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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

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WB 22.6.20

Getting ready to move....

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Good morning .... it's all getting very, very exciting....

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We're doing everything we can to take very good care of them!

Still image for this video

Friday 26th June, 2020


Good morning Class 1!

Where has this week gone? It feels like it has flown and it has been so nice to see some of you this week too. 

I hope those of you who are in school had a lovely day with Mrs Ames yesterday and I'm sure you worked hard for her. Today we are going to be carrying on with our work on counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, so keep practising! It will come in useful with your maths work when you begin year 2. 

We are also continuing with our work on instructions so try your best. I think you will enjoy today's task!

Have a lovely day, whether you are at home doing learning like I am with my children today and like Mrs D is with her two, or whether you are working hard for Mrs Ames at school. 

Enjoy the sun whilst it lasts!

Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton, Mrs Stow (and Mrs Ames and Mrs Platt!) smiley



First of all today I would like you to have a go of your times tables. You can go onto Times Tables Rockstars or you can have a go of Daily Ten or Hit the Button on our class page. We will be playing these games at school so maybe you could play them at home too?


Your maths today is to continue practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s using the number sequence activities below. 

You could warm up your brain with the songs from yesterday first.

The Counting by Twos Song | Counting Songs | Scratch Garden

The Counting by Fives Song | Counting Songs | Scratch Garden


This week you are writing your third set of instructions. I've been very impressed so far. 

Watch the clip below first on how to make toast. If your parents have any spare time then they may even want to make toast with you but it really doesn't matter if they can't. Think about the order that the little boy is making his toast and think about what ingredients and equipment he needs. Then have a go of writing a set of instructions for how to make toast. You can even do some pictures too if you have time. The sheets below will help. Make sure you use imperative verbs again and words like first, next, finally. Don't forget to start each new instruction on a new line with a number too. (And don't forget your capital letters and full stops!)

How to make toast in a toaster - With a 4 year old

Making toast - Cooking in the kitchen


Finally, make sure that today you set some time aside to read one of your Active Learn reading books or you can use the reading resources below or a real book. Don't forget there are sometimes questions there too to make sure you've understood the book. Do this for at least 15 minutes daily.


Please be aware that we may not allocate you any more books on Active Learn once you have completed your library. This is because there are a limited number of books per book band. Please access the Collins Big Cat reading resources, Oxford Owl online books or your own books from home. Thank you!



We are very impressed that you are enjoying lots of reading on Active Learn

(as well as your own real books at home) - Well done!

We are monitoring the use of Active Learn daily and updating book allocations regularly.

We have noticed that some children have several books 'open' but not 'completed'.

In order to complete a book, you have to complete all of the comprehension questions within the text. These are found by clicking on the small green bug icon - they appear on occasional pages. Once you have completed the question/s correctly, the bug will 'Go to sleep'.

You can then complete the book, 'Close It' and then 'Rate It' with a smiley, 'o.k' or sad face.

We will then continue to allocate new books as you complete your books and they move into your 'Library'.

We thought it would help to explain this to you, as some parents have been wondering why their child hasn't had any new books this week.

Keep enjoying the wonderful world of books! xx 

Thursday 25th June, 2020

Good morning Class 1.

We had another lovely day yesterday and did plenty of work. We hope you did too. We did lots of work on times tables and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and there will be more of this for you to do today. 

We also did really well with our grammar quiz. Did you have a go?

The internet safety quiz was really useful and we learned a lot. If you had a go too then well done!

Don't forget to keep looking out for Mrs Darnton's caterpillar update and also have a look at the class pages where you will find lots of stories read by Mrs Fryman, Mrs McClellan, Mrs Ames and Mrs Darnton. 

Today there is also part 2 of our RE lesson on the Holy Spirit. If you didn't do last week's lesson, I will put it on for you again. 

Have a fabulous day and enjoy your two days with Mrs Ames if you are in school. She is very excited to teach you.

Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton, Mrs Stow (and Mrs Platt and Mrs Ames!) smiley



First of all today I would like you to have a go of your times tables. You can go onto Times Tables Rockstars or you can have a go of Daily Ten or Hit the Button on our class page. We will be playing these games at school so maybe you could play them at home too? 





Your maths today is an activity called 'Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.' It gets harder as you work your way through so do what you can. There are some tricky problems at the end. Good luck!

Why don't you have a go of the songs below too?


Go on to your to-dos for today's grammar activities. You will find two activities to practise putting sentences in the correct order. Enjoy!


Here is the second part of last week's RE lesson about the Holy Spirit. If you didn't do it last week, I have put both lessons on below. There is a story and a film clip too. Enjoy!

Look! An incredible transformation has taken place!

We watched the caterpillars pupate- they are now all in their chrysalis form hanging from the top of the cup. 🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛

We have to make sure that we don't disturb the cup at all now for the next 2-3 days, whilst they harden. 

Caterpillars are exoskeletons - this means that they have their hard skeleton on the outside, we are just the opposite with our skeleton on the inside of our bodies!

Edward & Darcy even noticed that every now and then, the chrysalis wriggled!🤭

This is normal,  they are warning off predators!

Chrysalides need a very calm, quiet and safe environment,  so we've put some relaxing music on for them, just like we have in class!


Wednesday 24th June, 2020

Good morning and happy Wednesday!

We hope you've had a lovely week so far. We have had a nice second day in class and we hope you've had a good two days too. Each day we are working our way through the work on our class page and today it was so nice seeing work from children at home too! Mrs Darnton has been busy at home marking your work and recording voice messages. It was very funny hearing her voice ringing out around the classroom! 

