WB 27.4.20
Friday 1st May
Happy Friday Everybody!! Yay! I hope that you all have a brilliant weekend planned! Well done for all of your hard work this week! You are all doing a brilliant job!
(Sorry about this one.)
Why do seagulls like to live by the sea?
Because if they lived by the bay they would be bagels!
MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete of the Mathsphere activities in your book.
MATHS ACTIVITY: Arithmetic paper to either print out or answer in your book.
PURPLE MASH: An activity has been set about division and division facts called Dividers.
WRITING TASK: To write an explanation about our topic- Light and How We See. This can contain both formal and informal features as it will have scientific information about light and how we see but also, we need to make sure the reader’s attention (children) is focussed on what we have to say! Complete this by Friday 8th May.
Thursday 30th April
Good Morning Year 6! I hope you are OK! Well done again for working so hard! It is lovely to see your Purple Mash comments! New joke theme for the next few weeks- animals!
What kind of bird loves on a construction site?
MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the Mathsphere activities. Remember you can do this in your exercise book.
READING ACTIVITY: Comprehension paper. Remember you can do this in your exercise book.
SPELLING ACTIVITY: Complete relevant spelling activity in spelling booklets or complete the spelling activity I have uploaded.
PURPLE MASH: Bond bubbles has been set as a 2Do- a bit of a fun game thinking about quick recall of number bonds.
Wednesday 29th April
Happy Wednesday! Well done for completing your activities! It is great to see who is access the online resources like Purple Mash and Active Learn! Well done- keep it up!
How do you make a milk shake?
Give it a good scare!!
MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the Mathsphere activities.
READING ACTIVITY: Comprehension paper. Remember, you can answer the questions in your book.
PURPLE MASH: Create 3 new ‘Wonka’ creations- you should enjoy completing this!
PURPLE MASH: An E-Safety activity has also been set as a 2Do.
Tuesday 28th April
Hello everybody! Tuesday's work can be found below! Well done for completing your activities!
What is a pretzel's favourite dance?
MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the Mathsphere activities in your book.
GRAMMAR ACTIVITY: Noun or verb activity. Remember, a determiner comes before a noun which is a great way of identifying the noun!
PURPLE MASH: An activity has been set for you to do about producing your own chart or graph. Find out some information first for example people’s names starting with certain letters, or how many types of wildlife in your garden? Then when you collect your data, input it into a graph of your choice.
Monday 27th April
Hello Year 6! I hope you had an amazing weekend in the sun!! It certainly went fast! Make sure again this week that you plan time in to do some nice activities as well as completing your work!
What do you call a fake noodle?
An impasta!!
I actually really thought that one was funny!!
Time for work!
MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the Mathsphere activities in your book.
GRAMMAR ACTIVITY: Modals activity to be completed in your book. Remember modals help out the verbs in the sentences. They show the likelihood of something happening.
READING: Active Learn reading (x1 book per day/15minutes of reading). I have allocated new books for you all to enjoy J Please remember to answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the books!
TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: x10minutes daily times table practise.
PURPLE MASH: A 2Do has been set for you to complete about food groups.