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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

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WB 29.6.20

Friday 3rd July, 2020

Hello Class 1! Another week has passed and it is Friday already! 

You have continued to impress us with your excellent attitude towards your learning, so well done. 

Mrs Ames will see some of you today and it is great to hear how pleased she is with you too.

We are very proud of you all, whether you are learning at home or at school! 

Make sure you have read the butterfly update below. It is all very exciting. Thank you Mrs Darnton!

Here is today's work. Try your best and have a fabulous weekend.

We look forward to seeing some of you again next week.

Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow (and Mrs Ames and Mrs Platt) 



Begin your day by warming up your brain. Have a go of Rockstars, Daily 10 or Hit the Button. Good luck!


Your maths today is to complete the following Summer Maths Activity Booklet. I have also put the answer booklet below for AFTER you have finished to mark your answers.


Your writing today is to have a bit of fun writing special poems called acrostic poems. There is a Powerpoint and Youtube clip below to explain your task and then there are some fun sheets for you to write your poems on. Enjoy!

Acrostic Poems


Finally, make sure that today you set some time aside to read one of your Active Learn reading books or you can use the reading resources below or a real book. Don't forget there are sometimes questions there too to make sure you've understood the book. Do this for at least 15 minutes daily.


Please be aware that we may not allocate you any more books on Active Learn once you have completed your library. This is because there are a limited number of books per book band. Please access the Collins Big Cat reading resources, Oxford Owl online books or your own books from home. Thank you!



We are very impressed that you are enjoying lots of reading on Active Learn

(as well as your own real books at home) - Well done!

We are monitoring the use of Active Learn daily and updating book allocations regularly.

We have noticed that some children have several books 'open' but not 'completed'.

In order to complete a book, you have to complete all of the comprehension questions within the text. These are found by clicking on the small green bug icon - they appear on occasional pages. Once you have completed the question/s correctly, the bug will 'Go to sleep'.

You can then complete the book, 'Close It' and then 'Rate It' with a smiley, 'o.k' or sad face.

We will then continue to allocate new books as you complete your books and they move into your 'Library'.

We thought it would help to explain this to you, as some parents have been wondering why their child hasn't had any new books this week.

Keep enjoying the wonderful world of books! xx 

We are delighted that our butterflies are doing so well!

We have painted lady butterflies who look really beautiful and are happy in their little habitat.

We are putting fresh flowers inside the butterfly habitat and feeding them with fresh fruit of apples and oranges and we also have a sugar solution which we add to the fruit and flowers, which is just like the nectar they drink from fresh flowers in the garden.


We are now waiting for some warm, dry weather to release them into the garden so they can enjoy their natural habitat.

Thursday 2nd July, 2020

Good morning Class 1. We hope you had a lovely day yesterday.

It is Thursday already which means that you have Mrs Ames again if you are in school. She really enjoyed teaching you and was very impressed so well done! 

Keep checking for more news from Mrs Darnton. I'm sure there will be some more updates coming soon.

After all your work this week, you should be getting good at telling the time now so see if you can practise telling the time at home. Then you will get even better!

Keep trying your best and have a fabulous day.

Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow (and Mrs Ames and Mrs Platt) smiley



Begin your day by warming up your brain. Have a go of Rockstars, Daily 10 or Hit the Button. Good luck!





Your grammar today is on your to-dos on Purplemash. There are two activities for you to complete about punctuation and using 'and' in a sentence. Enjoy! 


Below you will find an RE lesson that is for the next two weeks. You will need an adult to help you with this if possible. 

Wednesday 1st July, 2020

Good morning Class 1. It's July! smiley

The weather doesn't seem to be getting much better yet and it certainly doesn't feel like July. I hope the sun comes out again soon! 

I hope you've been checking for caterpillar updates because Mrs Darnton has some very exciting news for you all. Don't forget to check our class page. yes

Thank you for all your hard work this week so far and especially for all the amazing caterpillar and butterfly work on Purplemash. And finally... some very exciting news... a big congratulations to Teddy on becoming a big brother. We are so excited to hear your amazing news and we send our love to the whole family from Class 1 and St Matthew’s. Dougie is absolutely gorgeous!!

Here is today's work...

Have a great day.

Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow (and Mrs Ames and Mrs Platt) smiley



Begin your day by warming up your brain. Have a go of Rockstars, Daily 10 or Hot the Button. Good luck!


You will find today's maths on your Purplemash to-dos. There are four activities to help you to practise time. Try out o'clock, half past and quarter past.


