WB 20.7.20
Monday 20th July 2020
Well year 4, it's the last week.
I bet you can't believe it, I know that I can't! It seems strange to be in school again this week without you. I will miss giving you all a farewell hug and a big pat on the back for all your hard work. I know that you are all going to be fantastic in year 5. I have been speaking to Mrs Johnston about how lucky she is to be having you as her new class. She knows that you all want to do well and that you always work hard and try your best. Please remember year 4 (almost 5!) that you are all amazing.
I thought that this week that I would upload all three days of work so that you can choose what you would like to do and when! The maths work is the last of the work for the Summer term, so it might be useful if you could take a look.
I hope that you all have a super Summer break, thank you all for your hard work and please remember to thank all the people at home who have been helping you over the last months, (and from me too please.)
Take care and stay safe.
Big hug to you all
Mrs Smith XX
Last Daily Smile
What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping?
A dino-snore!!
Monday's work
Purple Mash Spellings.
SU 1 Wk 4 Quiz
Look at the help sheet before you begin.
Complete the SPAG mat, SU2 Mat 3 please try to avoid looking at the answers until you have finished.
Bar charts. Read through the ppt to remind yourself about the basics of Time. Answer the questions into your books.
Active Learn
Read an online book or one of your own books. X15 minutes.
TT Rockstars x10 minutes practise
Tuesday 21st July
Greek Gods and Goddesses Top trump fact cards. Read through the ppt and fact files and make your own Top Trump style cards by using the information.
Purple Mash spellings SU1 Wk 5 Quiz
Look at the help sheet before you begin.
Complete the SPAG Mat SU2 mat 4
Read through the ppt and answer the questions into your books.
Active Learn x15 minutes
TT Rockstars
15 mins practise.
Wednesday 22nd July
Purple Mash spellings
SU2 Wk 1. Please look at help sheet.
Complete SPAG Mat SU2 mat 5
Have a look at this work and try your best. It is a bit tricky. Make sure you read through the examples first. Complete your work into your books.
Please continue to read everyday if you can.
Times Tables
Please continue to work hard with your times tables.