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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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WB 27.4.20

Friday 1st May, 2020

Good morning Class 1 and happy 1st May! Let's hope the rain goes away and that the sun starts shining again soon! 

It's Friday, so after today you will be able to have a well-earned rest! You're doing really well! It's lovely catching up with some of your news on the emails we're receiving and seeing little snippets of what life is like at home!  It's been great this week seeing some of the fun things you are doing at home like jumping in puddles, taking photographs, gardening, hiding decorated pebbles and finding creative ways to sort groups using your toys. It's been lovely hearing about wobbly teeth too! It makes you realise that life carries on, even in this unusual situation.

Here is today's work...after this, make sure you relax and enjoy being with your family this weekend.


(Don't forget that these two daily lessons below might be just what you need if you want more work or you just feel like a change!)


Happy learning from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow smiley



First today, we would like you to spend 15 minutes practising your times tables. See if you can beat your own times. You could even set challenges. Remember that your times tables can help you with dividing too, like 10 ÷ 2 means how many 2s are in 10 so you can use your 2 times tables to work out the answer. 

Now you have warmed up your brains, you are ready for maths...



Your second activity today is maths. Below is the MathSphere booklet from yesterday which is all about addition, subtraction, doubling and halving. Do what you can today. Don't worry if you don't get to finish it! 


I have also included two links below for two fun maths games that I think you might enjoy. One is about doubling and halving and the other one is just a fun way to practise your addition, subtraction and ordering skills.


Your next task today is to listen to and follow the story of 'Monkey Puzzle' - one of my favourites! 

Once you have listened to the story, I would like you to EITHER:

  • retell the same story using your own sentences, OR
  • make up your own story about an animal who couldn't find his/her mum and who was helped by another animal.

Your story doesn't need to rhyme! Just tell the story using your best sentences.

Remember the tips from last week:

  • Try to aim to write about one to one and a half sides of your page.
  • Think about each sentence before you write it and say it out loud before you write it down.
  • Then read it again before you move onto your next sentence.
  • Check for mistakes and correct them as you go along.




•I can remember capital letters to begin a new sentence and for names of people and places.

•I can use a full stop as soon as my sentence makes sense.

•I can try my best with spellings. I can use phonics to help me to sound out words (robot arms!)

•I can try to use a simple dictionary or my word mat to help with spellings.

•I can use my best cursive handwriting too.

•I can use 'and', 'but' and 'so' in a sentence.


'Monkey Puzzle' is an amazing story written by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. The story follows a little lost monkey's journey to find his mother.

This word mat might help you with your spellings. You may still have this from last week. It will come in handy each Friday when we do our writing.

Use this if you want to remember how to form your letters

The Monkey Puzzle Song signed with Makaton

You might enjoy this Monkey Puzzle song written and sung by the author of today's story!


Finally, make sure that today you set some time aside to read one of your Active Learn reading books. Don't forget there are questions there too to make sure you've understood the book. Do this for at least 15 minutes daily.

You could read your own real books as well if you want to! It's a great thing to do just before you go to bed! 



We are very impressed that you are enjoying lots of reading on Active Learn

(as well as your own real books at home) - Well done!

We are monitoring the use of Active Learn daily and updating book allocations regularly.

We have noticed that some children have several books 'open' but not 'completed'.

In order to complete a book, you have to complete all of the comprehension questions within the text. These are found by clicking on the small green bug icon - they appear on occasional pages. Once you have completed the question/s correctly, the bug will 'Go to sleep'.

You can then complete the book, 'Close It' and then 'Rate It' with a smiley, 'o.k' or sad face.

We will then continue to allocate new books as you complete your books and they move into your 'Library'.

We thought it would help to explain this to you, as some parents have been wondering why their child hasn't had any new books this week.

Keep enjoying the wonderful world of books! xx 

Thursday 30th April, 2020

Good morning! It's Thursday already and it's the last day of April!

Thank you for your wonderful pictures of steam trains and for all your amazing work on staying safe online when you carry out research. You're working so hard. Just what we expect from our wonderful class! 

Here is today's work. If you whizz through it, then there is always the work from BBC bitesize and daily phonics too! You could also catch up with anything you didn't get to do from earlier in the week. 

Have a lovely day! Let's hope the sun comes back out soon! 

Love from Mrs  Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow smiley


Your first activity today is to go onto Purple Mash and complete the two grammar activities in your 2dos.  The games are called 'Suffixes with the wolf' and 'Anna and the wolf'. Once you have completed these games, have a go of writing some of your own sentences in your book, with words ending with ed/ing like watching, playing, working, watched, worked, played. Can you use these words in sentences or use ed/ing verbs of your own?