We hope you are keeping up to date with the caterpillar news from Mrs D! She is posting regular photographs and even uploaded a video for you too! Did you see the names she has chosen? Scroll down if you missed them. 

Here is today's work. Have a great day.

Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow smiley



First of all today I would like you to have a go of your times tables. You can go onto Times Tables Rockstars or you can have a go of Daily Ten or Hit the Button. We will be playing these games at school so maybe you could play them at home too? Today we will be playing Hit the Button.


Today you have three activities on your to dos. They are all about practising your counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Once you have finished, see if you can write out your 2, 5 and 10 time tables. 



Your grammar today is to complete the quiz below. Good luck! 


Your e-safety work today is to read through the e-safety quiz on the Powerpoint with a grown up if you can and answer the questions. 

Look! This is sooooooo exciting!

Still image for this video

Tuesday 23rd June, 2020

Good morning Class 1. smiley

We hope you had a lovely day yesterday. It was so nice to see some of you back at school and it felt almost normal! It's surprising how quickly we got back into a routine. We hope you had a go of your times tables at home. At school we played 'Daily 10' and we got really good at our 2 x tables. Today we will play the  game with our 10 x table. Maybe you could do the same at home? 

Yesterday we started to watch an assembly which is on our 'Faith at Home Collective Learning' star on our class pages. Maybe you could watch these at home too? We watched the first part of the one about kindness. 

Mrs Darnton is also going to be keeping you updated with news of her caterpillars so keep watching this space! 

So here is today's work. We will be working through it in school in this order so if you want to do the same, that would be amazing! 

Have a lovely day!

Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow smiley



First of all today I would like you to have a go of your times tables. You can go onto Times Tables Rockstars or you can have a go of Daily Ten or Hit the Button. We will be playing these games at school so maybe you could play them at home too? Today we will be playing on level 2 of 'Daily 10' and we will be aiming to take about 15 seconds to answer each question on our 10 times tables. Good luck!



Today we are carrying on with our work on dividing. There are two more activities for you to practise your dividing skills. Don't forget that dividing means sharing into groups of... Also we found it useful at school to think about part part whole. That means that we take our whole and share it into the parts equally. 

Here are your activities...


Today you are going to practise writing some 'super sentences'. Just like yesterday, make sure that they make sense and that you have a full stop at the beginning and a capital letter at the end. Read them out loud to someone once they are finished. Correct any mistakes! Don't forget your best joined handwriting too!


Check in your to-dos for today's activity. You have to choose your favourite fruit and draw it and write about it. You could describe what it looks like and also what it smells and tastes like. Don't forget to give me your opinion and why you like it.

I chose names for the caterpillars 'out of a hat'....

Thank you for helping me name them!

I am delighted to announce that our amazing caterpillars are called:

Derek, Barry, Pinky, Trevor and Rosie!




Caterpillar update...


Well, you know the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' IT IS TRUE!

I have 5 very hungry caterpillars who are getting bigger all the time.

Thank you to all of you for your name suggestions - I am going to 'Pick names out of a hat' because I have had so many fantastic names to choose from. Mrs Stow & Mrs Craddock came up with 27 different options themselves!


We are waiting to see when they start to move towards to top of the cup, attach themselves to the lid and start to form chrysalides. This should happen in 7 - 14 days...

Are you as excited as we are?

This is them on Friday ...

Today they are about 3.5 to 4 cms long. Have you ever tried to measure a wriggly caterpillar? PHEW!

Monday 22nd June, 2020

Good morning Class 1. Today is a bit different as we welcome some of you back to school. We are very excited to see you and we're sure you are excited too. For those of you coming back, we will be spending most of our time in Class 2 and the library. I (Mrs Craddock) will be there on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as usual and Mrs Ames will be with you each Thursday and Friday. We are lucky to have Mrs Stow too each morning and Mrs Platt each afternoon. Mrs Darnton will be reading all your online work and she'll continue to write lovely comments and even record her voice to let you know what a good job you are all doing. smiley

If you are still working from home, you can rest assured that you will be doing the same work as us at school so we will all be learning the same. Of course, there may be time to do a few extra things too and I'm sure you'll do the same at home. 

I have ordered my favourite book to read to you too, so as soon as that arrives through the Craddock letterbox I will begin to read it. It is a longer book than usual and it will take us a few days to finish it. I am hoping to ask Mrs Stow or Mrs Platt to film me reading it so those of you at home can enjoy it too. Once we've read it, some of our writing will be based on the book. I am excited but won't tell you what it is just yet...I will keep you guessing! 

So, let's have a fantastic week! It is so nice to be starting to get back to nearly normal and we look forward to seeing all of you very soon! 

Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow smiley



First of all today I would like you to have a go of your times tables. You can go onto Times tables Rockstars or you can have a go of Daily Ten or Hit the Button. We will be playing these games at school so maybe you could play them at home too?


This week we are going to learn all about sharing or dividing into equal groups. There is a Powerpoint for you to watch first and then some Owlet work on dividing into equal groups that I think you will enjoy. We will be doing this at school so have a go at home too! 


Your spellings today are based around words ending in er/est. There is a sheet for you to practise first and then you need to go on to your to-dos and test yourself! At school we will be using our best handwriting to practise too. Maybe you could do the same at home? Here is the cursive alphabet to help you...


Your grammar today is there to give you some practice putting sentences in the right order. Don't forget to put capital letters and full stops and remember to use your cursive handwriting too.
