories.

Venn Diagram

Using a Venn Diagram, students identify similarities and differences between two things by listing certain features in a chart containing overlapping circles...

Complete the activity below as a starter.
Now try some of these. Remember that if they fit the criteria for both circles, they must go in the middle where the circles overlap. If they don't fit in either group they are placed anywhere outside the circles.


We are going to continue our RECYCLING and looking after our planet theme this week Class 3. I'd like you to complete a reading comprehension task today about plastic pollution. Think back to the wonderful story Holly Stephens shared with us when she came into class.

Choose the work that you feel will challenge you most.


Our spelling pattern this week is words that end in 'ary'.

Take a look at the presentation below to learn more about the spelling words and to find out your activity for this week laugh

29.6.20 - Year 3 Spelling PowerPoint - spelling pattern 'ary'


Please read every day Class 3. Remember to read a book of your choice from home or from the links on the class age if you have completed all your Active Learn books.


Please practise your times tables every day. Log on to Rock Stars and any of the other great links on our class page.

Have a great day!smiley