Your second activity today is maths. Below is a MathSphere booklet all to do with addition, subtraction, doubling and halving. As it is quite a long booklet, do as much as you can today and then continue tomorrow.


Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good morning and happy Wednesday. We are half way through the week already! Phew! Well done for all your hard work so far this week. We hope you enjoyed the work yesterday and that you designed some amazing steam trains on Purple Mash! 

Thank you for all the online work you are completing and for all your comments to us. It's lovely to hear that you are missing us and school.We hope you are enjoying reading our replies to you and that you know we are missing you all too! 

It is also lovely to see all the photographs of your work that you are sending in. However, please don't feel that you need to send in a photograph of every single piece of work that you complete. It must be very time consuming for your parents, sending in so much work. Maybe you could just send in your favourite piece of work or the work you are most proud of.

Enjoy the work today! Try hard, do your best and make sure you get breaks too! And don't forget that there are other online lessons for you to follow if you want more work or want a change.

Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow smiley


Your next lesson today is maths! Today you are practising your number bonds to 20. That means pairs of numbers that make 20!

First there is a little clip to watch (below), secondly there is a game on Purple Mash in your 2-dos and finally we would like you to write out your number bonds to 20 in your exercise books. eg. 18 + 2 = 20 etc.

A fun way to learn your number bonds to 20:


Next we would like you to have a go of the following grammar and punctuation quiz! We will have a new quiz for you each Wednesday! See how you get on. The answers are there if you want to use them to mark your work once you've completed it!


Your next task is to complete the e-safety task in your to-dos on Purple Mash. It is all about how to carry out research (finding out facts) safely on the internet. 

Tuesday 28th April 2020

Good morning to our lovely Class 1!

Thank you once again for all the work you are completing. You are working very hard. 

Today there are some nice activities for you. We think you will especially like the one on Purple Mash, as it is linked to our topic work on transport from our last topic.

Don't forget, if you finish today's lessons, there are many more lessons on BBC Bitesize. Also, now there are daily phonics lessons too. The links for both of these are below if you want to try something different.

Have a great day!

Thinking of you!

Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow smiley


Next today, we would like you to complete lessons 3 and 4 of w/c 27th April. The lessons this time are 'Find a quarter (2)' and 'Problem Solving.' Don't forget to watch the video clips first. The link is below so you can print out the sheets or simply do the work in your books.


Today we will be learning what a verb is and then you will need to write sentences in your books. You will need to choose the correct verb to fill in the space. Try to practise your best handwriting too.

Watch the film clip below first and then print out the worksheet. Try to complete the first sheet by writing out the full sentences. There are two further sheets if you want to keep practising, or just write the verb answers instead. 

Challenge: can you spell each verb you've used?

What is a Verb?


Today we would like you to complete the two activities about transport past and present. The activities are in your to-dos. Enjoy! We can't wait to see your steam train designs!

Monday 27th April 2020

Good morning Class 1,

We hope you have had a lovely weekend and that you've enjoyed the sunshine! 

So here we are, the start of a new week!  Each day will follow the same pattern as last week so we hope you enjoy this week's activities.

Here are the activities for today. 

We miss you and think about you each day.

Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow smiley



Your first activity today is to learn the 'oo' words on the sheet below. Either write them in your exercise book and learn how to spell them, or print out the sheet below and try 'look, cover, write and check. Try to use this as an opportunity to practise your best joined handwriting too. Once you have done this, log-on to Purple Mash and go to your 2-dos. There you will find a quiz all about the 'oo' sound. How will you do today?



Use the words and pictures on the sheets below to write your own sentences either on the sheet or in your book. Use your best handwriting and don't forget capital letters and full stops. 

Try to complete the first two sheets. The other sheet is there if you want to continue and do more.



Next, we would like you to spend 15 minutes practising your times tables. See if you can beat your own times. You could even set challenges. Remember that your times tables can help you with dividing too, like 10 ÷ 2 means how many 2s are in 10 so you can use your 2 times tables to work out the answer. 

Now you have warmed up your brains, you are ready for maths...


Your maths activity today is to complete lessons 1 and 2 from the link below. The lessons are 'Find a half (2)' and 'Find a quarter'. You will find them in the section called 'w/c 27th April.'

Don't forget to watch the video clips first to help you. You can either print out the work or use your exercise books to write the answers. Show any working out you need to do. 


Finally, make sure that today you set some time aside to read one of your Active Learn reading books. Don't forget there are questions there too to make sure you've understood the book. Do this for at least 15 minutes daily.

You could read your own real books as well if you want to! It's a great thing to do just before you go to bed! 

Don't forget, there are plenty of daily lessons on BBC Bitesize if you want more ideas once you have finished our work.