WB 27.4.20
Hello Class 2!
We are now at the end of week 6! Thank you so much for your continued efforts with the home learning - it has been wonderful again to see all of the excellent work you have completed this week!
I hope that you enjoy today's activities which you can find below - have a lovely weekend and stay safe,
Miss Hill
Friday 1st May 2020
WRITING: Can you write a paragraph about this setting?
Write a setting description in your exercise books. Use the setting description checklist below to help you – remember to think carefully about your five different senses to help create an image in the readers mind. Use the word bank to help you.
MATHS: Place Value to 100: exploring further…
If you can't print out - write the question number in your exercise book with your answer!
The last exercise is an additional challenge looking at 3-digit numbers!
ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.
Thursday 30th April 2020
PURPLE MASH: Grammar – word families (root words/prefixes/suffixes)
I have made a little help sheet to help you remember the different grammatical terms
You may also want to complete this activity below:
MATHS: Place Value revision: matching numbers to amounts and part/whole models.
If you aren’t able to print the activity, don’t worry – you could draw the tens/ones blocks in your books yourself
ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
Active Learn Top Tips!
I am very impressed that you are enjoying lots of reading on Active Learn (as well as your own real books at home) - Well done!
Teachers are monitoring the use of Active Learn daily and updating book allocations regularly. We have noticed that some children have several books 'open' but not 'completed'. In order to complete a book, you have to complete all of the comprehension questions within the text. These are found by clicking on the small green bug icon - they appear on occasional pages. Once you have completed the question/s correctly, the bug will 'Go to sleep'. You can then complete the book, 'Close It' and then 'Rate It' with a smiley, 'o.k' or sad face.
We will then continue to allocate new books as you complete your books and they move into your 'Library'.
Keep enjoying the wonderful world of books! xx
TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.
Good morning all!
I was SO impressed with your Purple Mash work yesterday! The fact files about L.S Lowry were brilliant! Did you enjoy this activity?! I really enjoyed reading your work and all of the different facts! They were super detailed and very interesting
Below are your tasks for today...!
Take care,
Miss Hill x
Wednesday 29th April 2020
PURPLE MASH: Maths - matching related addition and subtraction facts.
E-SAFETY: ‘Internet Research’ activity on Purple Mash set as a 2do - make a poster about the pros and cons of using the internet for research.
GRAMMAR: Word Classes (nouns/adjectives/verbs/adverbs)
Nouns – person/place/thing
Adjectives – words that describe
Verbs – an action
Adverb – describes a verbACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.
Hi everyone!
I hope you are all well!
Thank you for a super start to the week with your home learning from yesterday! I'm always so proud to see how hard you're working!
Your Purple Mash task today is looking at the life of L.S. Lowry (remember our trip to the Lowry Museum?! It was super fun!) so I hope you enjoy the activity!
Keep safe and have a wonderful day,
Miss Hill x
Tuesday 28th April 2020
PURPLE MASH: We did lots of work earlier this year all about L.S. Lowry. Use the information below to help you create a fact file about his life.
MATHS: Numbers to 100: 2-digit revision. Can you complete the 2-digit number crossword as an additional challenge?
GRAMMAR: Adjectives – complete the activity below either on the worksheet or in your exercise books.
ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.
Good Morning!
I hope you have all enjoyed a lovely weekend in the sunshine! Below are your activities for today...
Your Purple Mash task is a spelling activity which I have set as a 2do for you to complete. I know that some of you have been having trouble accessing Purple Mash so please do not worry and try your best. If you aren't able to get on, I have listed the spelling words below for you
Thank you again for all of your wonderful work - you really are all doing such a great job!
Keep safe,
Miss Hill
Monday 27th April 2020
PURPLE MASH: Spelling quiz - the /r/ sound spelt wr at the beginning of words.
After you have done the quiz on Purple Mash, write sentences in your exercise books using each of your spelling words:
1. wrap
2. wrist
3. wrote
4. wreck
5. written
6. wrong
7. write
8. wriggle
9. wrestle
10. wrinkle
E.g. I hurt my wrist when I was playing in the garden.
MATHS: Comparing numbers using greater than, less than or equal to symbols.
Write the pairs of numbers in your exercises books and put a < or > to show which pair is greater!
GRAMMAR: Possessive apostrophes (open the PPT below to recap!)
Task 1 – List all the possessions you can see on the photo.
E.g. The girl’s kite.
Task 2 – Write sentences about all the possession you can see on the picture.
E.g. The girl’s kite is flying high in the sky.
ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.