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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

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WB 22.6.20

Friday 26th June 2020



Here we are at the end of another week!

I'm very much looking forward to seeing some of you back in school in a couple of weeks time - it will be lovely to see you!blush


Your activities for today are listed below...


Have a super weekend everyone and stay safe,

Miss Hill



WRITING: Write a letter. Imagine that you are Duncan from the story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit.’ Choose one crayon and write a letter back to them!

MATHS: Presenting Data – Pictograms


(vertical/horizontal pictogram pictures with captions)

Choose which level of questions to complete – SET A/SET B/SET C

READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading - Collins/Oxford Owl/reading book from home)


TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day (TT Rockstars or any of the other times table websites) 






Thursday 25th June 2020


Good Morning! I hope everyone is oksmiley 

The weather is going to be beautiful again today so please make sure you enjoy some time outdoors once you have completed your home learningblush Perhaps you could post on our class blog and share what you get up to! 


Have a lovely day, 

Miss Hill



PURPLE MASH: Grammar – Sentence Types


Use the help sheet below when completing your task – you may want to look at this first to help you recap before completing the activity on Purple Mash.

MATHS: Block Diagrams and Graphs

ENGLISH:  Reflecting on the story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’
RE: The Holy Spirit 

READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading - Collins/Oxford Owl/reading book from home)


TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day (TT Rockstars or any of the other times table websites) 





Wednesday 24th June 2020


Happy Wednesday everyone! Half way through the week already!

I hope you are enjoying our work this week on The Day the Crayons Quit! Have you read this book before? Maybe you could let me know via our class blog what you think!smiley


Have a great day everyone,

Miss Hill 



PURPLE MASH: Maths - Interpret and construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables.


ENGLISH: Making Comparisons - similarities and differences.


Compare RED and GREEN crayon letters OR choose two other letters and find comparisons.

MATHS: Analysing Data

E-SAFETY: Read through the quiz (with or without a grown up) and answer the questions. 

READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading - Collins/Oxford Owl/reading book from home)


TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day (TT Rockstars or any of the other times table websites) 



Tuesday 23rd June 2020




Thank you for your super spelling work yesterday!! Great job!blush

If you haven't yet sent your report comment into school/dropped it off, please can you do this asap as we are busy preparing reports so they can be posted out. 


Have a great day,

Miss Hill 




PURPLE MASH: Famous Artist – Henri Matisse


Henri Matisse was a very famous artist. Read the information below and then complete your 2do activity on Purple Mash.

MATHS: Tally Charts and Pictograms

ENGLISH: Reading Comprehension – Choose one of the comprehensions below to complete (You will need to use the letters from the story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ to help you answer. I have attached my electronic copy below)

READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading - Collins/Oxford Owl/reading book from home)


TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day (TT Rockstars or any of the other times table websites) 




Monday 22nd June 2020


Hello Class 2! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend!laugh


I have lots of exciting activities planned for you this week! I thought it would be a nice idea to do some English work based on a story so this week I have chosen to plan your English tasks around the story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ which I’m sure you may have come across before! Some of you may even have the book at home! If you don’t have the story at home, don’t worry as I have made an electronic version for you to access!


Have a super day Y2!


Stay safe,

Miss Hill 



PURPLE MASH:  The /dg/ sound spelt as ge and dge at the end of words and sometimes spelt as g elsewhere in words before e, i and y. The spelling quiz has been set as a 2do activity on Purple Mashsmiley


1. badge

2. edge

3. bridge

4. dodge

5. fudge

6. age

7. huge

8. change

9. cage

10. ledge


Practise learning your spelling words throughout the week! Try to give yourself a mini spelling test on Friday and see how many you can remember! You could practise by writing a row of each word in your neatest handwriting like my examples below...blush


MATHS: Statistics – Tables


This week in maths, we will learn about statistics and data. You will look at different ways of showing data and answer questions about graphs, charts, tallies and tables.


Open the activity below – choose which set of questions to complete. (SET A/SET B/SET C) Please complete at least one set of questionsblush

ENGLISH: Punctuation – capital letter, full stops and commas.


For this activity, you will need ‘Green’ crayons letter to help you! Rewrite the passage in your exercise book in your neatest handwriting and add in the missing punctuationlaugh

READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading - Collins/Oxford Owl/reading book from home)


TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day (TT Rockstars or any of the other times table websitessmiley


You may also want to have a go at the 'KS1 Ultimate Times Table Challenge' below.... GOOD LUCK!laugh
