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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

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WB 27.4.20

                                           Friday, May 1st.


Happy Friday Class 3! Can you believe it's May already? We thought we'd share some lovely photos with you this morning. Phoebe can't wait to get back to school and is missing it so much that she came downstairs in her uniform yesterday!

We are thrilled with the work you are doing and hope that you enjoy today's activities.



Your writing task today is to write a letter to a family member or a friend. When you write to someone you know well you write informal letters.


I have been writing to my elderly aunt every week as she lives by herself and enjoys hearing from family members. It must be lovely to get a letter through the post and know that someone is thinking about you!

You might want to write to someone in your family, maybe a grandparent or cousin you can't visit at the moment. You might want to write to a friend, maybe a friend in class 3.

 We have done some letter writing in school so I'd like you to think of this as an extended writing lesson. Plan your work and think about the context. What are you going to tell the person you are writing to? Will you ask them any questions? Check your spellings and sentence structure and make sure your handwriting is neatly joined.

 Write the letter in your book and then when you've checked it, you may want to copy it and send it in the post.yes  Have fun!


Look at the Power Points below before you start writing your letter. They will  give you some tips about writing an informal letter and how to set your letter out.

When you've finished writing your letter use the check list below to check your work.


Here is a times tables exercise for you. You can print it off if you want to or copy the sums and the answers in your book, or even just the answers, it's up to you.

I know that some of you enjoy the challenge of beating the clock but some of you will want to work through them in your own time. You can do all of them or maybe do a column or two today and finish the rest another time. Whatever you choose to do, work carefully!


Please read for at least 15 minutes every day.



Please go over your times tables every day Class 3.


We hope you enjoy today's work and that you all have a lovely weekend, fingers crossed for some more sunshine.


Mrs Williams, Mrs Ames and Mrs Hopley x

                                       Thursday 30th April


Good morning Class 3.laugh We hope you and your families are well and are managing to enjoy some family time together as well as completing your work. We are very impressed with the work you are sending in and your work on Purple Mash. Keep it up!wink


Here are today's activities.



I have set you a game to play on Purple Mash called Consonants and Vowels. It's on your Purple Mash 2Do list.

Use the forms 'a or an' according to whether the next word begins with a consonant or vowel. 



This is the last piece of perimeter work we are going to complete for the time being. Use your knowledge to answer these perimeter word problems.

You don't need to print this work, simply answer the questions in your book. Include your workings out if you want to!



Continue to read for at least 15 minutes a day please.



Please keep going over your times tables for at least 15 minutes every day.


Have a good day Class 3 and HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAPTAIN TOM MOORE!smiley

Wednesday 29th April 2020

Well the weather has turned again, but at least the rain is good for all the planting we have been doing for our science work! We hope you manage to get some fresh air, even if you've had to dig your wellies back out laugh

Here are your activities for today...



E-safety again today - this week looking at the benefits of using the internet for research, but also considering why this might not always be a good thing.

Complete the 2do on Purple Mash and use the questions down the side to help you create a mini poster. Enjoy! 


I'd like you to continue with your 'a' and 'an' work today.

Look around your home for items beginning with vowels and consonants. Make 2 lists in your book.


            A                                                           An

A book                                                           An ornament

A cushion                                                       An orange


When you have made your lists write some sentences as I have done in the example below.

 Remember that 'a' is used with consonant sounds and 'an' is used with vowel sounds.



I needed to find a bowl and a whisk before I could start making my cake.



We all had an ice cream after we'd finished eating our pizza.



I have set you two games to play on Purple Mash. One is to revise the fraction work we did recently and the other is to revise perimeter work. It would be great if you could do both!

Fractions Equivalence Quiz and Perimeter are both on your 2Do list. Enjoylaugh



Please read one of your Active Learn books or a book of your choice from home.



Please keep going over your times tables daily at home. 


Have a good day Class 3. smiley




Tuesday 28th April 2020

Good morning Class 3 laugh

To get you into a science frame of mind this morning, I thought I'd share with you my own sunflowers that we planted a few weeks ago.

They're doing well, don't you think?

After your activity today, I'm hoping you'll be able to tell me how to keep them growing big and strong!



Take a look at the Power Point below (in presentation mode) and then complete the 2do activity on Purple Mash! It would be great to see so many of you do the extra challenge again yes




Please complete the rest of the Articles 'a' or 'an' Booklet you started yesterday. Some of today's work might be a bit tricky - remember to use 'a' with consonant SOUNDS and 'an' with vowel SOUNDS. Check the Power Points again before you start the work if you need support.


Please complete the work below. Can you name all the shapes on the 3rd sheet?


Please read one of your Active Learn books or a book of your choice from home. Remember to record your work.


Please keep going over your times tables Class 3.


We can see that you are working very hard at home.

We are very proud of you all.wink

Monday 27th April 2020

Can you believe it's already the last week of April? Spring is flying by and soon it will be summer - although it already feels a bit like it with the beautiful weather we've been having.

We hope you managed to enjoy it this weekend laugh


Here's an emoji code breaker to get your brains in gear:

And now on to the activities for today...



This week we are looking once again at homophones. Take a look at the presentation below and see if you can slot the correct spellings into the sentences. If you're not sure what they mean, you could use an online dictionary to check!

Then have a go at the Year 3 Spelling Quiz on your Purple Mash 2Do list laugh 


We are going to continue with some grammar work we started just before school closed Class 3. I'm sure you will remember starting this work but I know that there were quite a few of you who missed it. Hopefully you will all have mastered this work by the end of the week.wink


Today's work. When to use articles 'a' and 'an'.

Here are some slides that will help explain and support this work.


When you have watched the slides and completed the warm up activities I'd like you to complete a few pages from the booklet below. You will be completing the rest of the booklet tomorrow so don't rush through all of it today. You can complete this work in your books if you want to.


We are going to continue with our perimeter work Class 3. You can look back at the slides I gave you last week if you need support.

I was very impressed with the work you completed last week. I hope you are enjoying it!


Please read one of your Active Learn books or a book of your own from home. Remember to complete the comprehension questions please.



Please spend at least 15 minutes a day going over your times tables. You will all be times tables superstars by the time we come back to school. smiley


Have a lovely day Class 3. Mrs Ames, Mrs Hopley and I are missing you all.
