WB 20.7.20
Wednesday July 22nd.
Well Class 3, our last official day together. Mrs Ames, Mrs Hopley and I would like to thank you all for your lovely cards, gorgeous gifts and amazing videos. We feel rather overwhelmed - thank you so much to you and your families.
On a personal note, I would like to thank you for being such a special class - I have loved every minute with you all and will take away with me very special memories of my last year at St Matthew's.
Mrs Ames, Mrs Hopley and I are feeling very sad, but also so proud. You have all been amazing and have worked so, so hard. It's been a very strange year, but we have also done some wonderful things together and we hope that you manage to take away happy memories of your time in Class 3. We have had Gospel Singing with Mel, a trip to the Pyramid Centre and Warrington Museum, photo frames in DT, an amazing Stone Age Class Assembly, a Sports Festival at Broomfields etc, etc etc!
Here are your very last activities in Class 3.
I've attached some TIME WORD PROBLEMS for you to solve. You may need an actual clock to support this work.
Here is a maths booklet you might like to dip into during the summer.
Well class 3, I bet you are all EXPERTS in e-safety now! I am so proud of you and all of your hard work in every single lesson, whether you've been in school or at home. For our final e-safety lesson, I would like you to use all the knowledge you have gained to complete the Year 3 E-safety 2do on Purple Mash. This activity is all about 'dilemmas' and you need to choose a dilemma and then give advice or explain what you would do. I know you are all so sensible and I'm sure you'll have some great pieces of advice!
On a personal note, thank you once again for a wonderful year as your teacher, it has been a privilege to see how much you have grown and matured since Year 1 and I am overwhelmed by your amazing video, kind words, gifts and cards which were very unexpected and wonderfully generous. Have a fantastic summer and I'll see you in school when you are big Year 4s! Love, Mrs Ames x
Please remember to practise your times tables and read every day Class 3. Keep going over your tables during the summer holidays and read as much as you can.
Well done Class 3. You have been amazing.
Have a great last day of work and a lovely summer holiday.
Lots of love from
Mrs Williams, Mrs Ames and Mrs Hopley xxx
Tuesday July 21st
Good morning Year 3.
Tomorrow is our last day of class page work and we're feeling rather sad about it. We'll miss seeing all the work you are doing at home and 'talking' to you on Purple Mash.
This is the last push now Class 3, so keep going.
I've attached some more TIME work for you to do today. Read the instructions carefully and choose the activity that will challenge you.
I've attached a summer topic book full of great activities for you to choose from Class 3. You don't need to work through it in order, just choose the ones you'd like to complete. Have fun.
Keep reading every day Class 3. I know it's nearly the end of term, but please keep reading either your Active learn books or books of your choice.
Please practise your times tables every day. You will be super stars by the time you start in Year 4.
Have a great day!
Monday 20th July 2020
Good morning Class 3
Can you believe this is your last official few days in Year 3?
This year definitely hasn't quite been what we thought it would be, but we are all absolutely thrilled with how much you have achieved whether you have been at home or in school. You have made us all so very proud and it's definitely a year we will always remember!
Last week was a very emotional week in school as we said goodbye to some of you in person and Mrs Ames even managed a wave through the door too. We know you are going to be the most amazing Year 4 class in September
South Asian Heritage Month.
Do you recognise the child's voice? It's Jasmin. We are very proud of you Jasmin.
There is more information about South Asian Heritage Month on the BBC website.
Well done for all your amazing hard work on your spellings this year. I'd really like you to have fun with our last activity. Look at the Year 3/4 Word list and choose ten spellings then complete the activity below
We are going to revise TIME this week Class 3. You don't have to print this work, just answer the questions in your book. Use the video to help you if you get stuck. Can you write the answers in analogue and digital time? Don't worry if you find this work a little tricky as Mrs Smith will be going over it with you when you are in Class 4.
I hope you enjoy reading about George the giant tortoise!
Please remember to read every day and practise your times tables Class 3.