Please complete the following grammar and punctuation challenge cards.


Mrs Pawson would like you to read the following story and then she would like you to have a go of creating your own internet safety song, poem, story or rap. You could even do a cartoon story.


Still image for this video

We have our first butterflies!🦋🦋💓

Still image for this video

Video 3

Still image for this video

Video 4

Still image for this video

Video 5

Still image for this video

The third butterfly is emerging...

Still image for this video

Tuesday 30th June, 2020

Good morning everybody! We hope you had a nice day yesterday despite the cold and rain!

We worked hard at school and hope you did at home too! 

It has been very exciting keeping up with the caterpillar news. We enjoyed watching all the little caterpillar video clips and learning all about caterpillars. We even did some caterpillar and butterfly colouring. Thank you Mrs Darnton. yes We can't wait to hear what happens next!

We hope you enjoy today's activities, especially the Purplemash to-dos which are all to do with caterpillars!

Have a lovely day.

Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow (and Mrs Ames and Mrs Platt) smiley 



Begin your day by warming up your brain. Have a go of Rockstars, Daily 10 or Hot the Button. Good luck!


Your maths today is carrying on from what we were learning yesterday. Begin by finishing anything you didn't complete yesterday. Then have a go of the following activity to give you more practice on half past. You can watch the clips again if it helps. Then if you're feeling very confident, you could have a go of the final challenge sheet which is all about quarter past and quarter to.


Read the following Powerpoint and warm your brain up by guessing the words that rhyme, then have a go of matching some rhyming words of your own.


Now watch the next Powerpoint which is all about guessing the animal. Then can you write some sentences of your own to describe the animals? Don't forget capital letters, full stops and question marks.


Go onto your to-dos and have a go of the two caterpillar and butterfly activities. Enjoy!

Monday 29th June, 2020

Good morning Class 1! 

What a wet and rainy weekend it has been! It doesn't feel like summer at all. 

We hope you've managed to have a good weekend anyway! 

Keep checking our class page this week. We're sure you'll find some exciting news about the caterpillars!! 

(scroll down to the bottom of today's page)

So a new week it is and it will be nice to see some of you again but that doesn't mean we're not thinking about you all at home too. We really miss you and think about you all a lot. It will be nice when we're all back together again.

So here is the work for this week. The book has arrived through the Craddock letterbox so I will begin to read the story this week to you all too. I hope you like it!  

Have a great day!

Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow (and Mrs Ames and Mrs Platt.) smiley



Begin your day by warming up your brain. Have a go of Rockstars, Daily 10 or Hot the Button. Good luck!



Your maths today is learning more about telling the time. There are two clips for you to watch first and there are also Powerpoints to help if you get a bit stuck. There are two activities for you to complete. The lower ability one just means it is o'clock questions and the middle ability means it is mixed o'clock and half past questions.

Do what you can in the time you have.

Clock Clips - O'clock

Clock Clips - half past

Activity 1: ' O'clock'

Activity 2: 'O'clock and half past'


Your spellings today all end in ing, ed and er. Practise them first using your best handwriting and then have a go of the quiz set in your to-dos. Good luck!


Today I want you to have a bit of fun using rhyming words. Watch the clip first, and then fill in the missing rhyming words in the poems. Once you've finished, see how many more words you can think of that rhyme with the words you've chosen. 

Play this game first...

No caterpillar news to report just yet!

They are still 'sleeping' with an amazing transformation taking place inside...

Why not enjoy some great videos and stories whilst we all wait...

Caterpillar Cocoon Timelapse | BBC Earth

Watch the first bizarre steps in this caterpillar's rebirth from bug to butterfly, in a timelapse showing the beginning of one of nature's most incredible metamorphosis...

Caterpillars For Kids

Explore the wildlife that live near you, beginning with caterpillars.

Did you see all the wonderful colours, designs and patterns on the caterpillars' bodies and the butterflies' wings?

Why not have a go at designing your own fabulous caterpillar or butterfly?

 Remember, a butterfly's wings are always symmetrical! 

Or, you could try this activity with paint...

10 Interesting Insects

There are SO many kinds of Interesting Insects! Sometimes we call them BUGS. Insects all have 6 legs, 3 body parts, and an exoskeleton.

 And finally, why not enjoy this lovely story...heartheartheart

Caterpillar Shoes | Sweet rhyming bedtime story for kids!

We hope you like Caterpillar Shoes, a sweet, rhyming bedtime story about a kindly caterpillar who decides to give his beloved shoes away to his woodland friends...
